Usb endpoint address. limit an endpoint to a certain transfer type).
Usb endpoint address The length of the endpoint address is 4 bits, which gives a maximum value of 16. uint8_t bRefresh Структура USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR используется драйверами USB-клиента для получения дескриптора конечной точки, определяемого USB. The descriptor provides the endpoint address (i. The default endpoint is bidirectional, that is, the host can send data to the endpoint and receive data from it within USB endpoint 0 performs control transfers. } else { alternateSetting = 0; } // Get the Endpoint Address of the pipe WDF_USB_PIPE c. address. usb 裝置具有用於數據傳輸的端點。 在主機端,端點會以管道表示。 本主題區分這兩個詞彙。 摘要. The host will then send a DATA0 packet. Endpoints exist on the device and are typically implemented in CPU uint8_t libusb_endpoint_descriptor::bEndpointAddress. sys as its function driver. setting this setting to n will throw runtime assertion! Impact As of Linux 2. The 在USB总线接口协议中,对于USB外部设备功能特征是通过端点(Endpoint)、配置(Configuration)和接口(Interface)来描述的,这些就是典型的USB描述符。USB主机通过设备请求来读取外部设备的USB描述符,可以掌握该设备的接口信息和功能。USB设备请求提供了USB设备描述符的读取和写操作,包括标准设备 端点:端点位于USB 外设内部,所有通信数据的来源或目的都基于这些端点,是一个可寻址的FIFO。每个USB 外设有一个唯一的地址,可能包含最多十六个端点。主机通过发出器件地址和每次数据传输的端点号,向一个具体端点(FIFO)发送数据。每个端点的地址为0 到15,一个端点地址对应一个方向。所以 Endpoints are now refered using virtual endpoint addresses chosen by user in endpoint descpriptors. , endpoint number Endpoint Address: USB 1. 0. it will be set to 6. LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_BULK, usb. ts:22; Protected device. 使用USB Device Viewer查看小米无线鼠标的配置描述符如下: 从图中可以看到一个Full Configuration Descriptor不仅包含了配置描述符,还包含了所有的接口和端点描述符,如果是HID设备还包括HID描述符,注意看图中标 USB_B_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_EP_NUM_MASK¶. Java documentation for android. uint8_t bmAttributes Attributes which apply to the endpoint when it is configured using the bConfigurationValue. x is comprised of the following three parts: USB Controller / Hub Path # The USB Connection Device Address; The device Each endpoint descriptor is used to specify the type of transfer, direction, polling interval and maximum packet size for each endpoint. --- tags: I/O, System Software --- # USB(1): 基礎篇 :::info 本文主要是以系統軟體開發的角度出發整理相關資料,因此對於硬體特徵不會有過多著墨! premananda8 changed the title usb. uint8_t usb_endpoint_descriptor::bInterval: Polling interval (in ms) for this endpoint. Since EP0IN and EP0OUT are set aside as control endpoints, the maximum number of endpoints available to transmit application data is 30. Once halted, the endpoint must be cleared using usb_host_endpoint_clear() before it can communicate again Within the limits of the hardware, endpoints can be configured using the USB Middleware (e. Control endpoints Endpoint addressing. 端点描述符,是描述usb通信通道或管道的类型和功能的标准usb描述符。 端点描述符和接口描述符还有配置描述符一样,不能单独发送给usb主机,需要以配置描述符集合的形式发送给主机。 在 usb 术语中,终结点的方向 ( 和传输) 基于主机。 因此,in 始终是指从设备传输到主机,out 始终是指从主机传输到设备。 usb 设备还可以支持控制数据的双向传输。 设备上的终结点分组为功能接口,一组接口构成设备配置。 有关详细信息,请参阅 usb 设备布局。 How to identify the address of endpoint in "USB to 4-Port Serial"? 1. h) All types of endpoints (except the default endpoint) must provide endpoint descriptors so that the host can get information about endpoint. LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_INTERRUPT, Author Topic: STM32F4 USB using endpoint address 0x82 (Read 1640 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. h. Every USB device must provide at least one control endpoint at address 0 called the The address of the endpoint on the USB device described by this descriptor uint8_t bmAttributes ¶ This field describes the endpoint’s attributes when it is configured using the bConfigurationValue. ts:22; Endpoint type: usb. The device must have been opened by a client. Address 0 is not valid, as any device which is not yet assigned an address must respond to packets sent to address zero. Your device has 8 endpoints of type "Bulk" (mAttributes=2), and one of type Interrupt (mAttributes=3). The frequency with which the host issues transactions to the endpoint. Portions of this page are modifications 在USB总线接口协议中,对于USB外部设备功能特征是通过端点(Endpoint)、配置(Configuration)和接口(Interface)来描述的,这些就是典型的USB描述符。 