Rebuilding smiths gauges This manual covers mechanical Jaeger/Smiths speedometers from the early 1960’s through (at least) the late 1970’s. com Location: Oregon, USA Excellent workmanship and restoration to like-new condition in every way plus he's way cheaper than anyone else. GAUGES: Instrument Specialties knows gauges. So I'm working on rebuilding these early Smith's dual gauges, and so far I've had pretty good success. 3x Land Rover Series 2 2a Smiths Gauge Instrument Dash Binnacle Clamps Jaeger. Replace any worn or Gauge Rebuilding. ImprovingCl Smiths Instrument Rebuilding: Smiths Electric Tach Conversions: Smiths Mechanical Tach Conversions: Other Services: 427 Cobra OEM Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Style 270° Sweep Electric Gauges: 427 Cobra and GT40 Smiths Instrument Rebuilding: Smiths Electric Tach Conversions: Smiths Mechanical Tach Conversions: Other Services: 427 Cobra OEM Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Style 270° Sweep Electric Gauges: 427 Cobra and GT40 Smiths Instrument Rebuilding: Smiths Electric Tach Conversions: Smiths Mechanical Tach Conversions: Other Services: New & Replacement Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Style 270° Sweep Electric Gauges: 427 Cobra and GT40 Speedometers: GT40 Smiths Gauges: E-Type OEM Replacement Gauges: Smiths Classic We also stock new and reconditioneed gauges including Smiths, Jaeger and VDO gauges. Phone: 914-381-3600 Email: Info@nisonger. J Speedometer - SMITHS - SN 6135/00 Speedometer - SMITHS - SN 6142/00 (All speedos are interchangeable FYI) Tachometer - Cable drive - RN 2312/01 Tachometer - Electric - RVI 2401/00 Fuel Gauge FG 2530/70 Oil/Water GD 1501/10 Save money and repair Smiths magnetic SSM and RSM instruments yourself. Smiths Instrument Rebuilding: Smiths Electric Tach Conversions: Smiths Mechanical Tach Conversions: Other Services: 427 Cobra OEM Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Style 270° Sweep Electric Gauges: 427 Cobra and GT40 Smiths Instrument Rebuilding: Smiths Electric Tach Conversions: Smiths Mechanical Tach Conversions: Other Services: 427 Cobra OEM Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Style 270° Sweep Electric Gauges: 427 Cobra and GT40 Speedometers: GT40 Smiths Gauges: E-Type Oil Pressure: Gauges & Voltmeters Smiths Classic Gauges: Smiths Parts & Accessories: What's Pedro@sound-smith. The worst of the lot was the oil pressure gauge. You don't have to do this. In the spirit of Kashif's absolutely amazing thread on rebuilding his ammeter, here is a story of rebuilding 40 year old Smiths speedo and tach units Smiths Instrument Rebuilding: Smiths Electric Tach Conversions: Smiths Mechanical Tach Conversions: Other Services: New & Replacement Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Style 270° Sweep This manual covers mechanical Jaeger/Smiths speedometers from the early 1960’s through (at least) the late 1970’s. Either missing or perished when rebuilding a dashboard. We sell instruments for antique cycles, and vintage cycle instruments. We take our original and damaged instruments and cosmetically restore and clean/lubricate them, so they look and function as they did when new at least, t Palo Alto Speedometer specializes in the complete repair, restoration, and sales of automobile gauges. 0 out of 5 stars 6 product ratings Expand: Ratings. By cheaper I mean I paid less for both Smiths Instrument Rebuilding: Smiths Electric Tach Conversions: Smiths Mechanical Tach Conversions: Other Services: 427 Cobra OEM Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Style 270° Sweep Electric Gauges: 427 Cobra and GT40 Author Topic: Smith Gauges rebuilding and gaskets (Read 478 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. Included are the parts for 1 New EMGO gauges look like the original Smiths gauges, however, EMGO gauges are approx 1/4" taller compared to original units. The hard part is getting the back of the gauges away from the front back plates without bending the needles. I have previously used Nisonger with good results but was wondering whether anybody knows a good address in Europe or better even in Switzerland? [E-Type] Rebuilding Smiths instruments. 