Water info nsw. We are the lead agency setting water policy in NSW.
Water info nsw Since December 2018, we have two legislative roles under the Water Management Act 2000: . How we work. It also leads We manage the state’s surface and groundwater and develop and implement plans for water security in NSW. NSW Publisher/Agency: Water New South Wales (WNSW) Footer Secondary. Groundwater is also a valuable resource for NSW, supplying 20-30% of all water needs. A Water Data Online provides free access to nationally consistent, current and historical water data (and related information) that is collected by the Bureau of Meteorology under the Water With 41 major dams and hundreds of waterways across the state, we play a vital role at the source of the state’s water, delivering two thirds of all water used in NSW. WaterNSW manages a complex network of dams, storages and pipelines to supply water to its customers across Greater Sydney and Regional NSW. The Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality provide water managers with tools and guidance on water quality for aquatic systems in Australia and New Zealand. Find more information about NSW water projects and programs. Water pollution and water quality. We manage the state’s surface and groundwater and develop and implement plans for water security in NSW. Statewide reports and specific river reports for: There are no views created for this resource yet. gov. It provides easy access to everything you need to know about water resources and how we manage water. Cloudflare Google DNS Authoritative. Contact us: P: 1300 662 077 E: enquiries@waternsw. This is one of the fastest and most convenient ways to pay your bill. The hydrography features provided through this web service include: * Waterfalls_springs * Bores * Hydroline * Named Watercourse * Damwall * StockDams * Reefs_Mangroves * HydroArea * Swamps_LSI * HydroArea_Main * . nsw. NSW Policy Data Skills Open Data Portals API. REGIONAL NSW DAM LEVELS. 94 % Weekly change of -0. This data is generally used for the management of our rivers, storages and the surrounding environment. This section includes maps for viewing and/or downloading, as well as interactive mapping tools. Popular pages. This is an important Consult on the draft NSW Groundwater Strategy, setting the strategic priorities for long-term groundwater resource management in NSW to support the state’s economy, communities and the environment. com. NSW Environmental Data Dataset description: River, stream, dam and bore data displayed on a map. Figure 10 shows a simplified picture of groundwater resources in NSW and Figure 11 shows major regulated rivers and unregulated river water sources. east. au (02) 4930 1030 Private Bag 2010, 1PSQ, Level 14, 169 Macquarie Street Parramatta, NSW 2150. A fee is charged by NSW LRS. Water. We work with the water sector to ensure we have a strategic approach to managing water, and support sustainable environments, Water monitoring station maps, hydrogeological maps and interactive mapping tools. Information on how drought is managed in NSW and what you can do to help preserve our most precious resource – water. The State of New South Wales (including the NSW Department of Groundwater is also a valuable resource for NSW, supplying 20-30% of all water needs. Fish deaths in Menindee For information about General. How drinking water quality is managed; Importance of drinking water for public health; Report water pollution including concerns about drinking Fees applied by NSW Land Registry Services to cover the cost of Water Access Licence Register transactions and for issuing new water access licence certificates. Need an interpreter? The NSW Government is committed to implementing a robust measurement framework that improves the standard and coverage of metering equipment across NSW. Most of these local plans have been superseded by the whole-of valley plans, 10 remain in force. It allows users to view and download standardised data and reports. Develop The NSW Water Strategy takes a strategic and integrated approach to looking after the state’s water. au. Need an interpreter? 1PSQ, Level 14, 169 Macquarie Street Parramatta, NSW 2150. Reset password. The database provides a consistent and data-rich platform for the development of river management tools, systems and Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication is based on knowledge and understanding at the time of writing and may not be accurate, current or complete. It provides easy access to everything you need to know about Data regarding state river water levels, flow, and storage. The Water Usage dashboard is an initiative by the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water to bring greater data transparency and water resource insights to the people of NSW on water usage across different regions within the state. Australian Water Outlook. You can find prices in our Final Report or Determination. This is an important step in helping to build community confidence in how water is managed in NSW. We've expanded our hydrological services to enable the Australian community to better manage water resources and plan for potential hazards such as floods, drought, and fire. The NSW Water Register provides public access to information about water licences, approvals, water trading, water dealings, environmental water and other matters related to water entitlements in NSW. Our work. NSW Key NSW Data Legislation and Policies Data. Alemba provides self-service access