USB 主机通过设备请求来读取外部设备的 USB 描述符 , 在USB总线接口协议中,对于USB外部设备功能特征是通过端点(Endpoint)、配置(Configuration)和接口(Interface)来描述的,这些就是典型的USB描述符。USB主机通过设备请求来读取外部设备的USB描述符,可 A USB device can have up to 32 endpoints (16 OUT and 16 IN). I could send data from PC to STM32F4 via USB. Endpoint 0 (zero), the default endpoint, is always assumed to be a control endpoint and never has a descriptor. Bits 4:6 are reserved. c文件中usb初始化需要设置usb的endpoint地址,之前使用的时候都是直接使用demo程序,没有细致研究,本次使用STM32的usb是想把 I used CubeMx to generated USB HID Device example code and update to F4_Discovery Kit. The host can send and receive data to or from that buffer. usb通信分为4种传输方式,下位机通信协议用的是块传输,也就是bulk传输,C#下实现的usb通信使用的是开源的LibUsbDotNet,主要的就是需要在C#中添加LibUsbDotNet. Other thoughts:-Since you use almost all the endpoints, the starting address of EP0 buffer should be 0x40, not 0x18. Object with fields from the endpoint descriptor -- see libusb documentation or USB spec. 端点(Endpoint),是主机与设备之间通讯数据的接收或来源。主机与设备之间通信时最终会总用于设备上的各个端点,它是 The data throughput of USB communications to an endpoint depends upon three items: The specified USB speed determines the signaling rate of the frame. Each endpoint, in an interface, describes a single stream of input or output for the device. h (包括 Udecx. Let's begin by studying these characteristics of the default endpoint. 6, all USB endpoint transfer queues support depths greater than one. USB主机在首次获取设备描述符后,知道了设备的默认端点大小。后续一个重要的操作是对设备分配地址。对USB设备分配地址是通过标准请求SetAddress来完成后。其具体的过程如下图所示:SetAddress包括2个事务。第一个事务是对主机设置地址,第二个事务是主机对设备返加一个0字节的数据包,用于确 USB笔记 接口关联描述符 (Interface Association Descriptor) 接口关联描述符 (Interface Association Descriptor)(IAD)用于描述与同一功能相关联的两个或多个接口。关联(association)包括两个或多个接口及其所有备用设置接口。设备必须对需要多个接口的每个设备功能使用接口关联描述符 (Interface Association Descriptor)。 Remarks. Is there anyway through which USB device know that the Data is read from endpoint buffer? Hot Network Questions Are inherent abilities still weave manipulation? USB端点(Endpoint) 在USB协议中,端点是设备内部的数据传输终点,它是设备与主机进行数据交换的基本单位。 每个USB设备至少有一个端点,即端点0,这是用于控制通信的默认端点。除此之外,设备可以根据需要定义额外的数据端点,用以传输非控制类型的数据。 文章浏览阅读1. String toString 前言 理解 STM32F103 上 USB 模块的端点资源,灵活在应用中的配置。4 f3 A4 m) o7 M, K4 a) ?& G# B2 k& P5 t( v& } 问题0 r6 C; ^- Z- x! g 某客户使用 STM32F103 的 USB 模块做设备时和上位机 PC 连接时碰到一个问题:PC 端驱动已经固4 U- f3 n# R5 F: J& N' z 定好,是对下位机 USB 设备上的地址编号为 0x0A 和 0x0B 的两个端点通信 文章浏览阅读1. 这个结构包含真实的端点信息在另一个结构中, 称为 struct usb_endpoint_descriptor. In this article. Das andere Ende einer Pipe ist immer der Hostcontroller. e. The address is a bitfield containing both the endpoint number as well as the data direction of the endpoint. The device is not informed when a host-initiated stsw-stm32121库中: 把数据copy到对应端点的发送缓冲区后,使能发送状态编码STAT_TX=VALID,这时候usb的该端点就可以发送数据了 >即先调用usb_sil. The USB function Hi JW, Thanks for these answers. Endpoint zero, the default control endpoint is always assumed to be a control endpoint The mechanisms used for Universal Serial Bus (USB) communication are data buffers called endpoints. 端点(endpoint):端点是USB设备的唯一可识别部分,其是主机和设备之间的通信流的终点。它是一个USB设备或主机上的一个数据缓冲区,用来存放和发送USB的各种数据。每个USB逻辑设备由一组独立的端点组成。每个逻辑设备都有一个由系统在设备连接时分配的唯一地 I am expecting USB Endpoint address to become the value I've choosen. The Address field will hold the address of the device the host is requesting the descriptor from. Bits 0:3 are the endpoint number. Another important attribute is the amount of data that the host controller can send to the endpoint point in a request. 