25joncostello86 (549) 100% positive feedback; Price: $89. I plan on rebuilding mine in my Gt6. I hope it helps you understand this uniqe piece of mechanical wonder. 427 COBRA ELECTRONIC SPEEDOMETER. uk REFURBISHED USED SMITHS AND JAEGER GAUGES Nisonger Instruments is a full-service supplier of Smiths Instruments gauges and high performance components and trim items for Shelby Cobras and other high-performance applications. Restoration Prices (CAD): Some of the larger automotive gauges have locking bezels that are removable. com PO Box 182 Arlington Heights, IL 60006 224 595-2037 scott@smithsgagerepair. Our "factory-trained" technicians can rebuild virtually any post WW II Smiths & British Jaeger Instruments to function as new. Logistics and General Inquiries: Pedro Perdomo, Logistics Support and General Inquiries. Looking for non-working dual Smith's gauges (oil pressure/ water temp) for rebuilding. : SMITHS Some of the larger automotive gauges have locking bezels that are removable. 95 plus shipping. RESULTS: My extreme low temperatures the repaired gauge read about 10° fahrenheit lower. Magnetic Speedometer Repair is a book that shows you how. Jump to Latest 4. allard,ac,aston martin,austen, austen healey,bentley,bristol, british leyland,caterham,daimler,hillman,humber ,jaguar,jenson,land rover Gauge Repair and Restoration for Antique, Hot Rod and Classic Vehicles Bob's Speedometer has been in business since 1929 - for over 85 years, and is one of the world's leading gauge The newly introduced Smiths CTE3107/01 quartz movement replacement clock priced at $169. 160 PSI X 120 deg C (fuel pressure X water temp) 100 PSI x 140 deg C (oil pressure X oil temp) would consider rebuilding the gauges if new are no longer available A few months ago, I needed a Smiths dual-gauge for one of my projects. For the motorcycle crowd, Smith’s rolled the back lip of the bezel over to improve the instrument’s weather resistance and seemingly to ensure you couldn’t get into the gauge ever. gREgg-K I have a question regarding rebuilding the Smiths Instrument Rebuilding: Smiths Electric Tach Conversions: Smiths Mechanical Tach Conversions: Other Services: 427 Cobra OEM Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Style 270° Sweep Electric Gauges: 427 Cobra and GT40 1975 MG MGB Tachometer Smiths RVC 1410/00 AF Core as Is Needs Rebuilding. Then the inside of the can was painted with white epoxy paint (the only paint that will not peel, turn to dust) for many, many years. Parts could be a hang-up. I found that they have essentially the same works inside their different size cases. We can overhaul/repair your old Smiths / Jaeger gauge to original Specifications. Joined: Dec 2006. Made by Smiths in one of their original factories in Wales to original dimensions so they drop right into the original gauge holders. Learn more. It was VERY stuck, and you can see why. Britbike forum member. $99. Lee's Summit, Missouri, USA . mccann2002 Jerad McCann. The can does not have a single ding, dent or damage. Smiths gauges #832100 12/03/20 8:08 pm. Water Temp. Smiths Instrument Rebuilding: Smiths Electric Tach Conversions: Smiths Mechanical Tach Conversions: Other Services: 427 Cobra OEM Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Style 270° Sweep smiths and jaeger gauges. Completely strip and examine instrument. ) Custom work for street smiths and jaeger gauges. commando6868. Email: vintagebritishcables@telus. Aren’t they like an official Smiths service center? The other popular one is MoMa. Switch restoration: Clean, SMITHS GAUGES SMITHS INSTRUMENTS SMITHS GAUGES SMITHS INSTRUMENTS SMITHS GAUGES SMITHS INSTRUMENTS SMITHS GAUGES SMITHS INSTRUMENTS . My S1. Peter@sound-smith. Peter and his crew do an excellent job of disassembling, Speedy Cables has the skill to repair or restore both mechanical and electronic rev-counters from any vehicle. com We do Full Repairs, Rebuilding and Restoration on All Smiths and British Jaeger Dash Gauges Instruments. 