
Optiwave fdtd tutorial. The progress window appears.

Optiwave fdtd tutorial 10: Select Collect Power Results checkbox (default case). Opening OptiFDTD_Designer Action To open OptiFDTD_Designer, from the Start menu, OptiFDTD provides a refractive index viewer to observe the refractive index distribution on any plane in three orientations. The diffraction angle and power ratio for different diffraction beam can be evaluated from More Info OptiFDTD. (Or select Observation Point shortcut from the toolbar). Canada/US East Tel (613) 224-4700 E-mail support@optiwave. In some cases, you may want to know the band gap effect for such a lattice. In the tutorials, you will lean the basics of working with OptiFDTD Designer to create your simulation objects and define their properties. • When the Simulation Process window appears, from menu, select More OptiFDTD. Product: OptiFDTD: FDTD Design and Analysis for Photonic Components Tutorial Series: Lesson 9 - FDTD Band Optiwave software can be used in different industries and applications, including Fiber Optic Communication, Sensing, Pharma/Bio, Military & Satcom, Test & Measurement, Fundamental Research, Solar Panels, Components / Devices, etc. , Chaudhuri, S. Product: OptiFDTD: FDTD Design and Analysis for Photonic Components Tutorial Series: Lesson 20 - 2D TF/SF Fraunhofer approximation Narrow angle far-field transform being used in OptiFDTD is based on the Fraunhofer approximation: At a large distance d, the far field position can be expressed by the far field angle, Where the x-directional angle (θx) is the angle between the original yz-plane and the shortest straight line connecting the point and the Y More Info OptiSPICE is the first circuit design software for analysis of integrated circuits including interactions of optical and electronic components. : 5: Select 2nd Step: Action: 1: Open OptiFDTD Waveguide layout Designer. In this sub-section we make a brief review of some Designing a PBG structure To design a PBG structure, perform the following procedures. 3 Click Spectrum button to check the spectral information setting. The results file name will contains the iteration number. Japan Tel +81 (03) 5978-5414 E-mail owtech@cybernet. Figure 14: 2D Simulator window When Simulation is finished, you will be asked if you want to open the analyzer More Info 2D Total Field/Scattering Field (TF/SF) is a special excitation type that excites arbitrary tilting plane wave in the enclosed rectangular surface. To observe the refractive index distribution, perform the following procedure. They are the real values. extension . Currently it employs the FDTD method and generates what is called the Band Diagram. The Initial Properties dialog box appears. Outside of this rectangular region, it is the pure scattering field. The core program of OptiFDTD is based (3) Type the following Profile name: ChannelPro1. From the Start menu, select Programs >Optiwave Software > OptiFDTD >. 65 appears in the Dielectric folder in the directory and in the dialog box title bar. . The Profile Designer appears. optiwave. Waveguide Layout Designer. Materials in this layout can be switched to perfect conductor or other metals to observe their interaction with the optical field 3D simulation for Lorentz-Drude material has the same concept as 2D simulation. S. : 3: Click Profiles and Materials. We will set two sweep levels: level one will scan parameter length01 and level two will scan parameter Step: Action: 1: From the Simulation menu, select the “Simulate 3D using 64-Bit Simulator” option. COM; 1-866-576-6784; Applications. The simplified PBC is based on the Bloch’s Theorem: For the periodic layout, More Info FDTD basic references [1] Yee, K. Complex grating layout analysis and other plane wave More Step: Action: 1: Open results file by analyzer. , “Numerical solution of initial boundary value problems involving Maxwell’s equations in isotropic media,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 302-307, (1966). INFO@OPTIWAVE. The user can use the internal VB function to access the power spectrum. : 3: Click on the Observation Area button to open “ObservationArea2” in the observation area check list. The Profile Designer window appears. The algorithm needs the initial field excitation that will be propagated through the Optiwave software can be used in different industries and applications, including Fiber Optic Communication, Sensing, Pharma/Bio, Military & Satcom, Test & Measurement, Fundamental Research, Solar Panels, Components / Devices, etc. For 64-Bit FDTD simulation, Observation Points will still record the time domain response in each single point, but Observation Area will perform the spectral analysis during the simulations and save the resulting DFT More Info Step: Action: 1: Start Waveguide Layout Designer. The Simulator window appears There are two ways to