Stamina templar build eso Our primary setup involves running just one 5 piece set, that being Perfected Arms of Relequen, a Medium Armor set from the Trial Cloudrest! Relequen is the strongest pure Single Target set in the game, and any class that has the ability to maintain it effectively, with few exceptions, will see the highest overall DPS See more The ESO Stamina, Templar PvE build, offers insane single-target and AOE damage. This guide is a compromise where I'll be showing you a single skill setup and very few gear setups that might not be perfect for every single situation, but they'll be at the very ESO Builds Database - Gold Road Chapter Stamina Templar - Gold Road (U43) - ESO. . Mortal. Templar Class. The Elder Scrolls Online ESO. We have everything needed to dominate PVP. This build is designed for players new to the damage dealing role and focuses on damage output, survivability, and easy gear acquisition. Divine Wrath is using the Gaze of Sithis Mythic Set to boost your defense and survivability!Heartland Conqueror is a crafted Set that boosts the Traits of your Weapons, while Shattered Fate further increases your damage with a great boost to Penetration. Arcanist Builds. With a carefully crafted gear setup, strategic skills, and optimal champion point distribution, the Templar becomes a force to ESO One Bar Stamina Templar 95k+ DPS PVE Build Ft. solo stamina templar. First, Spriggan’s Thorns is a fantastic base game set that increases Weapon and Spell Damage, Max Stamina, and Penetration – perfect for dealing more damage and leveling up faster! Next, the Witchman’s Armor set is a MAGICKA TEMPLAR; STAMINA ARCANIST; MAGICKA NIGHTBLADE; WEREWOLF; Every fight in ESO is situational and ideal skill/gear setup is different for almost every boss. And no difficult rotations or Trials gear is needed to Lightbane is a powerful Stamina Templar DPS Build, that is using a 2H Weapon to clear Solo and Group PVE Content in ESO! A flexible Stamplar DPS Build with strong skills against single targets but also groups of enemies. Templars may lack power as a Tank but they are the best class to create a Paladin . I'm an imperial but i recomend to pick a redguard because templar's skills cost a lot, on top of that templars have bad passives regarding recoveries which makes really hard the stamina management during long fights. The MERCILESS Stamina Templar PVP Build is an easy to start with Beginner focused set up for Battlegrounds and Cyrodiil in The Elder Scrolls Online. HYPERIOXES. It is a bit more of a basic class on the surface, but can be build out to be a very advanced class when built well. ; The rise of hybrid builds that combine magicka and stamina abilities to create versatile playstyles. This is a dive into StamPlar build using the mythic Oakensoul The recommended items sets for the GRYPHON Stamina Templar Build are focused on a combination of damage and speed with the goal of destroying as many enemies as possible, as fast as possible! Stop wasting hours ESO Solo Stamina Templar Builds are in a fantastic spot right now and are able to pump out a tremendous amount of damage with what is absolutely the simplest rotation in the game! No really, it easier than you think! This is the perfect solo This build is intended for PvP of all kinds: battlegrounds, Cyrodiil, dueling, and Imperial City. Builds for Templars in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). The Best Templar PVP Builds for ESO!Stamina & Magicka Templar Builds for PVP Gameplay. They are able to call upon the power of the Sun itself in order to burn and smite their enemies and heal their allies Here's our best Templar Magicka build in ESO. Scribes of Fate PvE Stamina Damage Dealer Templar Sets Skills Champion Points Character Consumables Passives Buffs/Debuffs. Food: Jewels of Misrule increases Stamina and Magicka Recovery by 315 and Max Health by 3465. Use the power of your holy light and your weapons to smite the wicked. Nords, with their built-in resistances and bonuses to resources, make a great choice for Templar tanks in ESO. This basic information that is consistent across all of the DPS Builds has been moved! Check out this page here for the Top Races, Mundus Stone, SETUP #1 - MAGICKA OR STAMINA TEMPLAR (click the left/right ESO Best Builds for Endgame 2025: Top Picks and StrategiesWelcome, fellow adventurers, to another exciting dive into the world of Elder Scrolls Online (ESO)! As we step into 2025, the endgame content has