to water supply, licensing, approvals, trades, billing, and real-time water data. I am . Charges applied by WaterNSW for water delivery services for water taken from regulated rivers. If your enquiry is related to water compliance monitoring and enforcement, compliance information or state significant development reviews please contact the Natural Resources Access Regulator via nrar. This includes water levels, flow and The department supervises NSW’s local water utilities – making sure the water and wastewater services they provide to their communities are safe, secure and sustainable. The Greater Sydney Customer Advisory Group: The Water NSW Act was passed by the NSW Parliament to establish WaterNSW, by merging State Water Corporation (State Water) and the former Sydney Catchment Authority (SCA). This helps to sustain all community values associated with aquatic systems. contact WaterNSW Water Data Online provides free access to nationally consistent, current and historical water data (and related information) that is collected by the Bureau of Meteorology under the Water Regulations (2008). WaterInsights is an interactive web tool, covering more than 800 water sources in NSW. By using or accessing the, you (the user, your authorised agent and any person/organisation you represent) accept and agree to comply with these Terms. Fish deaths in Menindee For information about the ongoing monitoring and management of fish deaths. e. 36 gigalitres (GL) of water to the Back to About us About us . The best way to submit your water order is using WaterNSW’s online water accounting system (iWAS). Greater Sydney. Allocation Assignments, Change of Licence Holder, Permanent Share - General Security (GS), Permanent Share - High Security (HS). We manage regional and metropolitan water supply use, and ensure water Dams in NSW. Allocations Data Collection; Marine and Coastal Studies; Flood and Estuary Studies; Physical Modelling; Numerical Modelling; Laboratory Testing Submitting a water order. NSW Access licence register. We work with the water sector to ensure we have a strategic approach to managing water, and support These are the uncached A, AAAA, CNAME, TXT, NS, MX and SOA records for waterinfo. DNS for Developers — Learn DNS once and for all. The guidelines help water managers to assess, manage and monitor water quality. Login. Water Monitoring Strategy – NSW Coal Basins We manage potential impacts from coal We last set Water NSW’s (regional and rural) prices from 1 October 2021. Real time water data portal host page. Minister for Water Rose Jackson said: “This major investment will help NSW level up on water efficiency, saving billions of litres of water and ensuring our cities, Spatial Services collects, stores, maintains and produces water spatial products based on surface hydrology features including lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, the coastline and drainage patterns. This is because of differences in their climate and geography. Section 43A reviews of water sharing plans – to review how water sharing provisions have contributed to The NSW Water, NSW Groundwater and Aboriginal Water strategies focus on common state-wide challenges and actions relevant across different regions. Issue of the WAL certificate After registration, NSW LRS will issue the WAL certificate to the WAL Real time water data portal host page. The NSW Government uses the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines to ensure our water is safe to drink. Domain name. WaterNSW operates the state’s dams, capturing and storing water, and then supplying it ready for distribution – for the environment, agriculture, industry and the community. Submit enquiries or feedback. With 41 major dams and hundreds of waterways across the state, we play a vital role at the source of the state’s water, delivering two thirds of all water used in NSW. Coastal Saltmarsh in the NSW North Coast, Sydney Basin and South East Corner Bioregions - Determination to make a minor amendment to Part 3 of Schedule 1 of the Threatened Species Conservation Act; Coastal Upland Swamp in the Sydney Basin Bioregion - endangered ecological community listing; Registering the WAL with NSW Land Registry Services If an application for a new WAL is granted, it is the responsibility of the applicant to present the notification to NSW LRS to register the WAL on the WAL Register. contact WaterNSW Bringing water data to your fingertips. On the other hand, the regional and metropolitan water strategies are place The NSW RCI was developed and first published in 2012, using the Framework for the Assessment of River and Wetland Health (FARWH). Supplier. The NSW Government has developed the NSW Water Strategy a 20-year, state-wide strategy to improve the security, reliability and quality of the state’s water resources over the coming The NSW Government has built a compliance and enforcement regime that ensures strong and certain regulations for water in the state. 05 KB) Greater Sydney. Installer. To pay with a credit card you need your customer reference number, which can be The NSW Water Strategy takes a strategic and integrated approach to looking after the state’s water. There are many projects and programs underway to improve the security, reliability, quality and resilience of water resources across NSW. The Great Dividing Range runs along the length of The NSW Hydrography web service provides access to a topographic map of New South Wales showing hydrography-related features and drainage. Where an activity has potential to degrade water sources, dependent Learn more about the NSW Water Strategy. 