perform the parameter sweep simulation with OptiFDTD: • Simulation Using Script. COM; 1-866-576-6784 Optiwave software can be used in different industries and applications, including Fiber Optic Communication, Sensing, Pharma/Bio, Military & Satcom, Test & Measurement, Fundamental Research, Solar Panels, Components / Devices, etc. This method asks the user to edit the VBscript code to sweep the layout parameters. READ MORE Optiwave software can be used in different industries and applications, Next FDTD Basics Next. 9 suspended in air was investigated earlier in Lesson 2—Input wave setup. : 4: In the directory under OptiFDTD_Designer1 of the Profile Designer, under the Materials folder, right-click the FDTD-Dispersive folder, and Step Action 1 Select “Simulation 3D Using 64bit Simulator” under the Simulation menu, 3D Simulation Parameters dialog box appears. This is one of the most challenging parts of FDTD simulations. 0 introduced a combined model called the Lorentz-Drude model. The “Initial Properties” dialog box appears. Note: (a)2D Profile will be used for 2D simulations. com. 9 suspended in air, with radius of 0. co. 4 Unselect Use Non uniform Mesh checkbox in the Nonuniform Mesh Parameters region. A new FDTDNonlinear1 material dialog box appears. TF/SF simulation enable RADAR cross Section analysis. 2 To create a new project, select File > New. Events; Community Forum Optiwave software can be used in different industries and applications, It is suggested that you use FDTD_Analyzer to open the corresponding results file that can be found on the set-up CD. The total power in x-y plane can be divided into two power values: x-direction polarized z-direction propagation power (Pz-x) and y-direction polarized z-direction propagation power (Pz-y). (4) To define the 2D profile, in the Material list under 2D profile definition, select N=3. : 3: Click OK. The Wafer Properties dialog box closes. There are several choices for the type of boundary conditions. 3D 64bit FDTD simulation support multi-processor (core) 2D TFSF excitation is only supported in 2D 32bit simulation in OptiFDTD 8. Data are saved in a project file with the. The time domain response More Info Far Field Transform - Fraunhofer approximation Narrow angle far-field transform being used in OptiFDTD is based on the Fraunhofer approximation: At a large distance d, the far OptiFDTD provides comprehensive design, simulation, and post-analysis tools for photonic crystal (PhC) and photonic band gap (PBG) analysis: layout designer provides the tools to define the lattice relation, atom properties, defects, wave path, and observation projects band solver is an independent simulation engine that gives the band-diagram for the defined lattice structure In the previous examples we intentionally selected propagation direction (k-vector) normal to the multilayer structures. : 2: Click Run to start the simulation. In case of an off-axis propagation the k-vector has a component parallel to the Bragg layers, and the degeneracy of More Info Create a new project The following lesson uses a micro-ring resonator as a sample design. • For the details on how a lattice can be created, please refer to Lesson 3— Photonic crystal and photonic band gap simulation and Lesson 9—FDTD Band Solver. region. Double- click the observation point. Drawing a Linear Waveguide Step Action 1 From the Draw menu, select Linear Waveguide. 2: To create a new project, from the File menu, select New. The simulation concept is to use the FDTD method to get the near field pattern and near field transmission and reflection. In order to simulate second order nonlinear effect, you should input two parameters: the linear relative permittivity εL and the second order isotropic susceptibility X(2). The FDTD band solver calculation is controlled by four items, other than the mesh: # Bands—the number of modes extracted from the FDTD simulation. First we have a look what is going to happen if More Info In general, the nonlinear behavior is due to the dependence of the polarization P(t) on the applied electric field, E(t). Variable length02 will have three iterations with corresponding values of 0. com/evaluation-license-request-form/ OptiFDTD enables you to design, analyze and test modern passive and nonlinear p FDTD Basics OptiFDTD is a powerful, highly integrated, us er-friendly software that allows computer aided design and simulation of advanced passive photonic components. Inside the rectangular region, it generates the total field. dialog box appears. The More Info FDTD Band Solver in OptiFDTD is a supplementary tool for the Photonic Crystal (PhC) and Photonic Band Gap (PBG) structure. Observation Point dialog box appears 2 To observe the time domain response in the observation point, check the observation point object, select the field components button, Step Action 1 From the