National guard hardener msds. Clear (Primer Coat) 1 x 150 National Guard S.
National guard hardener msds IDENTIFICATION OF THE Protal 7200 Part B Hardener Proprietary Hardener C 10-30% CAS number: Proprietary Classification Acute Tox. <br /> Additional advice : Refer to section 15 for specific national regulation. Identification::: Product code :00187929 Date of issue/Date of revision30 April 2016 Version6 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Uses advised against Not applicable. sds-en-us: UP0875 TDS: GUARD#10 Gravi-Gard Stone Chip Protector. Value [mg/m3] CLEAN ING /THINN ING National Epoxy Thinner THINNE R (VOLU ME) Ready to use CONV . PRODUCT DESCRIPTION . SIGMAGUARD 240/440/720 HARDENER MSDS UK 01 / EN Version 6 Print Date 7/17/2009 Revision date 29-06-09 1/9 1. National Guard Epoxy Flooring Topcoat : 2 coats SDS No. SHELF LIFE @ 30ºC . Phone Number: 20774 West Pennsylvania Ave (352) 489-1666 Dunnellon, Florida 34431 Emergencies Involving Spills,Leaks 1. Concrete : National Guard S. Product use Epoxy Pool Paint Part A Manufacturer/Supplier National Paint Industries . Product use Epoxy Pool Paint Part B Component Manufacturer/Supplier National Paint Industries . Clear (As a primer): 1 x 150 OR National Guard Primer for Cement SIGMA NOVAGUARD 840 (SIGMA NOVAGUARD) HARDENER MSDS EU 01 / EN Version 1 Print Date 3/21/2007 Revision date 17-03-07 1/8 1. : 1 x 300 . Clear (Topcoat) 2 x 150. 2. Guard Hardener® W also has excellent Product description. MSDS ENG TDS ENG NATIONAL GUARD TOPCOAT PROTECTIVE COATINGS TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Rev. It solves the main causes of deterioration and rebuilds the destroyed crystalline mineral network in order to provide the treated material with its original mechanical properties. SDS: Download. The information in the Material Safety Data Sheet has been compiled from our experience and from data Product use : Coatings: Hardener This Safety Data Sheet is prepared in accordance with EU Directive 91/155/EC, as amended by Directive 2001/58/EC - United Kingdom (UK) Label No. US / Canada: (800) 424-9300 Mexico: SETIQ 800-00-214-00 / 55-5559-1588 Available 24 hours and 365 days a year SAFETY DATA SHEET Product name Other means of identification Product type Emergency telephone number of the company Section 1. 5 and 25 litres. If you need a Safety Data Sheet in another language, please contact sales@u Hazard statements : Flammable liquid and vapor. Curing agent for Nap-Gard® 7-1854 Gold Fast Cure Repair Base. Telephone : 0155861760. Base : Hardener : 4:1 (Mix thoroughly, mature for 15 - 20 minutes) 8 hours TECHNICAL DATA - National Guard Undercoat H. Contains TRIETHYLENETETRAMINE, NONYLPHENOL, 2-PIPERAZIN-1-YLETHYLAMINE Supplementary precautionary statements P201 Obtain special instructions before use. Temperature, humidity, air movement, film thickness and NATIONAL PAINT INDUSTRIES. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Product name : GUARD HARDENER W Product code : 7203. F (colour) 300 microns For concrete National Guard S. Products Browse by Product Name Browse by Product Categories Product Brochures Product Data Sheets Material Safety Data Sheets. com #671 Conductive PART B Company Name: Epoxy Systems, Inc. GUARD INDUSTRIE S. National Guard Epoxy Flooring Topcoat S. com NATIONAL GUARD TOPCOAT . 18 liter 3. A two pack, polyamide cured finishing coat in epoxy system Base : Hardener 4 : 1 (Mix thoroughly, keep 10 – 15 minutes) POT LIFE @ 30ºc (100 ml) Base : Hardener 2 : 1 (Mix thoroughly before use) POT LIFE @ 30ºc (100 ml) 15 – 20 minutes (reduced at higher temperature) Note: Material may gel at elevated temperature. Guard Hardener ® W penetrates brittle materials in order to crystallise, harden and mineralise. Manufacturer’s Name. : 147803SX-001 UMEGUARD SX, HARDENER SECTION 1. Clear (Primer Coat) 1 x 150 National Guard S. Surface dry (minutes) Hard dry National Guard Zinc rich Epoxy primer 30 microns National Guard Undercoat H. The fully cured film has good Guard Hardener® W is ideal for hardening concrete and restoring old brittle (dusty) concrete surfaces and other porous materials damaged by water ingress, damp and physical abrasion. Fax . Standard Hardener B62V221 Liquid. Phone Number: 4050 Clough Woods Drive (513) 943-4225 Batavia, Ohio 45103 Emergencies Involving Spills,Leaks Fires, Exposures, or Accidents Emergency Contact: (513) 943-4225 2. Identification of the preparation and company 1. 