become more challenging and rewarding than ever. Maximum Magicka: 16046. For the final two pieces of gear on this build Armor Of The Trainee is recommended for the extra Health The ESO Solo Templar Stamina Build for PvE is for players looking to complete solo content with a solid, survivable stamina class. Your choice of Stamina or Magicka should be determined by the majority of your active skills. the build basics. When starting out you can go 2h + Bow or dual-wield, however this build is going to be focused around a single bar build with a balanced availability 2nd bar. Cast Warding Contingency and attack with Endless Hail, Blazing Spear, Ritual of Retribution. The usual melee setups still work, but Wrecking Blow no longer offers great Major Berserk uptimes, while Merciless Charge + Biting Jabs divides our damage between direct and over time, so we’re almost entirely reliant on a The Best Stamina Templar Leveling Build For ESO. Switch bars and continue with Bloody Smash, Power of the Light, Carve x3, The KNIGHTMARE Build is a unique look at the Stamina Templar, integrating strong and easy to obtain gear sets with powerful skills and passives. By TheDeadJester • Updated 1 hour ago. By Kobayashi • Updated 19 hours ago. View all Sets. Templars generally have great tool kits for self-heals, and the rotation for Stamina Templars or Stamplars is one of the easier classes to Light Warrior is a powerful Stamina Templar DPS Build for every type of PVE Gameplay in ESO! The Build combines strong Weapon and Templar Class The SLAYER Build is an EASY One Bar set up for the Stamina Templar class in The Elder Scrolls Online. BFG – PVE DPS; Book Wizard – PVE Healer; The Keeper – PVE Tank; Venom – PVE DPS; Ultimate Arcanist Class Guide This build does just that! As a stamina Templar alongside the beast trap you have a passive bonus to crit damage, hence the need to have a high crit chance, so that is a very important stat The ESO Templar PvE Tank Build excels at self-sustain, survivability and group healing making it a great fit for beginners or Vet players! – pulls mob in to quickly clear out trash. You are playing a mortal for this build. ESO-Network. This Templar Beginner Guide will teach you everything you need to know about the Class in ESO! Templar is the Class of Light and Healing in The Elder Scrolls Online! An excellent option for Healer builds and damage dealers in PVP or PVE Gameplay. Welcome to my One Bar Stamina Templar Solo Build for PVE Gameplay in ESO!Light is a Heavy Attack Solo Build, using the Oakensoul Ring Mythic Set, Templar and Two Handed abilities to complete almost every PVE content alone. Ready to unlock EASY MODE? Hack the Minotaur. This build is intended for all levels of content: normal and veteran trials, normal and veteran dungeons, and general PvE! This build has extremely strong Single Target and AoE pressure with the abilities we have at our The ESO Solo Templar Stamina Build for PvE is for players looking to complete solo content with a solid, survivable stamina class. Damage, Healing, Defense, Sustain – we have it all! Not to mention this This guide will teach you the basics of building a Templar Stamina DPS and provide you with the necessary tools to start your journey as a powerful damage dealer in ESO. Build Overview. Gold Road PvE Healer Templar Skills Character Passives Buffs/Debuffs. You can mix in other abilites for even more damage, like Blood Craze for the damage over time and Caltrops for the damage over time and snare. Build Stats. Resource Management The sustain is great on this setup ESO One Bar Stamina Templar Solo Build. Necrom PvE Stamina Damage Dealer Templar Sets Skills Champion Points Character Consumables Passives Buffs/Debuffs Video. ESO Builds Database - Gold Road Chapter; Easy 110K+ Stamina Templar; Easy 110K+ Stamina Templar - ESO. ; The reworking of certain abilities, such as the Stamina Nightblade's Dark Cloak, which now grants a damage shield in addition to invisibility. From the easiest Overworld content to 4-man Dungeons alone, to the hardest Solo Arenas, like the Stamina Templar Build PVP for Cyrodiil and Battlegrounds. You want to do your best to have 1 ability from each class tree on both your front and back bar. Welcome! My build is based on using 3 instances of the "Markyn Ring of Majesty" ring. For this build I am playing as a stage 3 vampire. Everything you need to complete any type of PVE content and have fun in ESO! Below you can find Builds for every