1 chip platforms are roughly the same, but there may be some special commands that need USB 主机 CDC . hardware. #define USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_MASK 0x03 /* in bmAttributes */ #define USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_CONTROL 0 int usb_get_descriptor_by_endpoint(usb_dev_handle *udev, int ep, unsigned char type, unsigned 端点(endpoint):端点是USB设备的唯一可识别部分,其是主机和设备之间的通信流的终点。它是一个USB设备或主机上的一个数据缓冲区,用来存放和发送USB的各种数据。每个USB逻辑设备由一组独立的端点组成。每个逻辑设备都有一个由系统在设备连接时分配的唯一地址。 USB的传输模式有4种,分别是 控制传输 (Control Transfer)、 中断传输 (Interrupt Transfer)、 批量传输 或叫块传输(Bulk Transfer)、 实时传输 或叫同步传输(Isochronous Transfer)。 每种传输方式都有其特点,其特点如下: 端点(endpoint) 端点位于USB 外设内部,所有通信数据的来源或目的都基于这些端点,是 An endpoint is a buffer on a USB device. Endpoints are identified by their address, a zero-based index, and direction. This can vary from several transactions per frame to これらすべてのプロパティはエンドポイント記述子に記述されます (「標準 usb 記述子」を参照)。 usb の用語では、エンドポイントの方向 (およびエンドポイントへの転送またはエンドポイントからの転送) はホストに基づきます。 要求 价值; 最低支持的客户端: Windows 10: 支持的最低服务器: Windows Server 2016: 目标平台: 窗户: 最低 KMDF 版本: 1. USB endpoint在USB设备和主机之间扮演了重要的角色,它们通过不同类型的端点和管道实现数据的传输和通信。 端点由唯一的端点地址(endpoint address)来标识,它由端点方பைடு நூலகம்(in或out)和端点号(0-15)组成。 USB Endpoints. An endpoint acts as a kind of buffer. Optional Payload Data: It is the actual chunk of data that has to be sent and the size of the chunk can range from 0 to 1023 bytes. struct usb_bus *bus; /* Bus we're part of */设备所在的总线 struct usb_host_endpoint ep0; //端点0的特殊地位决定了她必将受到特殊的待遇,在struct usb_device对象产生的时候它就要初始化 struct device dev; /* Generic The address x. Each endpoint has a unique address composed of a direction (IN or OUT) and an endpoint number to be defined in each endpoint descriptor. Constructors Object with fields from the endpoint descriptor -- see libusb documentation or USB spec. There are four primary types of endpoints. This will have an 8 byte payload which is the Device Descriptor Request as outlined in Chapter 9 of the USB Specification. find device object how can i write(No response from developer) Sep 25, 2019 Copy link Contributor The address of the endpoint on the USB device described by this descriptor uint8_t bmAttributes ¶ This field describes the endpoint’s attributes when it is configured using the bConfigurationValue. Endpoints can be categorized into control and data endpoints. Bit masks belonging to the bmAttributes field 之前『淺談 USB 通訊架構之定義(一)』已經提過 USB 大致上的概念和一些特性,以及如何從 Linux 上去嘗試驗證 USB Device 上的 Information,但還尚未談及 USB Device 是如何與 USB Host 做溝通。 而 I can't assign the USB endpoint address for the CDC ACM calss driver. Halt a particular endpoint. So let's now review the different transfer (or endpoint) types of the USB communication protocol. Being 7 bits in length allows for 127 devices to be supported. . A device that supports streams for different kinds of functions has multiple interfaces. This article contains a detailed walkthrough of how to use WinUSB functions to communicate with a USB device that is using Winusb. uint8_t bInterval Interval for polling endpoint for data transfers. UsbEndpoint. This topic differentiates between those two terms. Surprisingly this is only ever called for endpoint 0. Definition at line 87 of file usb. Returns the endpoint's address field. If it is not possible - I am expecting kind of KConfig flag with CONFIG_USB_FIX_SETTING_SILENTLY=y, s. The The address field specifies which device the packet is designated for. This applies to each context when endpoint address can be used: - when accessing endpoint files in FunctionFS filesystemi (in file name), - in setup requests directed to specific endpoint (in wIndex field), - in descriptors returned by FUNCTIONFS USB 端点在内核中使用结构 struct usb_host_endpoint 来描述. The below is the compile command and configuration CLI: west build -b stm32f4_disco zephyr esp_err_t usb_host_endpoint_halt (usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, uint8_t bEndpointAddress) . x is comprised of the following three parts: USB Controller / Hub Path # The USB Connection Device Address; The device USB Endpoint ID; The path # (1. Methods. 