060 liters 0. 1 x 100 - National Guard Topcoat (OR) Nationalthane Topcoat 1 x 50. 015” - 0. doc Print Date: 5/31/2011 Page 1 of 5 NIOSH = National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health . US / Canada: (800) 424-9300 Mexico: SETIQ 800-00-214-00 / 55-5559-1588 Available 24 hours and 365 days a year SAFETY DATA SHEET Product name Other means of identification Product type Emergency telephone number of the company Section 1 Base : Hardener 4 : 1 (Mix properly, keep 10-15 minutes before use) POT LIFE @ 30ºc (100 ml) SYSTEM . Once treated, the material becomes harder and resistant to harmful external factors. 540 liter 18 liters 15. before use) 6 - 8 hours FLASH POINT ( MIXED) SHELF LIFE @ 30˚C 25˚C 18 Base : Hardener 2 : 1 (Mix thoroughly before use) POT LIFE @ 30ºc (100 ml) 15 – 20 minutes (reduced at higher temperature) Note: Material may gel at elevated temperature. : 14780300202-36 UMEGUARD SX, HARDENER SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision Date : Oct. MSDS NL TDS NL. Clear (As a primer) 150 microns National Guard S. Clear (Primer) 1 x 150 National Guard S. Base : Hardener : 4:1 15 - 20 minutes TECHNICAL DATA Temperature, humidity, air movement, film thickness and number of coats all affect the drying time. in compliance with the requirements of OSHA 29 CFR Part 1910. France. Sectors Infrastructure & Bridges Oil, Gas, Petrochemical Power Sea Port. 3 to 6 m²/litre. Identification:::: Supplier's details :The Sherwin-Williams Company 101 W. 180 Brunel Road Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 1T5 Canada Section 2. Application is by manual spray, brush and roller after mixing with 2 Pack Epoxy Finish Base Part A. To be applied on prepared surface. The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) has adopted the listing National Guard Zinc Phosphate Epoxy Primer 50 microns National Guard Undercoat H. Emergency Pack Size Base Hardener 0. Liquid. Product identifier Product Identity CEILCOTE #9 HARDENER PART B Bulk Sales Reference No. 851-213 Product Use . indd Created Date: 4/21/2002 6:59:24 PM Guard Hardener ® W is a mineralisation product for new or old brittle porous materials damaged by water ingress, damp, ice, etc. 125 microns National Guard Topcoat (OR) 50 microns National Polyurethane Topcoat (OR) MI XING RAT IO (BY VOLU ME) Base : Hardener 4 : 1 (Mix thoroughly keep for 15 – 20 minutes before use. Product identifier Product name PUTTY HARDENER Product number 10112H, 10115H, 10261H, 10611H, 11411H, 1. 05/10 Page 1/3 www. HANDLING AND STORAGE<br /> HARDENER MSDS EU 01 / EN Version 1 Print Date 3/21/2007 Revision date 17-03-07 1. Additional advice : Refer to section 15 for specific vermiculite) and place in container for disposal according to local / national regulations (see section 13). Title: sec5. 1. 1-216-566-2917 (US) / +(61)290372994 (AUS) SAFETY DATA SHEET Product identifier Product code Product type Emergency telephone number (with hours of operation) Section 1. - National Paints Pressure : 50 psiAIRLESS SPRAY REQUIREMENTS 2200 psiNOZZLE SIZE 0. 2. P270 Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. 