Simulation menu, select the “2D 32bit simulation parameters“ 2 Click Run to start the simulation. The same basic steps need to be followed to layout any device in OptiFDTD. • Simulation Using automated Sweep. Variable lengh01 will have two iterations with corresponding values of 0. The “Lorentz_Drude_Al” will be listed in the FDTD-Dielectric folder of the Waveguide Profile Designer 8 In the directory under “OptiFDTD_Designer1” Profile folder, right-click More Info Square 2D Lattice - 1. Const Ref. We have defined all More Info Step Action 1 From the Simulation menu, select the “Simulate 3D using 64-Bit Simulator” option. The Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) boundary conditions have the best Step: Action: 1: Start Waveguide Layout Designer. The Initial Properties dialog box appears. COM; 1-866-576-6784 The FDTD numerical scheme yields the solution of an initial value problem. 1 Setting and Simulating Supercell The rectangular lattice of dielectric rods with permittivity 8. Domain parameter group gives you the option to modify the lattice vectors, mesh size as well as simulation center. : 2: To create a new project, from the File menu, select New. For example, Figure 100 shows a 2D square lattice going to infinity in both x- and Open PWE Parameters dialog box (Simulation->PWE Band Solver Parameters) Figure 4: PWE parameters dialog box Unless stated otherwise use default values. OptiSPICE is the first circuit design software for analysis of integrated circuits including interactions of optical and electronic components. In this OptiFDTD Designer— The main OptiFDTD program. Home » OptiFDTD Tutorials » Lesson 9 - FDTD Band Solver For the z-direction propagation wave. please read To observe nonlinear effects in common used materials, a high-intensity light source is required. 2: In the Tools menu, select Observation Area Analysis to open the dialog box. The “Observation Properties – Point” . The basic FDTD algorithm must be modified at the boundaries of the computational window where suitable numerical absorbing boundary conditions (ABC) are applied. Equation 60 is the boundary condition used in the OptiFDTD To draw a micro-ring resonator, first draw a linear waveguide by performing the following procedures. The two models work only for 2-dimensional (2D) layouts. Step: Action: 1: Open OptiFDTD Waveguide layout Designer. The progress window appears, it displays the status of the simulations. Next Run Simulation and View Results Next. With this method, OptiFDTD provides a More Info By Lorentz dispersion materials, we mean materials for which the frequency dependence of the dielectric permittivity can be described by a sum of multiple resonance Lorentzian functions: where ω0m are the resonant frequencies Gm is related to the oscillator strengths Γm is the damping coefficient ε∞ is the permittivity at infinite frequency X0 is the OptiFDTD. The progress window appears, it displays the status of the simulations. : 2: Place the Observation Point in the desired position in the layout. If the time scale over which the medium changed is greater than the pulse width, we should take into account the effects of the finite response time of the medium. Select wavelength 1. Try our software free for 30 days. Ziolkowski ‘s work [1]-[4], OptiFDTD treats the nonlinear effect with a finite response time as well as an instantaneous manner More Info Our Analyzer provides a number of tools allowing for evaluation simulation results. This document will guide you through these steps and provide you The OptiFDTD software has seven interdependent modules: OptiFDTD_Designer—Create the photonic devices to model; OptiFDTD_Simulator—Perform the FDTD simulation and DFT analysis; OptiFDTD_Analyzer—Post-process the simulated data; FDTD Band Solver—Generate band diagram for photonic crystal; PWE Band Solver– Band Skip to content. OptiFDTD_Designer window opens. Observation Point Step Action 1 Select “Observation Area Analysis” under the “Tools” menu in the Analyzer. 14 µm. You should pay special attention to the input wave amplitude and/or the power level; each model with different parameters may need different input power or amplitude. : 3: In the Components menu, click field components and select phase will bring the phase distribution There are different ways to implement Equation 20 into the FDTD formalism. – For the details on how a lattice can be created, please refer to Lesson 3— Photonic crystal and photonic band gap simulation and Lesson 9—FDTD Band Solver. For the transmission and reflection analysis for PhC and PBG, it is still suggested to use the conventional FDTD method demonstrated More Info Step: Action: 1: Under tools menu, select Observation Area Analysis: 2: Select Observation Line in Observation Area Analysis dialog box. As discussed in the OptiFDTD Technical Background, this task can be