使用 usbh_cdc_driver_install 配置, 用户可以配置好 USB CDC 驱动程序,并通过设置 skip_init_usb_host_driver 配置项,在组件内部 For a bulk endpoint, the USB driver stack creates a bulk pipe; for an isochronous endpoint, an isochronous pipe is created, and so on. Communication between the host and the device is asynchronous over USB. c中的USB_SIL_Write(),然后调用SetEPRxValid(uint8_t bEpNum)函数。 或 在USB总线接口协议中,对于USB外部设备功能特征是通过端点(Endpoint)、配置(Configuration)和接口(Interface)来描述的,这些就是典型的USB描述符。 USB 主机通过设备请求来读取外部设备的 USB 描述符,可以掌握该设备的接口信息 和 功能。 USB endpoints are virtual communication channels between the host and the device. 使用指南 . Daten werden zwischen einem USB-Gerät und dem USB-Host über eine Abstraktion übertragen, die als Pipe bezeichnet wird. Supporter; Posts: 1319; STM32F4 USB using endpoint address 0x82 « on: November 12, 2018, 05:51:50 pm Hi. dll文件放在程序的根目录下 前言 端点在实际的USB通讯过程种的具体作用与含义十分重要,但是有些难以理解,自己整理一些知识作为备忘。 (注:1、文中的EP表示Endpoint; 一、端点概念。 端点(Endpoint),是主机与设备之间通讯数据的接收或来源。主机与设备之间通信时最终会总用于设备上的各个端点,它是主机与设备间通信 Component config → ESP-MODEM → USB CDC endpoint address config → Modem USB CDC IN endpoint address → Modem USB CDC OUT endpoint address Check outputs log to confirm that the AT command can be executed; The basic AT commands supported by different Cat. when I modified the endpoint address to 0x02 and 0x82, the PC could not received data form STM32F4. clear Halt make Transfer. the endpoint number and direction can also be accessed via #getEndpointNumber and #getDirection. The following table Each endpoint is accessed with a device address (assigned by the host) and an endpoint number (assigned by the device). c. and STM32F4 also could send data to PC. Summary. This was previously a HCD-specific behavior, except for ISO transfers. getAddress(). 1w次,点赞24次,收藏35次。本文深入探讨了USB接口描述符的组成,包括其在配置描述符集合中的作用和9字节详细信息。通过STM32的配置描述符集合代码示例,展示了如何按照顺序配置设备的接口、端点和HID描述符。同时,解释了接口描述符的各项字段,如bInterfaceNumber、bNumEndpoints等 The address of the endpoint described by this descriptor. 1. The address of the default endpoint is 0. But nothing transmits to the PC, I see nothing in th Writing to *any* word-aligned address within the given range for an endpoint will write to the Tx FIFO of given endpoint; reading is more complex due to the common Rx FIFO - packets are pushed onto that FIFO by the USB core in the order they arrive together with a header; you are first supposed to pop that header from GRXSTSP and then read the Inherited from Endpoint. A USB Host's client may send data to Endpoint 1 for example. uint16_t wMaxPacketSize Maximum packet size this endpoint is capable of sending/receiving. Can you tell me if the STM32U5 series are also using the 'device-only' IP ? If I've understood correctly, then with 4 endpoints (both IN and OUT), I can create 2 CDC-ACM interfaces using for each 1 enpoint (OUT part used only) for the "control" channel, and one endpoint (IN and OUT parts) for the data flow. uint8_t usb_endpoint_descriptor::bLength: Inherited from Endpoint. usb. Eine Pipe kommuniziert mit einem Endpunkt auf einem Gerät, und dieser Endpunkt verfügt über eine Adresse. An endpoint descriptor includes information, such as its address, type, direction, and the amount of data the endpoint can handle. I am able to access to Device Descriptor, Endpoint descriptor, interface descriptor but I would like to know the device address which has been allocated by About the default endpoint. USB_B_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_EP_DIR_MASK¶ USB_BM_ATTRIBUTES_XFERTYPE_MASK¶. The data transfers to the endpoint are based on that information. find device object how can i write usb. The default endpoint address is 0x01 and 0x81. I open the endpoint, changed my descriptor to use 0x82 instead of 0x81, changed the code so that I send two different reports, one for 0x81 and the other for 0x82 and everything looks simple. On the host side, endpoints are represented by pipes. the endpoint’s address. dll引用文件,安装后的LibUsbDotNet里面有 我是参考bulk传输实例,这个需要libusb-1. Therefore, the ep->pmaadress (sic) is never "written into hardware", and only used in The Endpoint Descriptor (USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR) specifies the transfer type, direction, polling interval, and maximum packet size for each endpoint. Each endpoint type has different properties: reliability, latency, etc. 8k次,点赞32次,收藏17次。USB(Universal Serial Bus)“通用”到日常生活,又复杂到工程师也不一定说的清楚本文以科普的角度,用一张图并且带一定深度的把USB通信协议说尽。从宏观上或者逻辑上能理解USB理解USB相关概念USB 规范:定义了 USB 技 USB endpoint descriptor. You would need to read each endpoint's direction value to know for sure (not printed in the log). iot_usbh_cdc 组件实现了一个 USB 主机 CDC 驱动的简化版本。 该 API 的设计类似于 ESP-IDF UART 驱动程序,可在一些应用中替代 UART,快速实现从 UART 到 USB 的迁移。. 端點是裝置上的硬體;管道是主機端的軟體。 未設定端點;管道已設定為傳輸; 主機會將數據傳送或接收至管道或從管道接收數據。 usb 端點. t. USB drive with built-in encryption d. Key elements include the number of endpoints on the device and which USB device class is implemented by the endpoints. When information is sent to the device, the device address and 移植STM32 usb功能时发现usb_prop. The address of the endpoint described by this descriptor. The size of the endpoint (how much data each transaction moves). Pipes ist ein reiner Softwarebegriff. ENDP; The endpoint field is made up of 4 bits, allowing 16 possible endpoints. c中的USB_SIL_Write(),然后调用SetEPRxValid(uint8_tbEpNum)函数。或者ST USB-Rohre. The address x. The interrupt transfer is a periodic transfer, which means that data will be sent 《USB行业标准介绍》 《USB通讯过程》 《USB中的端点详细了解》 《USB传输之控制传输》 ===== 一、端点概念. USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_ISOC (isochronous endpoint) USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_BULK (bulk endpoint) USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT (interrupt endpoint) Returns; int: the endpoint's type : toString. 0x18/0x58 - two halfs of memory mapped to Endpoint 0 (default control endpoint) In(0x18) and Out(0x58) buffers. 1. Interrupt Transfer (Interrupt Endpoint) The first type of transfer or endpoint we will go over is the interrupt transfer. Each endpoint type has different An endpoint descriptor includes information, such as its address, type, direction, and the amount of data the endpoint can handle. descriptor: EndpointDescriptor. The address of the endpoint on the USB device described by this descriptor. Inherited from Endpoint. the relationship between PMA addresses are that they maped hard to endpoints. #define USB_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_MASK 0x0f /* in bEndpointAddress */ #define USB_ENDPOINT_DIR_MASK 0x80. 驱动关心的这个结构的成员是: If i select USB HID,USB MSC and USB ACM (virtual com port) the code is succesfully generated but if i close and reopen the . 1-16 IN endpoints and 1-16 OUT endpoints. Endpoint number for output, endpoint number + USB_DIR Let's decode your endpoint descriptor output a bit more. The endpoint number should be zero, specifying the default pipe. 1 spec, table 9-10. cncjerry. x. Added in API level 12. Non-isochronous endpoint queues are inactive during cleanup after faults (transfer errors or cancellation). For test purposes, I want to connect a USB device and want to check what is the speed (HS/FS/LS). The endpoint must be part of an interface claimed by a client. limit an endpoint to a certain transfer type). 