2 product ratings. Skip to main content. Link to the Smiths gauges and senders in our shop. com Transform your Classic Mini's interior with authentic Smiths gauges and dashboard decals. net with questions or for a quote on your Smiths gauge repair. 4. Outro: artist:Rooster song:TelecastedA li Veglia, Smiths, VDO, Stewart Warner, Motometer, Jager gauges all seal the chrome or black instrument bezel onto a rolled lip of the instrument can- and must Gauge Restoration #1. All Smiths Cobra gauge sets are bench tested prior to shipment and are covered by a 2 year warranty Smiths Instrument Rebuilding: Smiths Electric Tach Conversions: Smiths Mechanical Tach Conversions: Other Services: 427 Cobra OEM Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Style 270° Sweep Electric Gauges: 427 Cobra and GT40 1975 MG MGB Tachometer Smiths RVC 1410/00 AF Core as Is Needs Rebuilding. Welcome to Mo-Ma Manufacturing Repair and Restoration We offer quartz conversions on most any clock, including foreign clocks such as Smiths and VDO commonly coined as “un-quartzable”. These are a perfect way of creating a detailed finish. Relocate the project to your sterile bench, above your meticulously clean floor that will allow you to find the parts you are about to lose. Whether it’s a fuel, temp, oil, amp, volt, vacuum, Smiths Instrument Rebuilding: Smiths Electric Tach Conversions: Smiths Mechanical Tach Conversions: Other Services: New & Replacement Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Style 270° Sweep Original Smiths Gauges. support@dandmrestoration. About Us; News; Contact Us; A range of SMITHS classic So I'm working on rebuilding these early Smith's dual gauges, and so far I've had pretty good success. Then the blue, light Our services cover the range of Smiths and Jaeger gauges, including Speedometers, Revcounters, Oil pressure gauges, Water temperature Gauges, Voltmeters, Ammeters to mention Service and restoration of Smiths chronometric and magnetic instruments. 0 6 product ratings. PLEASE HELP SUPPORT MY MOTORING ENDEA Smiths Instrument Rebuilding: Smiths Electric Tach Conversions: 427 Cobra Smiths gauges but featuring modern day air-core movements. Clean up everything with your solvent of choice, apply much grease and reassemble. I was feeling lazy, so I bought a new, 'Made in the UK' Smiths gauge from a place in England called Merlin Motorsports, who sell all sort of racing This kit contains all the parts to refurbish a 4" Smiths Jaeger instrument, such as the Speedometer & instrument cluster for the Land Rover Series 1 (86/88/107/109), Series 2-2A & Series 3. OP. When this tube is kinked or broken the Ether in the tube either escapes or can no longer apply pressure to the Bourdon tube inside of the gauge head. Facebook X (Twitter) Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp Email Share Link. Smiths Instrument Rebuilding: Smiths Electric Tach Conversions: Smiths Mechanical Tach Conversions: Other Services: 427 Cobra OEM Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Style 270° Sweep Electric Gauges: 427 Cobra and GT40 Speedometers: GT40 Smiths Gauges: E-Type Oil Pressure: Gauges & Voltmeters Smiths Classic Gauges: Smiths Parts & Accessories: What's This is the temperature gauge completely disassembled. TBolt72 OP. Go to http://www. Our Location; Contact; Speedo/Tach; Dial Concours quality service, repair, and complete cosmetic restoration of temperature, fuel, pressure, amp gauges, speedometers, tachometers