Suikoden runes guide Attacks a single Effect-Critical Hit odds increase by 50%, 10% Chance of Instant Kill. Suikoden 2 HD Remaster Related Articles. Questions. All shop locations listed above will have Holy Rune in its wares. Check if the game works and try restoring your game by using the Sync Saved Data option visible in step 4. Each person who can use a rune has a certain affinity with that rune. ----- SUIKODEN - Magic FAQ v1. Rune Shop Guide: How to Unlock and This rune also can be purchased later in the game at an Item Shop. 1 Chapters Gameplay Guides Secrets Suikogaiden Vol. Best Runes for Exploration This article provides some of the recommended runes that can be used in Suikoden II. Effect- 1. Equip the Fury Rune. Guides by Category. Check out a steb-by-step walkthrough guide for each game section, as well as tips for your journey here! Runes, or Wait. Please note that your characters cannot equip the orb itself, but only the Rune inside it. Talk to the Rune Master and select the "Attach" option. The staff at Suikosource have created many guides to help you through Suikoden Tactics. There are 2 types of Runes - Skill and Magic. They have ties with the universe, and are engaged in an eternal struggle of chaos versus order, often using humanity as their means to bring about their will. 0 (12/22/05) - Full ability/effect lists and locations for each rune, MP gain charts up to 60 SKL/MAG. To perform the first part of the Level 99 trick, the target character must be at Level 36 with at least 900/1000 EXP. Suikoden Tactics: Gameplay Guides for Suikoden Tactics. Check out all the characters in the game, including missable characters, how to recruit them in order, whether they're playable or not, and all their rune slots! To restore MPs, use mushroom to restore or stay in a inn or rest in your bed. However, they cannot be used in boss battles. Beginner's Tips and Tricks. It sometimes appears as a special item from the rune master in Muse, so make sure to obtain at least one before the city's fall. All Guardian Deity Combos and Rewards. Soul Eater is the Strongest. All Categories; Walkthrough: Tips and Tricks: Characters: Runes: Hunter Rune is a type of Rune you can acquire in Suikoden 2 HD Remaster. When progressing the game, make sure to fight enemies when passing through dungeons or head towards other cities to gain EXP <> Suikoden IV <> <> Character Rune Affinity FAQ <> <> By OmegaDL50 / David Layfield {RanmaDL50 AT yahoo DOT com} <> <> Version 1. Fury Rune A simple yet powerful effect that puts the bearer in a constant state of fury, increasing attack power by 1. When you buy the Suikoden 2 HD Remaster on any platform, you'll be given the option to start This is a location guide for Rikon in Suikoden 1 HD Remaster. In Suikoden V, they have a different function. This is Game8's walkthrough wiki and complete strategy guide for Suikoden 1 HD Remaster. Windy carries the “front” and Leknaat the “back”. For Suikoden V on the PlayStation 2, Rune Piece Guide by blazefeeler. Such an awesome character if you ever know and George Prime still has only 1 rune slot. . Elements are based on which runes are available, like Light and Darkness in Suikoden II or the Sun element in Suikoden V. All 108 Stars of Destiny Guide. A guide to which levels characters receive rune slots at. Compared to previous series, magic has become more useful in Suikoden IV. In the beginning, there was "darkness. "Protect" is only This page contains a walkthrough as well as other guides, tips, and tricks for Suikoden II. How to Trade Buy and Sell Trade Items at Trading Posts. Key. Free Prosperity Orb with the Remaster DLC Pack. Seifu in Suikoden 1 HD Remaster. Level Name Effect 1: Kindness Drop: Fully heal one ally 2: Protection Mist: Increase magic resistance to all party members for 3 turns 3: Kindness Rain: Recover 300 hit points to all party members Equip the Prosperity Rune to double the potch you receive. Sucks all enemies into a black hole, Read on for a list of the strongest Runes in Suikoden I HD Remaster, their skills, and why they are recommended to use in the game. Generally, this guide won't offer much How to Get Flowing Rune and Effects. List of All Runes and Effects. 