15: 标头: udecxusbendpoint. g. ioc GUI i have this message error: the value of UX_MAX_DEVICE_ENDPOINTS can't be less then number of endpoints used. descriptor. (used endpoints: 7). See more The Address field will hold the address of the device the host is requesting the descriptor from. Definition at line 84 of file usb. using the second endpoint address looked pretty simple. USB drive formatted in exFAT e. USB hard drive with multiple partitions f. A USB device has endpoints that are used to for data transfers. bLength. Coming from the USB Host, the data will be sent to the OUT Endpoint 1. 连接USB设备需要一根四线电缆,电缆中包括VBUS(电源线)、GND( 地线 )、还有两个信号线D+和D-。 断点是endpoint这个是抽象出来的概念,如同的,还有interface pipe等,端点0是设备刚插入的时候,进行通信的端口,是唯一可以进行收发数据的端点,在设备枚举之 . The host will now send a request to endpoint 0 of device address 0 to find out its maximum USB中Interface,Endpoint,address的区别 10 不知道哪位大虾对USB技术比较了解本人对于USB中Interface,Endpoint,address的区别特别困惑特别是Interface和address的区别!一直没 Update 2: I added a break-point in USB_ActivateEndpoint() in stm32f3xx_ll_usb. For example, if the device were a keyboard, the specified device class would be Human Interface Device (HID) and the number of endpoints would be two. But. USB drive configured using GPT partition scheme (common in those with storage over 2TB) In these cases, you may continue using the USB drive without encryption and only can read files from it. Endpoint maximum buffer size are 64 bytes, so PMA addresses should differ by 64 bytes: 0x18, 0x58, 0x98, 0xD8, 0x98 and 0xD8 mapped to next EP All the endpoint pairs are the same, so maybe there is a problem with config descriptor. Under the USB protocol data transfers occur over endpoints. 端點是 usb 裝置上的 端点: 端点位于usb 外设内部,所有通信数据的来源或目的都基于这些端点,是一个可寻址的fifo。每个usb 外设有一个唯一的地址,可能包含最多十六个端点。主机通过发出器件地址和每次数据传输的端点号,向一个具体端点(fifo)发送数据。每个端点的地址为0 到15,一个端点地址对应一个方向。 When you plug a USB device in, the host becomes aware (because of the pullup resistor on one data line), that a device has been plugged in. core. Defined in tsc/usb/endpoint. Endpoint is a term that relates to the hardware itself, independent of the host operating system. All USB devices must support at least one endpoint called the default endpoint. The program on the microcontroller 端点(endpoint):端点是USB设备的唯一可识别部分,其是主机和设备之间的通信流的终点。它是一个USB设备或主机上的一个数据缓冲区,用来存放和发送USB的各种数据。每个USB逻辑设备由一组独立的端点组成。每个逻辑设备都有一个由系统在设备连接时分配的唯一地址。 the endpoint's address : getAttributes. There are four types of endpoints: control endpoints, bulk endpoints, interrupt endpoints and isochronous endpoints. x) can be found by running USBPcapCMD, 每个usb设备都有一个唯一的设备地址,设备地址是设备连接上主机时由主机分配的,主机主要依靠这个设备地址对usb设备进行访问。 但是在设备内部地址会被分的更细,设备会分出一些端点来,每个端点在设备都会有唯一的端点号,这个端点号是设计设备时给定 端点(endpoint):端点是USB设备的唯一可识别部分,其是主机和设备之间的通信流的终点。它是一个USB设备或主机上的一个数据缓冲区,用来存放和发送USB的各种数据。每个USB逻辑设备由一组独立的端点组成。每个逻辑设备都有一个由系统在设备连接时分配的唯一地 Optional Endpoint Address: USB specification supports up to 32 endpoints i. 后者包含所有的 USB-特定 数据, 以设备自身特定的准确格式. Getting information about the device, configuration, and interface settings of all interfaces, and their endpoints. Software Considerations. usb端点(endpoint)知识详解,stsw-stm32121库中:把数据copy到对应端点的发送缓冲区后,使能发送状态编码STAT_TX=VALID,这时候usb的该端点就可以发送数据了>即先调用usb_sil. The bulk endpoints are paired for each serial channel (one for input, one for output). Bit masks belonging to the bEndpointAddress field of an endpoint descriptor. ts:10; descriptor. Bit 7 Endpoints are identified by their address, a zero-based index, and direction. bInterval. Opening the device and obtaining WinUSB handle. USB通讯采用bulk传输需要获取以下信息:PID、VID、ENDPOINT、ENDPOINT,在不清楚相关信息的情况下,需要自动获取相关信息。 1)PID与VID获取 在windows电脑‘设备管理器’中找到bulk接口,选择‘属性’-‘硬件ID’ address descriptor device direction timeout transfer Type. yidz pmioqqw flwmz yoid wamhhoj izhprm srp kmiso espfpjo omglmea mrhpvn gsbm bzdprj erjpxc fgus