and clocks. Continuation Range of Smiths & British Jaeger Original Spec Replacement Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Style 270° Sweep Electric Gauges: 427 Cobra and GT40 Speedometers: GT40 Smiths Gauges: E-Type OEM Replacement Gauges: Smiths Classic Gauges: Land Rover Combination Oil Press. Free shipping. Skip to content. This is usually due to a broken capillary tube. If you have one that has--as is so often the case--a cut capillary tube, I'd love to try to rebuild it and get it back into a working car. 5. Expert advice and quality parts for period-correct Mini dashboard restoration. Glenwood, Iowa USA. A wide range of matching gauges for your Specializing in classic gauge restoration and customization, especially early Broncos & Jeeps. GT & Roadster, Smiths Tachometer Gauge, RVC 1410/00AF MGB, GT & Roadster, Smiths Tachometer Gauge, RVC 1410/00AF. New Classic Gauges. P. Auto Meter Gauges. I tapped out the shaft using a hammer and bolt. Christoph_Widmer2 (Christoph Widmer) May 16, 2006, 6:26pm Smiths Instrument Rebuilding: Smiths Electric Tach Conversions: Smiths Mechanical Tach Conversions: Other Services: 427 Cobra OEM Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Style 270° Sweep Electric Gauges: 427 Cobra and GT40 Speedometers: GT40 Smiths Gauges: E-Type Oil Pressure: Gauges & Voltmeters Smiths Classic Gauges: Smiths Parts & Accessories: What's We repair or restore most foreign and domestic instruments mechanical or electronic: speedometers, tachometers, gauges, clocks, fuel senders, cables & ratio boxes for speed and Smiths Instrument Rebuilding: Smiths Electric Tach Conversions: Smiths Mechanical Tach Conversions: Other Services: 427 Cobra OEM Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Style 270° Sweep Electric Gauges: 427 Cobra and GT40 Speedometers: GT40 Smiths Gauges: E-Type Oil Pressure: Gauges & Voltmeters Smiths Classic Gauges: Smiths Parts & Accessories: What's Smiths is still in business, and following an employee buyout in 2010 launched a new line of replacement digital speedometers and tachometers, now available in the Safety/Dual Gauges: Smiths Parts & Accessories: What's New: About Us: Contact Us : Nisonger has been “The Source” for Smiths & British Jaeger Instruments in the U. 1980 MG MGB Limited Edition (LE) Topic Creator (OP) Apr 10, 2012 07:09 PM I don’t think you can go wrong with Nisonger. Elevate Your Drive with Customized Sophistication. SmithsGageRepair. Gauge rebuilding or replacement: Either refurbish original gauges or install quality reproductions. The Tach worked fine. 1 914 752 9136 ***** For Distributor and Dealer Inquiries ONLY: Peter Ledermann - President / Chief Engineer - Phone: 914 739 2885. 00. 97. 1; 2; You may want to check into some kits and do a price comparason. If so, that’s great. Posts: 320. If your gauge looks good cosmetically and the Bourdon tube mechanism Timeless Elegance Redefined: Classic Bespoke Gauges. Smiths Instrument Rebuilding: Smiths Electric Tach Conversions: Smiths Mechanical Tach Conversions: Other Services: New & Replacement Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Smiths Gauges: Rebuild Smiths Multiple Gauges; Rebuild Smiths Clocks A Guide to Classic Smiths Automotive Gauges. I. com Nisonger Nisonger is a SMITHS Magnetic Speedometer Gauge Repair, Smiths Tachometer Gauge Repair for Motorcycles. 0 out of 5 stars based on 2 product ratings (2 Smiths Instrument Rebuilding: Smiths Electric Tach Conversions: Smiths Mechanical Tach Conversions: Other Services: 427 Cobra OEM Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Style 270° Sweep Electric Gauges: 427 Cobra and GT40 Undo the 4 screws and seperate the two halves of the gauge. 7K views 7 replies 6 participants last post by JeffersonC Dec 25, 2009. Presently $200. Speedometer,Tachometer,Gauges,Clock,Fuel,Temperature Gauge,Repair,Restoration,SMITHS,Ferrari,VDO,Veglia,Jaeger. I was surprised to find them listed. 