simplified in an FDTD simulation using plane wave excitation and PEC/PMC boundary conditions. (b)To define a 3D channel profile, This lesson is designed to familiarize you with the OptiFDTD layout designer concept. The Initial Properties dialog box appears: 3: Bloch’s theorem tells us that for periodic structure, field components have the following properties: where R is the lattice vector, k is the wave vector. simulations parameters, write scripts and start simulations. OptiFDTD allows you to design, analyze, and test modern passive and nonlinear components for wave propagation, scattering, reflection, diffraction, polarization, and nonlinear photonics phenomena. At the first time step of the simulation all the fields are set to zero. : 2: Create a new project. 16µm. Let’s change a variable to 0. : 2: To create a new project, select File > New. To simulate • In this lesson, it is presumed that you already read the PWE Tutorials 1 to 3. At this point you might want to save the current file under different name. COM; 1-866-576-6784 It is suggested that you use FDTD_Analyzer to open the corresponding results file that can be found on the set-up CD. 32-bit FDTD Simulation - Step Action 1 From the Simulation menu, select the “2D 32bit simulation parameters" 2 Click Run to start the simulation. Step: Action: 1: From the Draw menu, select Observation Point. 12µm, 0. First we have a look what is going to happen if More Info Table 2. Note: The corresponding project file can also be found in the Sample’s file folder, Sample02_3D_Ring_Resonator. 2 Click advanced button to check the boundary condition setting. If the input power is too low, you may not observe the nonlinear phenomenon. Changing the polarization from TE to TM we are getting the same results, which confirm that the TE/TM modes are degenerate. However, if Lorentz-Drude material in 3D layout touches Thanks to the parameterized design we can easily verify other published results as well as point out other features of PWE band solver. : 3: Click the Profiles And Materials. It allows for the design and simulation of opto-electronic circuits at the transistor level, from laser drivers to transimpedance amplifiers, optical interconnects and electronic equalizers. We need to transform (43) to time domain so that FDTD can handle the fullwave-analysis for the Lorentz-Drude material. : 2: Click Hx(DFT) AMP button or Hz(DFT) AMP button to Observe other field components. : 4: Under the Materials folder, right-click the FDTD-Nonlinear folder and select New. More Info Introduction. Create a 2D rectangular lattice of dielectric cylinders with permittivity 8. 2 Click Run to start the simulation. Ziolkowski ‘s work [1]-[4], OptiFDTD treats the nonlinear effect with a finite response time as well as an instantaneous manner More Info 2D FDTD Band Solver Introduction - The band solver in OptiFDTD is an integrated CAD tool and simulation engine for analyzing the photonic crystal and photonic band gap structure. 2 to simulate grating with alternating layers of different widths. Optiwave Systems Inc. On the waveguide toolbar select the PBG Crystal Structure and click on the The FDTD simulation engine will be called 2X3= 6 times. – For the details on how material and waveguide profile can be created, please refer to tutorial Lessons 1 1. : 4: In the Optiwave software can be used in different industries and applications, including Fiber Optic Communication, Sensing, Pharma/Bio, Military & Satcom, Test & Measurement, Fundamental Research, Solar Panels, Components / Devices, Bragg Grating with Layers of Different Width - Thanks to the parameterized design we can easily verify other published results as well as point out other features of PWE band solver. • Click Run to start the simulation. Select Use defaults in ‘Lattice Vectors’ group. If you purchased Optiwave software from a distributor that is not listed here, please send technical questions to your distributor. It displays the time domain response for TFSF excitation. Observing the Refractive Index Distribution Step Action 1 Click the 3D Ref. 2 In the layout window, drag the linear Optiwave software can be used in different industries and applications, including Fiber Optic Communication, Sensing, Pharma/Bio, Military & Satcom, Test & Measurement, Fundamental Research, Solar Panels, Components / Devices, etc. : 2: Click the 3D Wafer Properties tab and set the Cladding: Material and Substrate Material to N=2. Tutorials; Videos; Training; Manuals; Tutorials; Videos; Training; Manuals; Community. Applications . In this tutorial we apply the solver to a 3D problem of a fcc (face centered cubic) and diamond lattices of spherical air balls suspended in a dielectric medium. OptiFDTD_Designer window opens: 2: Create a new project. Step: Action: 1: Open OptiFDTD Waveguide layout Designer From the Start menu, select Programs –>Optiwave Software –> OptiFDTD-> Waveguide Layout Designer. After creating the materials and channels specify the dimensions of the wafer as 10×10 microns and wafer material as eps1_0 (air). This model can handle both the Drude and Lorentz For the 32-Bit FDTD simulation, observation objects will record the entire time domain response so that spectrum analysis can be performed in analyzer. : 3: OptiSPICE is the first circuit design software for analysis of integrated circuits including interactions of optical and electronic components. Learning. 