type of PVE in ESO. While they can fight from range using a bow, they will rely more on weapon abilities and tend to shine in melee range. By the_isatope8 • Updated 5 months ago STAMINA TEMPLAR – STAMPLAR META DPS. More Stamina Skills will require more The Templar is an extremely strong class in dps, heals, and tanking. Stamina Templar PVP Build – INSANE Burst Damage Potential plus SUSTAIN. Primary Sets. Coral Riptide can replace with Ansuul's Torment as body if you don't want to deal with stamina The Stamina Templar PVP Build Guide Page for ESO (The Elder Scrolls Online) is optimized for the beginner looking to get together a dedicated PVP build for the next in-game Whitestrake’s Mayhem event or a veteran player wanting to try Stamina Damage Dealer [Bloodrush] ESO Build Editor; ESO Tier List for Skills/Sets – Create; Gold Road Chapter. This Beginner Build is designed for 160 Champion Points and beyond in Templar Solo PVE Builds ESO. Maximum Health: 44694. Brutal Stamina Templar PVP Build For ESO – EXECUTIONER. This includes one bar and two bar builds for PVE, PVP, dps, tanking, and healing. TANK arrow_drop_down Orzorga's Tripe Trifle Pocket provides Stamina Recovery at the cost of Maximum Magicka. View all Skills. The One Bar Templar Build uses abilities such as Biting Jabs, Ritual of Retribution, Barbed Trap, Power of the Light, Camouflaged Hunter and the ultimate Ice Comet. ESO-Skillwerkstatt ESO-Datenbank ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron. What makes the Stamplar PvP build unique is the healing and burst damage it has. ESO Two-Sided Battlegrounds Overview in Update 44; Templar PVE Builds ESO. Everything you need to complete any type of content and have fun in ESO! Below you can find Builds for every type of gameplay in ESO. Rüstungssets. Key skills include: The best stamina DPS build for ESO in 2025 is the Dual Wield Nightblade build. Gold Road PvE Stamina Damage Dealer Templar Sets Skills Champion Points Character Consumables Passives Buffs/Debuffs. Unten findest du eine Liste mit allen Templer-Builds, die es auf ESO-Hub für jede Rolle gibt, hier kannst du auch deinen eigenen Build mit dem ESO Build Editor erstellen. It deals massive damage while providing powerful heals and support to your allies Ravenwatch and Imperial City no-CP Stamina Templar DD builds. The DEATH KNIGHT Build is the Templars in ESO actually make great melee fighters because they have high speed and a very easy rotation on a one bar build. Deal massive damage from distance or close range with this Powerful Stamina Templar Bow DPS Build for almost every PVE Gameplay in ESO! ESO Templar Class Beginner Guide. Die Skillung Stamina Templar 160 CP Build For Beginners PvE - PvE Solo Build des Users Grishjarta7181 in der Skillwerkstatt ansehen. Ravenwatch and Imperial City no-CP Stamina Templar DD builds. Evil Hunter is great for this build as well and it will increase your DPS significantly, try to keep it up all of the time which shouldn’t be too hard. Read More! The Best Stamina Templar Beginner Build For ESO. All equipped armor sets Hey, Charles here. Skills, gear, rotations, and passives. The build relies Stamina Damage Dealer [Bloodrush] ESO Build Editor; ESO Tier List for Skills/Sets – Create; Gold Road Chapter. Armor Sets. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. A One-Bar Stamina Templar Bow Build built for all types of PvE content - Vateshran, Maelstrom, EA, dungeons, you name it! Switch to Thief mundus in group content! By Cooperharley • Updated 1 week ago Powerful Solo Stamina Templar Build optimized for Solo Overland, Dungeons, Maelstrom & Vateshran Hollows Arena. Verstanden. All equipped armor sets ESO Build-Liste - Builds für alle Klassen und Setups; solo stamina templar; solo stamina templar - ESO. You can use it to defeat Overworld Bosses, farm Public Dungeons, complete 4-man Dungeons in Normal or ESO Builds Database - Gold Road Chapter; Solo Stamina Templar; Solo Stamina Templar - ESO. Setups. Magicka Warden Beginner Guide; 3. Arcanist Showcase; Magicka Damage Dealer [Arcane] Magicka Healer [Runemender] Stamina Damage Welcome to my Stamina Templar Beginner Build for ESO! Templar is the Class of Light in The Elder Scrolls Online, with access to powerful AOE Damage and support skills. Different variations of this build. Accept. This beginner build for the Stamina Templar class in The Elder Scrolls Online is a great place to get started, with TONS of AOE Damage, Sustain and Healing! ESO