1%. Source: All Water Data - Groundwater construction Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication is based on knowledge and understanding at the time of writing and may not be accurate, current or complete. The panel includes experts from the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, experts in socio-economic analysis from within, and external to, the NSW Government, as well as an independent probity advisor. Environmental water recovery - Commonwealth. 36 gigalitres (GL) of water to the The NSW Gas Plan provides a framework for best practice regulation of the gas industry in NSW. Specifically, under this Act, from the 1 January 2015: State Water continued, albeit with a new name of Water NSW (WaterNSW); SCA was abolished; and The NSW River Styles Database captures information for more than 220,000 km of river reaches across NSW. With 41 major Real time water data portal host page. The Water Management Act 2000 applies to areas of New South Wales that have a water sharing plan. Watercourse level and discharge (Water Regulations, Category 1) time series data collected Back to About us About us . We are responsible for managing and allocating groundwater resources across NSW. The objectives, principles and priorities The NSW Government uses the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines to ensure our water is safe to drink. We will collaborate across the water sector, with industry partners and stakeholders, to deliver innovative infrastructure and water management solutions, with a focus on outcomes that support the health, well-being and prosperity of our customers and communities as well as the natural environment. Warragamba Dam visitor centre P: 02 4774 4433. We are the lead agency setting water policy in NSW. Water sharing plans are the primary tool to define water-sharing arrangements in NSW. We do this by using the best available science to inform our policy, and through legislation such as The NSW Water Quality Objectives include a range of water quality indicators to help us assess whether the current condition of our waterways supports the values and uses people want protected. This strategy is the first 20-year water strategy for all of NSW to improve the Data. From July 2022. The NSW and ACT Governments are taking important steps towards developing the first joint water trading framework to deliver an extra 6. Water allocation statements Review of non-urban metering rules Licencing and trade Water sharing plan status Local water utility performance The NSW Government WaterInfo website contains a range of provisional data from a range of State Government agencies concerning NSW rivers and water bodies. [1]With more than 40 dams across the state, The NSW and ACT Governments are taking important steps towards developing the first joint water trading framework to deliver an extra 6. GREATER SYDNEY DAM LEVELS. The 10-year plans set the priorities and rules for sharing surface water and groundwater between environmental and extractive needs, The Surface Water Science team in DCCEEW employs WaterNSW to monitor water quality at almost 200 sites every month within the major rivers and streams of NSW. 54 % Weekly change of +0. This strategy is the first 20-year water strategy for all of NSW to improve the Leading the NSW water sector in the strategic management of water to support environments, economies and communities. Water sharing plans are statutory plans made under the NSW Water Management Act 2000. Stakeholder engagement. What is the water usage dashboard. Here, you can learn, share, and We are the lead agency setting water policy in NSW. Water availability. The Water Usage dashboard is an initiative by the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water to bring greater data transparency and water resource insights to the people of NSW on water usage across Progress of the 2021 Implementation plan. Logout. The register amalgamates information from several public registers maintained by WaterNSW as part of its statutory responsibility to record water entitlement and water market WaterNSW operates the state’s dams, capturing and storing water, and then supplying it ready for distribution – for the environment, agriculture, industry and the community. Water User. It is useful for people in many sectors including farming, irrigation, environmental, education, and recreation, to name a few. lloyd-jones@lls. For more information visit NSW’s water efficiency programs. The NSW Productivity and Equality Commission’s report on reforming Local Water Utility funding aims to identify new sustainable, efficient and equitable funding models. Data Collection; Marine and Coastal Studies; Flood and Estuary Studies; Physical Modelling; Numerical Modelling; Laboratory Testing The NSW and ACT Governments are taking important steps towards developing the first joint water trading framework to deliver an extra 6. Popular About Data. Close. This data is used to understand long-term The NSW Government is committed to implementing a robust metering framework to improve the standard and coverage of non-urban water meters across NSW. . Don't have an account? Sign-up now. Learning Browser extension DNS lookup API . Need an interpreter? The NSW and ACT Governments are taking important steps towards developing the first joint water trading framework to deliver an extra 6. The framework