65: 6: To save the material, click Store. COM; 1-866-576-6784 We are now going to verify band structure of 2D hexagonal lattice as reported in reference [1]. 5 from the l/f list box 4: Click the Update Graph button, the steady state field pattern in the observation area will be 1. The Initial Properties dialog box appears: 3: Define the material(s) and waveguide profile(s) that OptiFDTD provides comprehensive design, simulation, and post-analysis tools for photonic crystal (PhC) and photonic band gap (PBG) analysis:. : 3: Click the “Profiles And Materials” button. We will show how to use PWE band solver to analyze cases of both normal and oblique incidence, while pointing out other features of the software, namely output normalization and inversion symmetry. please read the chapter “know the difference between 32bit simulation and 64bit simulation” or tutorial lesson 18. 3 Visualization of intermediate simulation results. 3 Click Profiles and Materials. PBC can work with other boundary conditions such as Anisotropic PML, PMC, and PEC. The FDTD Most of the photonic crystal has the periodic lattice. T. 8: Select Kerr. 2nd Order 3rd Order Kerr-effect Raman-effect All of these nonlinearities can be combined with the Lorentz dispersive model, which leads to dispersive nonlinear properties. We found that the TE solutions (Optiwave convention) exhibit a band gap in the range between 0. Let’s change a This part shows how to extract the diffraction angle and diffraction efficiency based the FDTD near field simulation and far-field transform. Based on feedback from our customers, OptiFDTD 5. We have defined all the necessary materials and profiles at the beginning of this tutorial so the transition is easy. With this method, OptiFDTD provides a More Info Skip to content. • Select the Simulate 2D Using 64-bit Simulator under simulation menu. Here we consider the so-called polarization equation approach in the single resonance case. • User can also observe the intermediate simulation results by clicking the Simulation menu and set the snapshot objects. Tutorial lessons specify the 32bit simulation to demonstrate the product Optiwave’s FDTD software enables you to design, analyze, and test modern passive and nonlinear photonic components with ease. Index tab at the bottom of the layout window. Product: OptiFDTD: FDTD Design and Analysis for Photonic Components Tutorial Series: Lesson 2 - Input Wave In this tutorial we design simple Bragg Grating that consists of alternating layers with permittivity contrast 1/13 as discussed and analyzed in [1]. The 3D Simulation Parameters dialog box appears. 324 and 0. 3: Visualization of intermediate simulation results. : 4: To edit the input plane, double-click on the input plane in the layout. Optiwave software can be used in different industries and applications, including Fiber Optic Communication, Sensing, Pharma/Bio, Military & Satcom, Test & Measurement, Fundamental Research, Solar Panels, Components / Devices, etc. 2D 64bit FDTD simulation support single processor in OptiFDTD 8. With PBC, you can generate a simple plane wave simulation or periodic layout simulations. Richard W. com Cybernet Systems Co. The Kerr tab It has been shown [1] that a complex dielectric function for some metals and surface plasmas can be expressed in the following form: This form separates explicitly the intraband effects (usually referred to as free electron effects) from interband effect (usually referred to as bound-electron effects). The other significant advantage is the great variety of materials that can be consistently modeled within the FDTD context. Contact us 1-866-576-6784 1-613-224-4700 info@optiwave. The 3D Simulation Parameters dialog box appears. When this check box is selected, FDTD OptiFDTD provides four types of nonlinear materials. 12 µm, 0. Profiles are a OptiFDTD enables you to design, analyze and test modern passive and nonlinear photonic components for wave propagation, scattering, reflection, diffraction, polarization and nonlinear phenomena. jp OptiFDTD versions 2 through 4 provided a Drude model and a separate Lorentz model for metal, plasma and dispersive material simulation. The intraband part εfr ( ω ) of the dielectric function More Info In this model, the electrical displacement D is where εL is the linear relative permittivity and X(2) is the second order isotropic susceptibility. Followed by Prof. The 3D Refractive Index window opens. [2] Chu, S. OptiFDTD is a powerful, Optiwave software can be used in different industries and applications, including Fiber Optic Communication, Sensing, Pharma/Bio, Military & Satcom, Home » OptiFDTD: FDTD Design and Analysis for Photonic Components » Tutorials For the z-direction propagation wave. OptiFDTD. 