5 times. An exhaustive database of all available runes in the game. Again, this is completely optional and a little difficult. Tips and Tricks; Best Party and Team Composition: Best Runes: Jeane can be recruited by talking to her at the Rune Shop in Antei. When a specific character is critically wounded or incapacitated, a related character may either protect them or become angry. Hand: Akaghi <60 SKL> <30 SKL> Ameria <60 SKL> <30 SKL> Andarc <60 MAG> Lightning <30 MAG> Axel <60 SKL> <30 SKL> Blue News Games Characters History Runes Fanart Gallery Suikosource Forums: 2025-03-16 Home News About Us. Upgrade Weapons to Level 15 The Gate Rune (門の紋章 Mon no Monshō) is one of the 27 True Runes. News Guides et Soluces Les Jeux Mangas Dossiers Chroniques. Neclord has no weaknesses so use spells that cause the most damage, like spells from the Lightning Rune or the Hero's Soul Eater Rune. The Pale Gate Rune is presumably Recruitment guide in order and list for all characters in Suikoden 2 HD Remaster. Developer: Konami Publisher: Konami Platforms: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S (Reviewed), PC ・ Heal with the Flowing Rune Shell Venus. Whenever entering a new region or dungeon, spend time defeating enemies in battle to raise your level before proceeding, using inns in nearby towns or consumables like This is a complete walkthrough guide for beating Suikoden 2 HD Remaster. Learn everything about Suikoden 1 HD Remaster, from its story walkthrough, Runes, and bosses, to all 108 characters of Konami's latest HD Remaster! Read on for a list of the strongest Runes in Suikoden 2, their skills, and why they are recommended to use in the game. All Categories; Walkthrough: Characters: Tips and Tricks: Runes: Armor: Items: Enemies: Bosses: Maps- Weapon Range affects how characters execute their attacks in Suikoden 2 HD Remaster. Suikoden's runes function as the game's magic system, providing various useful benefits, so here's how to track down some of the best. Here are listed the runes in Suikoden V. Hard Mode makes individual enemies more difficult to defeat, so succeeding in Hard Mode battles requires your party to have the highest level possible for the area you're in. 6 (1/26/06) - Minor updates and revisions 1. An asterisk means he or she(or it) has that rune slot available upon recruitment. Suikoden Tactics: Initial Runes / Rune Slot List A list of initial runes and rune slot info. Sylph Runes This is your first opportunity to acquire Sylph Runes, which are Suikoden's runes function as the game's magic system, providing various useful benefits, so here's how to track down some of the best. Cheats. Genso Suikoden Card Stories; Genso Suikogaiden Vol. Here are a list of the collectibles you can find inside the Village of the Hidden Rune. Just remember to heal or defend if you're low on HP so that you don't lose a party member. They restore 5 HP per turn per piece, and since you can attach up to 9 rune pieces of the same type to a weapon, you can potentially regenerate 45 HP per turn. Hand: Weapon: Helmet: Armor: Shield: Other 1: Other 2: Other 3 <Hero> 2: 1 <40> (*1) <25> Bandana: Robe This is a location guide for Mt. 2 Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Walkthrough & Guides Wiki; The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Walkthrough & Guides Wiki; Suikoden 1 Walkthrough & Guides Wiki; Suikoden 2 Walkthrough & Guides Wiki; Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition Walkthrough & Guides Wiki; Assassin's Creed Shadows (AC Shadows) Walkthrough & Guides Wiki Rune Pieces (紋章片 Monshou Hen) are items in the Suikoden series. Suikoden 1 HD Remaster Home Page. Even without Double-beat, He can do a multi-hitting. Magic Points. Attack beats Defense, Defense beats Special, and Special beats Attack. Select your game and press the Delete button at the bottom of the right sidebar to delete saved data of Suikoden 1 & 2 HD. It also parries and counters Special commands, dealing damage to the opponent. Cette première partie de la soluce complète de Suikoden se consacre aux chapitres allant de l'île du magicien au Manoir de Lepant. Pre-Order Bonuses. Here is a complete table to help you. " Gameplay Guides Suikoden Tierkreis Walkthrough Gameplay Guides Suikogaiden Vol. They possess a unique power in comparison to their ordinary counterparts. 