Builds Database - Gold Road Chapter; Archcleric Templar Tank; Archcleric Templar Tank - ESO. Diese Webseite verwendet Cookies, um Dir ein angenehmeres Surfen zu ermöglichen. Alle View the build Wood Elf, Stamina Templar (Current) from the user Wanderer37 in the ESO Skillfactory. Can be useful to have Void Bash two piece gear set instead. Damage, Healing, Defense, Sustain - we have it all! Not to mention this build works extremely well at any level, even under Maximize the potential of your Stamina Templar with our detailed ESO Stamplar build guide. Combine those two Sets with the amazing Harpooner’s Wading Main Bar – Dual Wield: Biting Jabs, Camouflaged Hunter, Power of the Light, Barbed Trap, Deadly Cloak, Flawless Dawnbreaker Back Bar – Bow: Resolving Vigor, Ritual of Retribution, Endless Hail, Poison Injection, Blazing Spear, Empowering Sweep Vampire vs. Magicka Warden Beginner Guide; The ESO Stamina Templar PVP build offers some hard-hitting burst, high mobility and great survivability. ABILITIES. Also includes setups for beginners. This leveling build for the Stamina Templar class in The Elder Scrolls Online is a great place to get started, with TONS of AOE Damage, Sustain and Healing – perfect for leveling FAST! The This build mostly relies on Biting Jabs for damage. Damage shield strength capped at Light Warrior is a Powerful Stamina Templar DPS Build in ESO for every type of PVE Gameplay, with strong single targets and AOE skills! Read More Powerful Stamina Templar DPS Build for ESO – Light Warrior. Nord. By Hyperwave • Updated 23 hours ago. This build is ideal for 4 or 12 man content on both normal and veteran difficulty. ESO Builds. The Best Templar Solo PVE Builds for ESO!Stamina & Magicka Templar Builds for Solo PVE Gameplay. Maximum Stamina: Willkommen auf der Übersichtsseite der Templer-Builds für ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). High Burst Damage, Very Good Healing, High Mobility. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on Best Templar Builds ESO. View the build Stamina Templar SOLO PVE from the user awgriga in the ESO Skillfactory. The Nord race is extremely hearty when absorbing damage, as their racial passives provide both bonus Health for taking damage and bonus Stamina for blocking those big boss heavy attacks. Equipped active Skills. I use Back Bar to trigger the 5-piece bonus of Powerful Assault and then break it to move into Agility to spam. ESO One Bar Stamina Templar 95k+ DPS PVE Build Ft. Spriggan’s Thorns is another fantastic base game set that increases Weapon and Spell Damage, Max Stamina, and Penetration. Deutsch; Light Warrior is a Powerful Stamina Templar DPS Build in ESO for every type of PVE Gameplay, with strong single targets and AOE skills! Read More Powerful Stamina Templar DPS Build for ESO – Light Warrior. Dampen Magic: Convert a portion of your Magicka into a protective ward, gaining a damage shield that absorbs 7351 damage for 6 seconds. Wir empfehlen dir, einen ESO-Hub Account zu erstellen, damit du deine Builds später bearbeiten kannst. It’s also capable of soloing most Hard Mode dungeons, and with some adjustments ESO Stamina Templar DPS Build. The Stamina Templar has amazing versatility, making it one of my favorite classes for PVP in ESO. Damage, Healing, Defense, Sustain – we have it all! Not to mention this Main Bar – Two Handed: Power of the Light, Biting Jabs, Rally, Binding Javelin, Extended Ritual, Crescent Sweep Back Bar – Bow: Restoring Focus, Elude, Resolving Vigor, Draining Shot, Living Dark or Toppling Charge, Remembrance Vampire vs. The Stamina Templar PVE build offers insane single-target and AOE damage. Stamina Templar: The Divine Warrior. Magicka Warden Beginner Guide; ESO Builds Database - Gold Road Chapter (Gold Road/U45) Templar Hybrid PvE DPS (Gold Road/U45) - ESO. From powerful PVE DPS Builds to Solo Gameplay setups for Solo Arenas like the Maelstrom Arena, Vateshran Hollows and The ESO Stamina Templar PvE build combines simplicity, power, and versatility. This build can be played in both CP and no-CP pvp without making any alterations to the build! This Stamina Templar build is by far my favorite build for the class! ESO Builds Database - Gold Road Chapter; No-CP Stamina Templar Builds; Dragonguard Vampire (Balanced) No-CP Stamina Templar Builds - ESO. German; Die Skillung Stamina Templar DPS build for end-game des Users Evrieleth in der Skillwerkstatt ansehen. The best PvP builds for ESO in 2025. Magicka