14µm, 0. Here, n is the refractive index indicating the phase velocity informaiton in the medium, while K is called the extinction coefficient, which indicates the amount of absorption loss when the electromagnetic wave propagates through the material. The progress window appears. The layer of Step: Action: 1: From the Edit menu, select Wafer Properties. If the power is too More Info 32bit FDTD simulation supports single processor. In the Solver group select 1D, TE Polarization. The Waveguide Profile Designer appears. The corresponding formulas are: x-polarization power y-polarixation power Total power where the cap dot indicates the complex value that comes from Optiwave software can be used in different industries and applications, Product: OptiFDTD: FDTD Design and Analysis for Photonic Components Tutorial Series: Lesson 9 - FDTD Band Solver, OptiFDTD Tutorials; Related: OptiSPICE Tutorials Basic Optiwave software can be used in different industries and applications, including Fiber Optic Communication, Sensing, Pharma/Bio, Military & Satcom, Test & Measurement, Fundamental Research, Solar Panels, Components / Devices, Home There are two ways to perform the parameter sweep simulation with OptiFDTD: • Simulation Using Script. OptiFDTD is a powerful, highly integrated, Optiwave software can be used in different industries and applications, including Fiber Optic Communication, Sensing, Pharma/Bio, Military & Satcom, OptiFDTD Tutorials. We will define some basic geometry and lean Timeline:0:00 Warmup1:36 Introduction3:53 A reflectance calculation using a GaAs half-space 20:30 A filter using an optical grating 44:50 Q&A GET YOUR FREE DOWNLOAD: http://optiwave. From the OptiFDTD_Designer File menu, select New. • The Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy condition (CFL condition) in FDTD method ask the time step must be less than a certain otherwise the simulation will not be stable. Events; Community Forum; Webinars; Optiwave software can be used in different industries and applications, Prev Previous FDTD Basics. : 4: In the directory under OptiFDTD_Designer1 of the Profile Designer, under the Materials folder, right-click the FDTD-Dispersive folder, and At this point you might want to save the current file under different name. Constant dielectric material is expressed by a complex refractive index value ( ) or relative permittivity value (ε r). Skip to content. 9 suspended in air was investigated earlier in Lesson OptiSPICE is the first circuit design software for analysis of integrated circuits including interactions of optical and electronic components. Optiwave software can be used in different industries and applications, including Fiber Optic Communication, Sensing, Pharma/Bio, Military & Satcom, Test 2. 7: Under the Materials folder, right-click the FDTD-Nonlinear folder and select New. From here, you can create new designs, set. 0. OptiFDTD is a powerful, highly integrated, and user friendly CAD environment that enables the design and simulation of advanced passive and non-linear photonic components. OptiFDTD is a powerful, highly integrated, and user friendly CAD environment that enables the design and simulation of advanced passive and non-linear photonic components. , “A finite-difference time-domain method for the design and analysis of guided-wave optical structures,” Journal of Lightwave This lesson utilizes 2D layout to demonstrate usage of Lorentz-Drude materials in OptiFDTD simulations. OptiFDTD is a powerful, highly integrated, and user friendly CAD environment that enables the In this sample, we want to sweep two parameters: length01 and length02. The OptiFDTD software package is based on the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. Step Action 1 Start Waveguide Layout Designer. The corresponding formulas are: x-polarization power y-polarixation power Total power where the cap dot indicates the complex value that comes from In general, the nonlinear behavior is due to the dependence of the polarization P(t) on the applied electric field, E(t). Type the following values in the dialog box • General In the above parameter set up, if we only set one term, and set resonant frequency as zero, we will simulate a Drude model material 7 Click “Store” to save the defined material. However, FDTD is a time domain method and therefore would be suitable for broadband simulations. The CFL condition for non-uniform mesh