5 (1/6/06) - Added a new section, more orb locations, rewrote a few things 1. The Fortune Rune is a critical piece, and the trick cannot be This is Game8's walkthrough wiki and complete strategy guide for Suikoden 2 HD Remaster. This is a list of unites: their names, characters involved, and This is a guide on winning Army Battles in Suikoden 2 HD Remaster. Ability runes, which grant the use of special Check out all the Runes in the game, where to get them, and how to equip and use Runes here! Deals about 300 damage to all enemies. Seifu, the locations of any treasures and recruitable companions, as well as a list of enemies here! ☆ How to Equip and Level Up Runes ★ Farming Guides: Money and EXP ☆ Castle Headquarters Guide ★ Army Battle Guide Suikoden III: Guides: Rune Slot Guide. Here is a guide on leveling up fast in Suikoden 1 HD Remaster. Obtain the Rune at the Guardian Deity Statue Here's a step-by-step guide to getting through the remaster of Suikoden II with all recruits and missables. Trading in Suikoden 2 is as simple as buying items from the Trading Post and selling them at another Trading Post. See information on Hunter Rune below including how to get Hunter Rune in the game, its effects and spells, characters who can use Hunter Rune! Suikoden 2 HD Remaster Related Guides. For instance, the Water Rune alone can make battles easy by giving a character access to healing spells as well as powerful Unite Magic when paired with another character with the The Rune Shop is where you can remove, equip, and manage your inventory of Runes in Suikoden 1 HD Remaster. Read on to learn what the best Here is a list of all of the runes that appear in Suikoden. If a rune enables multiple spells, I've listed them Suikoden IV: Gameplay Guides: Magic Point and Rune Slot Guide by KoRnholio and Shirofan. List of All Bosses; Clay Doll: Queen Ant: Varkas & Sydonia: Zombie Dragon: Assassin: Gigantes: Dragon: Anji, Kanak, and Leonardo: This is a full map and dungeon guide for Two River Sewers in Suikoden 2 HD Remaster. Shasarazade: Recommended Level: 55 . Read on to learn how each range type works, as well as a list of best characters for each range formation. 1; Genso Suikogaiden Vol. Down Rune A straightforward and Requires Level 36 Character and Fortune Rune . Learn everything about Suikoden 2 HD Remaster, from its story walkthrough, Runes, and bosses, to all 108 characters of Konami's latest HD Remaster! Best Rune Piece Water Rune Pieces Are the Best Rune Pieces in the Game. Games Suikoden I Stars of Destiny Walkthrough Suikoden Tierkreis: Gameplay Guides for Suikoden Tierkreis. Board Topics. 3 <> <> Based on the North American Release of Suikoden IV <> ===== Disclaimer : This document is copyrighted 2005 (C) by David Layfield aka OmegaDL50 and is not to be used without expressed permission by the Suikoden Tactics for Playstation 2 Rune Abilities Guide written by Yeblos (Brad Wayne) Contact: yeblos (at) yahoo (dot) com Version history: 1. This will let you equip an Orb to a character. Unite Attacks. Suikoden III: Gameplay Guides initial equipment, runes and items right from the start, as well as rune slot info. Learn the tricks to level up fast, EXP farming tips, and more! How to Get Prosperity Rune and Effects. List of All Shops. Suikoden Tactics: Magic Points Guide The guide details the Magic (Mages & Lazlo) or Skill (Fighters & Supporters) stats at which magic points are received. Fury Rune A simple yet powerful effect that puts the bearer in a constant state of fury, increasing attack This guide assumes you loaded a Suikoden I save file on starting a new game in Suikoden II. 2 Apart from the conventional ways of getting Fortune Rune, you can also get one from choosing the correct combination of the Guardian Deity Statues can also get you Fortune Rune. Judgment, learned at Rune level 4, does 1500 HP to a single enemy, making it useful in boss battles. List of All Runes; Alert Rune: Angry News Games Characters History Runes Fanart Gallery Suikosource Forums: 2025-03-22 Home News About Us. Apart from the conventional ways of getting Prosperity Rune, you can also get one from choosing the correct combination of the Guardian Deity Statues can also get you Prosperity Rune. Community Suikosource Forums Forum Rules Chat. Suikoden – Guide and Walkthrough PlayStation . Les meilleurs emulateurs PC Les meilleurs emulateurs Android Les fichiers bios Tous les Emulateurs Packs de Cheat Codes. Dropped from Enemies. Talk to him and he will create the Restaurant. You can buy runes from the Rune Shop in Muse. PC Saturn. When going for a grinding session, make sure to equip this rune to double your experience Skills are a type of game mechanic in the Suikoden series. How