Warden Beginner Guide; The Best Attributes For Solo Templar Builds. Stamina Damage Dealer [Bloodrush] ESO Build Editor; ESO Tier List for Skills/Sets – Create; Gold Road Chapter. Oakensoul Ring Necrom DLC. Stamina Templar DPS builds are a lot of fun to play, and can help the group with powerful buffs and debuffs to boost group damage output. Stamina Templar healer. Stamplar PVP Build, Elder Scrolls Online ESO. Trash Powerful Stamina Templar Solo Build for PVE Gameplay in ESO, that is using Heavy Attacks, One Bar only and strong Weapon and Templar abilities to defeat enemies and clear content! Read More Easy One Bar Stamina Templar Solo Build ESO The MERCILESS Stamina Templar PVP Build is an easy to start with Beginner focused set up for Battlegrounds and Cyrodiil in The Elder Scrolls Online. ESO-Skillfactory ESO-Database ESO-Raidplanner Garian Metatron. Templars have access to a variety of buffs and heals, making them versatile in both PvE and PvP. The Best Templar PVE Builds for ESO!Stamina & Magicka Templar Builds for PVE Gameplay. Mondus: The Shadow will increase your Critical Damage and Critical Healing by 14%. Stamina Templar is still in a weird place because so much of our power stems from a single expensive Magicka ability. Alle Sets ansehen. This build is intended for the new or returning player who wants a starting build with flexible options for skills and gear! Pickup this build if you want an ultra simple, easy and hard hitting build that can dominate in any content. Templar Class Builds for ESO Stamina Templar DPS builds are great for sustained melee-range damage. Everything you need to complete any type of PVP content and have fun in ESO! Below you can find Builds for every Primary Sets. Arms of Relequen and Pillar of Nirn are two powerful DPS Sets that will help you deal great damage and clear content! Deadly Strike is a great alternative Set for every Templar Build. Werewolf vs. ESO-Hub is neither directly nor indirectly related to Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax Online Studios, nor parent company ZeniMax Media, in any way, shape, or The addition of new sets like Deadlands Assassin and Crimson Oath's Rive, which provide powerful offensive and defensive bonuses. Welcome to my One Bar Stamina Templar DPS Build for PVE Gameplay in ESO! The build is using the Oakensoul Ring Mythic Item and a mix of Weapon and Class abilities to deal massive AOE damage that will help you clear every type This build is focused around pumping out strong AoE pressure while also tanky due to the front bar Sword and Shiel d! In addition, it is also focused on playing around the centurion theme, brawling it out with foes in Best Rotation for Infinite Archive Stamina Templar Solo Build ESO. ESO-Hub is neither directly nor indirectly related to Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax Online Studios, nor parent company ZeniMax Media, in any way, shape, or form. Read guide for more info. By ArzyeL August 6, 2024 January 29, 2025. Stamina Templar PvE DPS ESO build [Wrathstone /Update 21] You can find all our Pocket ESO Builds right here: Best ESO builds . Our main 5 piece set on this build is Shadow Of The Red Mountain, a powerful medium armor damage set that summons volcanos!. Potions: Crown Tri-Restoration Potion helps you to sustain a little more. ESO Builds Database - Gold Road Chapter; PvE Stamina Templar; PvE Stamina Templar - ESO. With the nerfing of health recovery in PvP that ESO Builds Database - Gold Road Chapter; solo stamina templar; solo stamina templar - ESO. An ally near the spear can activate the Blessed Shards synergy, restoring 3960 Magicka or Stamina, whichever maximum is higher. Welcome to the ESO Beginner Stamina Templar Build for The Elder Scrolls Online. PvE Builds – Dungeon & Trial. Arcanist. ESO Two-Sided Battlegrounds Overview in Update 44; Stamina Templar Beginner Build 160CP; Warden. Werewolf & Vampire do not offer ESO Stamina Templar PVP Build Setup. Magicka Warden Beginner Guide; ESO Builds Database - Gold Road Chapter; Stamina One-Bar Bow Templar; Stamina One-Bar Bow Templar - ESO. Whether you're engaging in single-target encounters or facing hordes of enemies, this build provides a well-rounded and effective solution. A sturdy, powerful and nearly indestructible tank with great sustain as well as group utility. So, get out there, experiment, and most importantly, have fun! the Stamina Templar build is an excellent choice. The Best Templar Builds for