applies a consistent standard across all water users in NSW and ensures that all NSW Productivity and Equality Commission review of Local Water Utility funding models. All new or replacement groundwater works must consider the Objects and Principles of the Act. The is Previously there were twenty-two local floodplain management plans, prepared under the Water Act 1912 (NSW) and Water Management Act 2000. You can register for iWAS online or by telephoning our Customer Service Centre on 1300 662 077. Visit the individual project and program webpages to subscribe to ongoing project updates. Find DNS records. Updated every weekday. enquiries@nrar. View on Google Maps. Water quality guidelines. The NSW Government is currently addressing the report and responding to its recommendations. WaterNSW uses data to make informed decisions. Today the dam continues to support agriculture across the 660,000 hectares of the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area centred around the towns of Griffith and Leeton. We work with the water sector to ensure we have a strategic approach to managing water, and support Usage dashboard: Historical water usage across different regions within NSW, presented by water source, licence category and river section. DPE. WaterNSW is a New South Wales Government–owned statutory corporation that is responsible for supplying the state's bulk water needs, operating the state's river systems and dams and the bulk water supply system for Greater Sydney and providing licensing and approval services to its customers and water resource information. Postal address WaterNSW PO Box 398, Parramatta, NSW 2124. The State of New South Wales (including the NSW Department of Actions taken through the NSW Water Strategy will need to contribute to one or more of these core objectives and align with the guiding principles. The NSW Government has established an expert panel to review proposals against the criteria for full projects. Status of NSW water sharing plans. Some of the data, since it is measured in the field, is close to real-time. For all other water matters please register and sign in to this Self Service Portal to log your enquiry. The cause of the outage was identified as an increase in demand for system access and data that put a significant strain on some WaterNSW IT systems that were located within the NSW PO Box 398, Parramatta, NSW 2124. Need an interpreter? A NSW Government website. The FARWH approach recognises the effects of Ourimbah NSW 2258 : Hunter Region (includes Lake Macquarie & Port Stephens) Jane Lloyd-Jones jane. The government monitors water systems in NSW and determines water allocations. The Natural Resources Access Regulator (NRAR) is Our role in water management. contact WaterNSW Credit card. Chemicals, litter and waste in our waterways and oceans can have serious impacts on human health, drinking water quality and the environment. Other DNS records are also available. Since the NSW Water Strategy was launched in September 2021 the NSW Government – together with our delivery partners – has made significant progress in implementing actions to achieve The State of New South Wales (including the NSW Department of Planning and Environment), the author and the publisher take no responsibility, and will accept no liability, for the accuracy, currency, reliability or correctness of any The Water Management Act 2000 helps to protect groundwater quality. DNS records for waterinfo. 5%. The NSW River Flow Objectives set NSW Minerals Council: Molly Walker : DPE - Environment and Heritage Group: Next meeting: 26 March 2025, Hunter Valley December 2024 Coastal-Hunter Valleys CAG minutes (PDF, 203. Logon to Metering and Measurement Marketplace. i. Licence and compliance: The current operating licence commenced on 1 July 2024 and expires on 30 June 2028 . From the ability to monitor water quality, to using data to determine how long a customer’s order will take to be delivered, to being able to The NSW Water Register provides public access to information about water licences, approvals, water trading, water dealings, environmental water and other matters related to water Want to view water data on a map? Are you interested in how environmental data is used? The Hub invites you to join our community of practice. Pay by credit/debit card. The Water Group is committed to building and maintaining respectful, Rivers and streams behave very differently on the NSW coast and inland. 36 gigalitres (GL) of water to the environment. We manage regional and metropolitan water supply use, and ensure water NSW Water Dashboards are an initiative by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment—Water to bring greater transparency to the water market participants in relation to information on the dealings in the water markets. The first major dam built for irrigation in NSW when construction began before World War I, Burrinjuck Dam helped drive the economic development of the Riverina as a major food producing region. WaterNSW is a State-Owned Corporation and one of the main government 1PSQ, Level 14, 169 Macquarie Street Parramatta, NSW 2150. Reset Password The NSW Government has developed the NSW Water Strategy a 20-year, state-wide strategy to improve the security, reliability and quality of the state’s water resources over the coming WaterInsights is an interactive web tool, covering more than 800 water sources in NSW. dsari wzbbc wmqz ydea vqr ntfsxc dnmob atuxdg uznwg pzfc wqmxr lbp lghtlg nbwbk pjnvp