to Unlock the Castle Headquarters Defeat the Zombie Dragon in Chapter 2. By equpping the Fury Rune, Oulan will always have the Anger status on. Exclusive to Meg and Juppo Attack one enemy with a puppet. All Categories; Walkthrough: Characters: Tips Have High Levels. Games Suikoden I Stars of Destiny Walkthrough Gameplay Guides Suikoden Tierkreis Walkthrough Gameplay Guides Suikogaiden Vol. Where to Use Potch. Some runes are common such as fire and water runes. All Bosses. In the original Suikoden game, rune pieces act as a means to add more customization options in regards to upgrading weapons. se) ----- Runes are Magic and can exist in these different forms: Crystal - Rune that can be attached by a Runemaster. - If you want the Prosperity Rune, used for increasing Bits, go upstairs and talk to Ted, then leave the house right away. It has the power to open portals to other worlds and dimensions. Weaknesses: ・ Use Earth and Lightning spells Suikoden 1 HD Remaster Related Guides. Add up to 20 of any pieces per weapon; only the highest quantity is taken into account or last piece added in case of tie (Suikoden IV). Level Up Your Characters. Suikoden: Gameplay Guides for An exhaustive database of all available runes in the game. The Rune of the Gate is in fact two runes, the “front” and “back” runes, also called the “entrance” and “exit” runes. Read on to learn how to use and unlock the Rune Shop, its location, and more! Suikoden 1 HD Remaster Related Guides. Equipping a Fury Rune grants the Anger status permanently, keeping the 1. Free Fortune Orb with the Remaster DLC Pack. Rune slots with grey backgrounds are Suikoden 1 best party guide. List of All Runes. Log in to add games to your lists. Read on to learn how to level up fast, EXP farming tips, and what the maximum level is! Equipping the Fortune Rune allows the party to receive double the EXP after defeating an enemy. A list of the available rune slots and what level they open up for all characters. Water Rune Pieces are the best rune pieces to get in Suikoden 1 HD Remaster. You may have noticed that Kahn does a lot To open the Restaurant in the Headquarters, talk to Tai Ho after defending Two River City from the Highland Army. Tai Ho can be found on the second floor of the Headquarters when your castle is Level 2. BUT, the best melee character for me is Killey because he can get 3 rune slots early (I forgot at what level). Notify me about new: Guides. Additionally, Rune Orbs can only contain Runes specific to their purpose. The basic elements of Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, and Lightning have been used throughout every game in the series. Runes are Different From Rune Orbs. Initial Equipment / Rune Slot List by wataru14 and genso710. The character on the left performs the action. This will make farming and money managing much easier for you. Synergizes with Oulan's Angry Dragon Rune. Bad Ending: Escape the War . News. Check out a map of Cave of the Past, the locations of any treasures and recruitable companions, as well as a list of enemies here! ☆ How to Equip and Level Up Runes ★ Farming Guides: Money and EXP ☆ Castle Headquarters Guide ★ Army Battle Guide ☆ All Endings The staff at Suikosource have created many guides to help you through Suikoden. Also, the Hero's Soul Eater Rune isn't resisted by Sonya, making Final Judgement's 1500 damage important for bursting her down. Hand: Rune L. List of All Dungeons. I've taken the list of runes from the manual, as well as adding the extra ones not listed there (Cyclone, Rage, etc. Items from the trading post can only be brought and sold in another trading post. Some Runes are also treated differently across the series like the Pale Gate Here are listed the runes in Suikoden IV. Suikoden V: Gameplay Guides: Rune Slot Guide by Raww Le Klueze. Suikoden II: Guides: Rune Affinities by Blue Moon. During the war in Tinto, Nanami will ask you to stop Suikoden I: Magic Point Guide (Update) The table is now complete and lists all MP up to 9/9/9/9. Suikoden 2 HD Remaster Home Page. The first Trading A tier list of the best characters to use in Suikoden 2 HD Remaster. 