ESO!Stamina & Magicka Templar Builds for PVE & PVP Gameplay. Welcome to my Stamina Templar DPS Build for PVE Gameplay in ESO!Light Warrior is a Powerful Stamplar Build that is using the class’ unique skills to deal damage and restore resources. This Setup will help you complete almost every PVE content in game with success. It will lower your damage, but it’s very useful for fights where you have to dodge roll a lot. All equipped armor sets ESO Stamina Templar Bow DPS Build Setup. It’s generally best to treat a Solo Templar build as you would a Templar DPS by stacking one Attribute, either Stamina or Magicka, to do as much damage as possible. WW vs. Thanks for checking out this Live parse on Stamina Templar, a Bow/Bow build for PvE DPS, for the U42 Patch of The Elder Scrolls Online 😄 ESO Builds Database - Gold Road Chapter; Stamina Templar healer. By veryfallible • Updated 10 hours ago. By Hyperwave • Updated vor 19 Stunden. Throne and Liberty Builds; BG3 Companion Builds; ESO. By Anarothar • Updated 21 hours ago Powerful Magicka Arcanist Solo Build for the Infinite Archive in ESO and other harder content, with massive Burst damage and great defense! This amazing Stamina Templar Dedicated Solo Build, will help you progress inside ESO Build Editor Enchantments & Glyphs Gold Road PvE Stamina Damage Dealer Templar Sets Skills Champion Points Character Consumables Passives Buffs/Debuffs. This build leverages the Nightblade's stealth and burst damage capabilities to ESO Builds Database - Gold Road Chapter; Templar Stam DPS; Templar Stam DPS - ESO. Necrom PvE Stamina Damage Dealer Templar Sets Skills Champion Points Character Passives Buffs/Debuffs Guide. Downside it cost stamina and can be a burden to cast multiple times. Lost Depths PvE Stamina Damage Dealer Templar Sets Skills Champion Points Character Consumables Passives Buffs/Debuffs Screenshots. From powerful PVE DPS Builds to strong Solo Gameplay setups and sturdy PVP Builds!. By Mace Wolfheart • Updated 1 month ago. Everything you need to complete any type of solo content and have fun in ESO! Below you can find Builds for every type of Solo gameplay in ESO. Khajiit would be great too, you will gain a bit on dps but your stamina will drop really quickly just like an imperial. All equipped armor sets Class: Templar . Templars are the holy warriors of the Elder Scrolls Universe. Scribes of Fate PvE Ausdauerschadensausteiler Templer Sets Fertigkeiten Championpunkte Charakter Verbrauchsgüter Passive Buffs/Debuffs. Skills. The Stamina Templar is a versatile build that A Heavy Attack Templar build capable of soloing even DLC dungeons in Hard Mode difficulty. From the stealthy Stamina Nightblade to the frosty Magicka Warden, there's a build for every playstyle. By Cooperharley • Updated 11 hours ago. Trash Templar PVP Builds ESO. ESO Stamina Templar DPS Builds are in a fantastic spot right now and are able to pump out a tremendous amount of damage with what is absolutely the simplest rotation in the game! No really, it easier than you think! In this stamplar pve dps build we will cover the following: ESO Templar Leveling Build . When you gain experience, whether it be from killing monsters or quests ESO Builds Database - Gold Road Chapter; Stamina Templar - Gold Road (U43) - ESO. The Two-Handed Templar build is another powerful stamina option. You may Flex and combine ideas from these builds since there are many different ways to play StamPlar on No-CP. One piece of Velidreth completes the Set. Food: Not mandatory, but if you can find some, try to get stuff that increases either your health, stamina, and/or stamina recovery. Templars generally have great tool kits for self-heals, and the rotation for Stamina Templars or Stamplars is the simplest in the game, so MAGICKA TEMPLAR; STAMINA ARCANIST; MAGICKA NIGHTBLADE; WEREWOLF; DPS arrow_drop_down ONE BAR STAMINA DRAGONKNIGHT 109k DPS This build is capable of soloing every Veteran dungeon that doesn’t have a specific mechanic that requires multiple people. This class, with base game skills and easy-to-access gear options, can be very effective right from the start of the game. - ESO. Front Bar Powerful Stamina Templar Bow DPS Build for ESO – Javelin. By mgsnakes • Updated 2 hours ago. Pierce Armor (Morph of Stamina Damage Dealer [Bloodrush] ESO Build Editor; ESO Tier List for Skills/Sets – Create; Gold Road Chapter. By mgsnakes • Updated 9 hours ago. wcsrmaaeysuynadocwlzvcsaxrbpjpfesktlvrqjjxetgugdktbkvibsghafzapbgxxogu