03 94574755 smiths gauges and senders. 5. Our standard Electrical gauge, overhaul / repair service comprises of the following: 1. was cheaper than the Smith gauge seller in the US. 95 plus At VBC we have the parts to repair your Smiths gauge properly. Underneath the gauge face, you will see a THE GAUGE SHOP info@Smiths-Gauges. The speedometer no longer worked properly, often getting hung up at 30 MPH and not dropping below. Joined Jul 28, 2012 Messages 240. VDO Gauges. and Sun. E-Type. 05/03/148:16 pm Re: Rebuild Smiths Gauges (Speedometer Tachometer) downhere 05/27/148:02 pm Re: Rebuild With my new Comstock designed electronic drive conversion kit it totally resolves the mechanical issues of the original magnetic and chronometric Smiths gauges and eliminates the cables as well (and cost). As of 15OCT21 Nisonger’s no longer rebuilds, only sells, gauges. A complete quartz conversion of your existing clock for just $189. When it comes to rebuilding English Smiths and Lucas gauges, we have relied on Nisonger for most of our project cars. Smiths Gauges Smiths Instruments Gauges and Senders. If you have one that has--as is so often the case--a cut capillary tube, I'd love to try to rebuild it and get it back into a Smiths Instrument Rebuilding: Smiths Electric Tach Conversions: Smiths Mechanical Tach Conversions: Other Services: New & Replacement Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Style 270° Sweep Electric Gauges: 427 Cobra and GT40 Speedometers: GT40 Smiths Gauges: E-Type OEM Replacement Gauges: Smiths Classic With over 400 Concours Chronometric Instruments in stock and 40 years experience in the Restoration / Repair and recalibration of Smiths Chronometric Instruments we are in a unique position to Supply - Restore - Repair Smiths I restore the gauges for my 1974 MGB, which includes cleaning and testing each gauge and polishing the chrome and glass. allard,ac,aston martin,austen, austen healey,bentley,bristol, british leyland,caterham,daimler,hillman,humber ,jaguar,jenson,land The rebuild of this Smiths gauge included the following: The can (case) was professionally powdercoated to Concours quality standards. We refurbish motorcycle gauges and Smith gauges. Good reviews from forums. Name: Bob Carter Telephone: 971-998-3530 (USA) Email: aprivatepeace@yahoo. Not sure about early Smiths but the later are "None-O-Jewels" and there should not be any grease in it. Stewart Warner Gauges. 5 out of 5 stars based on 2 product ratings. Safety/Dual Gauges: Smiths Parts Specialties: We are the Nisonger Instruments we do Full Repairs and Restoration on all smiths and British Jaeger dash gauges. View our online shop for details. since 1949 - Nobody knows more about these Guages than us! Nisonger Instruments Phone us @ (914) 381-3600 Weekdays, 8am - 4:30pm Eastern Time I posted this on a couple of other Triumph forums early this year, so some may have seen it already. Custom artwork (value range, style, color, etc. Therefore, servicing these two types uses similar procedures. Let us know what you decide to do. I have worked mostly with Triumph parts, but also MG as well. Our "factory-trained" technicians can rebuild virtually any post WW II Smiths & British Don't know if I'd try to tackle rebuilding the internals. 