1 By ZyXx (jockej@kuai. Characters are listed in alphabetical order, except the Prince who is listed first. ・After the wearer attacks, the rest of the Rune Pieces in Suikoden 1 HD Remaster are powerful items that offer stat boosts and elemental buffs to your characters and their weapons. Beginner's Tips and Tricks ## All Tips and Tricks Guides Tips and Tricks; Best Party and Team Composition: Best Runes: The staff at Suikosource have created many guides to help you through Suikoden III. After defeating the boss, the castle will be free to use and become the Headquarters of the new Liberation Army. While it is possible to find the same enemies in a different location, their item drops may not be the same as the ones in the Fury Rune is a type of Rune you can acquire in Suikoden 2 HD Remaster. 2 Chapters The staff at Suikosource have created many guides to help you through Suikoden III. Tutoriels. 5% chance of Thrust Back after Weapon Defense or Runes are used to summon various magical spells in the Suikoden series. How to Get Fury Rune and Effects. List of All Runes; Alert Rune: Angry Dragon There are many Good and Bad status effects, but their frequency of occurrence varies greatly. Rune Affinities. Joshua: Non-Combat Joshua joins automatically after treating the dragons at the Dragon Knights' Den. In For Suikoden Tactics on the PlayStation 2, Orb/Rune Guide by tumiwa. The target character must have a Fortune Rune equipped, so characters with no free rune slot like Pahn or Valeria are not eligible. Check out a list of recruitable companions, available items for purchase, as well as a list of enemies here! ☆ How to Equip and Level Up Runes ★ Farming Guides: Money and EXP ☆ Castle Headquarters Guide ★ Army Battle Guide Here is a guide on leveling up fast in Suikoden 2 HD Remaster. When you buy the Suikoden 2 HD Remaster on any platform, you'll be given the option This is a location guide for Cave of the Past in Suikoden 1 HD Remaster. ︎ Army Battle Guide: 16: Following your Gameplay Guides Suikoden Tierkreis Walkthrough Gameplay Guides Suikogaiden Vol. Suikoden 1 HD Remaster Related Guides. To unlock the Headquarters, you'll need to infiltrate the Toran Lake Castle dungeon and defeat the Zombie Dragon boss living inside the castle in Chapter 2. Almost any information you might want to know about the game is listed here. Magic Runes conserves MP Suikoden 2 HD Remaster has four endings which depend on your choices throughout the story and if you have recruited all characters. This guide also makes note of any non-playable runes mentioned in the game. 3 <> <> Based on the North American Release of Suikoden IV Orbs can be equipped at Rune Shops, where the respective Runes within the Orbs will be attached to your characters by a Rune Master. List of Map Locations; Gregminster: Magician's Island: Rockland Military Government Office: Mt. The concept of Heavenly Stars derives from the Suikoden series' inspiration in the Chinese novel Water Margin. Check out a map of Mt. Find Tai Ho in Headquarters at Castle Level 2. Rune Guide List of All Rune Types and Effects. If one chooses Attack and the other chooses Special, both take damage, but the one Rune pieces which can be embedded to the weapon (Suikoden I and IV only): Add up to 9 of the same pieces per weapon; using another piece and the former will be lost (Suikoden I). Buying Items and Armor in Shops; Suikoden 1 HD Remaster Related Guides. The 36 Stars of Heaven in Suikoden 2 are organized according to the different Heavenly Stars associated with their characters. Reviews. Also, unlike other elemental rune pieces, there's a Players will win duel battles by predicting and countering enemy's actions. Runes are split primarily into three types: Magic runes, which grant the use of spells. 2 Chapters Gameplay Guides Secrets Suikoden Card Stories Cards List Rune Head: Rune R. They are replaced by Weapon Runes in Suikoden II and Suikoden IV, as well as the Sword of Magic Rune in Suikoden III. Trading can be done by Chapter 4, before you establish a Trading Post in your Headquarters. RETROGAMING. Check this guide out for a tier list of the best characters to use, how we rate each character, and what each character can do for the team! ・Has a Rune ability that deals massive damage to a single enemy ・High overall magic aptitude and can carry three Runes: Luc <> Suikoden IV <> <> Character Rune Affinity FAQ <> <> By OmegaDL50 / David Layfield {RanmaDL50 AT yahoo DOT com} <> <> Version 1. Holy Rune can be dropped by the following enemies. Instant kill attacks, like Finger of Death and Hell, are great for battles with weak enemies. For this encounter, select Runes, then use Fire Spears to target enemy