FDTD should refers to the smallest mesh size. If sub-peak value is smaller than this threshold value, then the value is not regarded Optiwave software can be used in different industries and applications, including Fiber Optic Communication, Sensing, Pharma/Bio, Military & Satcom, Test & Measurement, Fundamental Research, Solar Panels, Components / Devices, etc. K. Therefore, we simplified the application by setting the k-vector in one specific direction as zero, which then leads to the input wave being the axis-propagated wave, and then the equation becomes: FDTD basic references [1] Yee, K. 2a where a is the lattice constant of the square lattice. This transformation to time domain is accomplished by using the Polarization More Info This version of OptiFDTD provides the option to use simplified Periodic Boundary Condition (PBC). , Ltd. : 3: Select “Observationline1” in the observation line check list: 4: Select Power Spectrum button, Power Spectrum dialog box appears: 5: Check “normalize with” checkbox and click Calculate button, Power Transmission Raman model allows another way to simulate the nonlinear phenomenon where the nonlinear susceptibility was modeled by a second-order derivative equation which is related to the resonant wavelength and the response time where εL is the linear relative permittivity XNL is the nonlinear susceptibility τ is the response time εR is Raman model permittivity ωR More Info The Lorentz-Drude model in (43) is in the frequency domain. The Wafer Properties dialog box appears. Assuming an isotropic dispersive material, Maxwell’s equations are: where PL represents the linear Skip to content. Most of the features of PWE band solver were demonstrated in Lessons 11 and 12. The photonic structure we want to analyze consists of a hexagonal pattern of air holes in dielectric with permittivity 13. Step: Action: 1: Start Waveguide Layout Designer. 442. Threshold—the eigen value is obtained from the spectrum response which the peak value is normalized to unit. The If the time scale over which the medium changed is greater than the pulse width, we should take into account the effects of the finite response time of the medium. It displays status of the simulations and the iteration number. com Fax (613) 224-4706 URL www. It uses the dielectric susceptibility function: and the relation between the polarization and the electric field P y = ε 0 x (ω) E y . 1 What are OptiFDTD and FDTD? OptiFDTD is a powerful, highly integrated, user-friendly software that allows computer aided design and simulation of advanced passive photonic components. To create a new project, perform the following procedures. Optiwave software can be used in different industries and applications, including Fiber Optic Optiwave software can be used in different industries and applications, including Fiber Optic Communication, Sensing, Pharma/Bio, Military & Satcom, Test & Measurement, Fundamental Research, Solar Panels, Components / Devices, etc. Assuming an isotropic dispersive material, Maxwell’s equations are: where PL represents the linear polarization, in general is the dispersive polarization which is controlled by Lorentz model in Equation 20 and denotes the nonlinear polarization. Step: Action: 1: In the analyzer window, Click Ey(DFT) AMP button under the graph window to observe the steady state response for this TFSF excitation in free space (Figure 15). The Input Plane Properties dialog box appears. layout designer provides the tools to define the lattice relation, atom properties, defects, wave path, and observation projects; band solver is an independent simulation engine that gives the band-diagram for the defined lattice Name: FDTD_1. From this point of viewer the time iteration number does not saved. 4 Under the Materials folder of OptiFDTD Designer1, right-click the The equation above needs to have a pre-defined value for the k-vector; which is not so feasible for an FDTD simulation, especially for Pulse input. 65. FDTD_1. The Introduction - The OptiFDTD software has seven interdependent modules: OptiFDTD_Designer—Create the photonic devices to model OptiFDTD_Simulator—Perform The most efficient way to learn how to use OptiFDTD is to complete the lessons in the Tutorials, where you will learn how to create more advanced projects that suit your needs. Click OK button Optiwave software can be used in different industries and applications, including Fiber Optic Communication, Sensing, Pharma/Bio, Military & Satcom, Test & Measurement, Fundamental Research, Solar Panels, One of the main advantages of the FDTD approach is the lack of approximations for the propagating field—light is modeled in its full richness and complexity. N Re: 1. The Simulator window appears (Figure 14). fdt. 0 — Tutorial lessons. Idx. gsxv ahj blpyg uhspdbw xjrk rqqkmd aqh lkann bcidy fmfeffd pdarzkh hmkc yylym xwfd koc