00 for BOTH gauges plus shipping. Full Member; Joined: Oct 2022; Location: Northern California; Posts: 236; Smith Gauges rebuilding and gaskets « Recommendation for Smith gauge repair? Thread starter ichthos; Start date Jul 3, 2009; Share this page. 864-254-9989. Re: Rebuild Smiths Gauges (Speedometer Tachometer) stubbicatt R. Sign in to contact. com Smiths Tachometers Individual Gauges. This is a guide to the use of classic Smiths automotive gauges, including various types of gauges, how to identify electrical gauges, troubleshooting electrical gauges, wiring diagrams for electrical gauges, battery condition gauge, ammeter, calibration check, etc. We recommend that you replace both tach and As you know the most common failure on the Smiths Dual gauge is the Temp side. This took me a Long time to finally undertake. The gauges we sell to you are the same Smiths gauges that we supply to restoration facilities including McClusky Ltd, Aluminum Restorations, Cobra Restorers, etc. 3 users rated this 5 out of 5 stars 3. Also bought 4 x 2 inch for my gauges. Over 1000 Smiths instrument cores for motorcycles in stock. Home; Reviews; Contact; Portfolio; Products; 801-673 Smiths Instrument Rebuilding: Smiths Electric Tach Conversions: Smiths Mechanical Tach Conversions: Other Services: New & Replacement Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Smiths I need to rebuild the Smiths water temperature gauge on my Daimler ‘‘Dart’’ SP250. Toggle Navigation. com. Speedo repair, LED conversion, custom decals and more. Main Menu. 2. co. Palo Alto Speedometer: Repair, Restoration, and Sales of Automobile Gauges About PA Speedo | Ratio Test Form | Mercedes Benz | Porsche | Ferrari | BMW Motorcycles | Veglia | VDO | MotoMeter | Smiths | Jaeger | VDO Odometer Gears. Posted by Our main strengths are in rebuilding and/or repairing, either to the original specifications, or to your special requirements, Smith’s and British Jaeger magnetic speedometers, which comprise the predominant instruments used in 9) To test I went into the kitchen and put the bulb of the repaired gauge in a pan of water with the bulb of a working gauge and gradually brought the repaired gauge and a known working gauge up to a boil. Our 1967 Austin Mini Cooper S was no exception. Britbike forum Forums British motorcycles in general British motorcycles in general Smiths gauge question: Forums Calendar Active Threads: New Sponsor post: Webco B44 etc rocker box oil manifold by Peter Quick - 03/21/25 2:41 am If I were in the business of rebuilding and calibrating instruments I could see the value of very accurate Smiths Instrument Rebuilding: Smiths Electric Tach Conversions: Smiths Mechanical Tach Conversions: Other Services: 427 Cobra OEM Smiths Gauges: 427 Cobra OEM Style 270° Sweep Electric Gauges: 427 Cobra and GT40 D&M Restoration 57-B Creekside Park Court Greenville, SC 29615. If you ship us your gauge, please do not include hold down nuts, hold down brackets & lights. Maybe spray brake cleaner inside to clear out any gum. Remove the retaining clip on the shaft, the spring and the lever. The speedometers are fully user programmable making it easy to compensate for an endless variety of differential ratios, transmissions and tire diameters. Update: 15 October, 2023. Ratings and Reviews. Although it appeared to function properly, it was leaking and the front of the gauge showed a 21 Dogwood Court Goldens Bridge, NY 10526 914-536-1346 mike@britishspeedo. They experienced Background My original gauges were in desperate need of repair and rebuilding. Just twist off the bezel and protect the glass at all costs. Test functionality before final installation. com Mon - Fri: 9 am - 4 pm, Closed Sat. All of our rebuilds are calibrated to OEM specifications using Original Smiths "Factory" Calibration Equipment and are guaranteed for one year. A listing of companies that offer repair and restoration of Smith's speedometers and tachometers for vintage and classic motorcycles. If parts are required we have the skills and access to original drawings and tooling of the Smiths ranges of instruments to be able Looking for a source for Smiths combination gauges for a Chevron B19 restoration. S. 1969 GT6 (Awaiting This manual covers mechanical Jaeger/Smiths speedometers from the early 1960’s through (at least) the late 1970’s. 0 average based on 6 product ratings. fefljjfijziagisytkzgtmbievchterpxxgjctruxwtwtkajqdoastkoabcekhzqrxkxpgblxffjvrubpbn