units and secure an easy victory. Suikoden I & II HD Remaster: Gate Rune and Dunan Unification Wars. See information on Fury Rune below including how to get Fury Rune in the game, its effects and spells, characters who can use Fury Rune! Suikoden 2 HD Remaster Related Guides. Some effects are so rare that you might never encounter them throughout an entire playthrough. Other runes are very rare and can only be found on This article provides some of the recommended runes that can be used in Suikoden II. Seifu: Runes like the Water Rune, the Wind Rune, and the Double-Jab Rune not only make your game easier, but some of them are also relatively easy for players to acquire early on. To go there, head to the second floor. All Tips and Tricks Guides. Runes Guide: How to Equip and Level Up. List of All Dungeons and the World Map. Effect-User always goes first in combat. In Suikoden 3, the playable characters vary in when they get each rune slot available. Gregminster Castle Map Guide and Collectible Locations. The best character-specific rune is Soul Eater, equipped by the Hero. 2 Chapters Gameplay Guides Secrets Suikoden Card Stories Rune Head: Rune R. Learn what Army Battles are, how they work, how to win them, when can it be unlocked, as well as how to set up army battle teams! Remember to select these special Rune abilities through the Rune Command in the Army Battle menu. Rune slots in Suikoden IV are determined by the character's MGC stat. Suikoden II: Guides: Rune Affinities. In Water Margin, 108 outlaws blessed by different stars, 36 of them known as the Heavenly Spirits, band together to rebel EXP Farming Guide: How to Level Up Fast. Check out a list of recruitable companions, treasures to find, as well as a list of enemies here! Rune Shop Guide; Library Guide; Headquarters Upgrades and List of Facilities; Item Shop Guide; Blacksmith Guide; Chinchirorin Dice Minigame Guide; Suikoden V: Gameplay Guides: Rune Slot Guide. So I placed at him Double-beat, Fury, and Killer Rune. Best Runes. The 27 True Runes (27の真の紋章; Nijuu-Nana no Shin no Monshou) are special runes in the Suikoden series. Runes List by Celes. Each playable character has different affinities with each rune; this list shows which characters are best with which runes. ). For Suikoden on the PlayStation, Magic FAQ by ZyXx. Part 1 - Unicorn Brigade Camp through Escape from the Mercenary Fortress Part 2 - through the events in Coronet Town Part 3 - Arriving in Kuskus Town through obtaining your HQ Part 4 - After obtaining your HQ through events in Greenhill City Part 5 - After leaving Greenhill through the For Suikoden on the PlayStation, GameFAQs has 27 guides and walkthroughs. Keep Using Magic Attacks Against Him. Runes List by Holy Rune costs 5000 Potch in every available shop where you can purchase it. Hard Mode in Suikoden 2 HD Remaster increases the stats of the enemies you'll encounter during your journey, so it is important to farm EXP as much as possible for your party to rise towards the challenge. 5x attack boost active for the entire battle. 300: Copper Flesh +50% defense to one character. This rune can also be acquired later in the game via an enemy drop, but it's more rare. Defend reduces damage from Attack commands. Their powers are connected. by Scott White on 13 March, 2025 With Suikoden’s 108 recruitable characters, most of whom can be added to your active party in combat, it means that players have an This rune is exclusive to the protagonist. Rune Type Effect; Generic Runes: Generic Runes can be Elemental Runes: Effect: Max Damage; Earth: Clay Guardian +25% defense to one character. List of All Bosses. Runes are upgrades that enable your characters to unleash special attacks and magic spells, whereas Rune Orbs are items that simply contain specific runes that can be used when equipped. If you pre-ordered Suikoden 1 & 2 HD Remaster, you will start with a Prosperity Rune, a Fortune Rune, and 57300 Potch. MP is required to utilize Magic type runes. Voice of Earth: Damage all enemies. Exclusive to sword-equipped characters with S-range. If you are increasing a character's stats with Stone of Magic items to reach a rune slot threshold, the character may still need to level up in order for the rune slot Go to Delete from the top 2 tabs and then find your game that’s causing Suikoden 1 & 2 HD shutdown. zcfr yulpeu bonf ypjuo vutwy kgu izzn gmit err uvv zukntz bzwym xwfksih bvad ynbsc