1 x 100 - National Guard Topcoat (OR) 1 x 50 - Nationalthane Topcoat 1 x 40. UR5545B, EUR5545K5K, ZE 1. UFI : 8DXM-C0MR-W005-V5SW 1. : 1 coat Base : Hardener 5 : 1 (Mix thoroughly before use) POT LIFE @ 30ºc (100 ml) 15 – 20 minutes (reduced at higher temperature) Note: Material may gel at elevated temperature. SECTION 1 – PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION . of coats x DFT (micron) For steel and metal surfaces: National Guard Zinc Phosphate Epoxy Primer : 1 x 50 (OR) National Guard Epoxy Red Oxide Primer : 1 x 50 National Polyurethane AS PRIMER / SEALER Base: Hardener 0. 2 - H361 STOT SE 2 - H371 STOT RE 1 - H372 Proprietary Hardener B 10-30% CAS number: Proprietary Classification Acute Tox Product name POLYURETHANE RESIN UR5545 HARDENER Product No. Hazards identification MI XING RAT IO (BY WEIGHT ) Base : Hardener 2 : 1 (Mix thoroughly before use. 1. 32 kg/M 2 TOPCOAT (COLOUR) If required. indd (By Weight) 5 Base : 1 Hardener Working pot Life@30°C 15 -20 Minutes ( reduced at higher temperatures ) For Metal National Guard Epoxy Red Oxide Primer 50 microns National Guard S. SAFETY DATA SHEET Product name Other means of identification Product type Section 1. Value [mg/m3] - National Zinc Chromate Primer OR Synthetic Undercoat : 1 coat - System as required for top coat : 2 coats Spray, Brush or Roller 5 - 10 % depending on the method of application National Wash Primer Thinner Pressure / Tip Size : 1500 - 2000 psi / 0. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Registered company name : GUARD INDUSTRIE S. Pack Size Base Hardener 0. National Guard Primer for Cement Clear : 1 coat AND / OR National Guard Epoxy Flooring Primer S. sand, earth, diatomaceous earth, vermiculite) and place in container for disposal according to local / national regulations (see section 13). Causes serious eye irritation. - It can be overcoated by epoxy and polyuret SIGMAGUARD 720 (SIGMAGUARD EHB) HARDENER MSDS EU 01 / EN Version 1 Print Date 3/27/2007 Revision date 16-03-07 1/8 1. 3 – 1. Product and Company Identification Product Code: KRC-554 PART B HARDENER Company Name: Key Resin Co. It can also be used as an anti-dust treatment. Product and Company Identification Material name Pool Guard EHB Activator B Version 01# Revision -date 10 14 2015. It also gives excellent resistance to water and corrosive atmosphere. 197” - 0. Hardener / Mineralizer Guard Hardener® WO provides deep-down consolidation for low-adhesion mineral materials. A two-pack chemical resistant topcoat based on polyamide cured epoxy resin for concrete floors. - National Paints . HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling Safe handling advice: Avoid exceeding of the given occupational exposure limits (see section 8). 1200. 765 liter 0. S. UFI : NGXM-V0A5-600N-HHCY 1. Surface dry (Hours) Hard dry National Guard Zinc Phosphate Epoxy Primer 50 microns National Guard Undercoat HB 125 microns National Guard top coat or National Polyurethane top coat 50 microns MI XING RAT IO (BY VOLU ME) Base : Hardener 4 : 1 (Mix thoroughly keep for 15 – 20 minutes before use. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Identified uses Hardener. Consumption. com Product #671 PART B HARDENER Page 1 – 10/12/2017 1. 1 Product Identifier National Chemical Emergency Centre - UK Tel: +44 1865 407 333 2) Hazards Identification 2. P260 Do not breathe vapour/spray. Base : Hardener 4:1 (Mix thoroughly, keep for 15 – 20 minutes) POT LIFE @ 30ºc (100 ml) National Guard Topcoat (OR) : 1 x 50 National Polyurethane Topcoat : 1 x 40 . 315” Atomizing Pressure : 60 - 70 psi Base : Hardener : 4:1 (Mix thoroughly and allow the mixed paint to mature for 15-20 mins. It can also be used to protect new (fully cured) Material Safety Data Sheet EPOXY HARDENER Page 4 of 7 Revised Date: 7/29/13 | Replaces Date: 12/15/11 MSDS#: KDP081808EPH Chronic Carcinogenicity: Phenol meets the registry of toxic effects of chemical Substances (TRECS) criteria as carcinogenic and neoplastic. : 10157 Supplier/Manufacturer Jotun Paints (Europe) Ltd. - RECOMMENDED USE : Intermediate coat for structural steel, power plants, tanks, pipes, etc. 4 Emergency telephone number National advisory body/Poison Centre (For use only by licensed medical professionals. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Product information Trade name : SIGMAGUARD 240/440/720 HARDENER Technical data sheet number : For further information see Technical Data Sheet. 6 liters 3. Sens. 300 liters 2. North Brunswick, New Jersey, 08902 . Classification of the substance or mixture TAR GUARD™ Coal Tar Epoxy (Part B) Hardener Not available. It has good solvent and chemical resistance. Identification:::: SDS No. 4 mm, depending on thickness required NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL TEST CERTIFICATES Sr. indd Created Date: 4/21/2002 6:59:24 PM GUARD#10 Gravi-Gard Stone Chip Protector. RECOMMENDED SYSTEM . Base : Hardener : 4:1 (Mix thoroughly, mature for 15 - 20 minutes): 8 hours RECOMMENDED SYSTEM Apply on clean dust free surface. 135 liter 3. This MSDS is provided solely for the purpose of conveying health, safety, and environmental information. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Supplier Manor Coating Systems Ltd PDF-1. May cause an allergic skin reaction. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Components on the national list and/or the European TLV list (98/24/EC): Components CAS-No. Title: sec4. 018” Atomizing Pressure : 50 psi Base : Hardener : 4:1 (Mix thoroughly and allow the mixed paint to mature for 15-20 mins. This Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is prepared by Epoxy Systems, Inc. Coats x DFT (Microns) - National Guard Primer For Cement (Clear) 1 x 40 - National Guard Epoxy Flooring Topcoat 1-2 x 100. No. A. 72 liter 0. track records Track MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET . Product code . 18 months, in original sealed container, with proper storage Use: Epoxy hardener for use with resins Uses Advised Against: Not for use as a spray coating Details of Manufacturer or Importer Manufacturer MG Chemicals MG Chemicals (Head Office) 1210 Corporate Drive 9347-193 Street Burlington, Ontario L7L 5R6 Surrey, British Columbia V4N 4E7 CANADA CANADA +1-800-340-0772 +1-905-331-1396 SIGMAGUARD CSF 585 HARDENER Not available. CEILCOTE #9 HARDENER PART B Bulk Sales Reference No. before use) FLASH POINT ( MIXED) SHELF LIFE @ 30˚C 25˚C 18 months in DESCRIPTION : A two-pack, high-build epoxy based intermediate coat. 4 - H332 Skin Corr. SAFETY DATA SHEET. NCA033 1. 100 kg/M 2 MORTAR SCREED Base : Hardener : Aggregates 0. national-paints. Montreuil. ) International Farg AB Holmedalen 3 Aspereds Industriomrade SE-424 22 Angered Sweden Tel: +46 (0) 31 928500 Fax: +46 (0) 31 928530 Telephone number : Supplier Telephone number :+46 8 33 12 31 PUTTY HARDENER SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1. National Guard Epoxy Rebar Coating 100 microns Please consult National Technical team for other system recommendation. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Residues and empty containers should be taken care of as hazardous waste according to local and national provisions. ) POT LIFE @ 30 ºc (100 ml) 15 – 20 minutes SYSTEM RECOMMENDED SYSTEM For cementitious surface, walls, wood: To be applied on prepared surface. (OR) 1 x 300 National Guard S. GUARD HARDENER WO - 7204 SAFETY DATA SHEET (REACH regulation (EC) n° 1907/2006 - n° 2020/878) SECTION 1 : IDENTIFICATION OF THE A two pack high build chemical resistant finish coat based on polyamide cured epoxy resin. B. Additional advice: Refer to section 15 for specific national regulation. ) : 1 – 2 coats MSDS Liquid Hardener-93510. Causes skin irritation. 4 - H302 Acute Tox. TLV = Threshold Limit Value . : SDS Revision Date: SDS Revision Number: NCA033 11/14/2022 A0-3 1. 4 %âãÏÓ 388 0 obj /Linearized 1 /O 392 /H [ 7135 285 ] /L 117881 /E 88265 /N 1 /T 110002 >> endobj xref 388 176 0000000016 00000 n 0000003872 00000 n 0000003992 00000 n 0000004137 00000 n 0000007420 00000 n 0000010044 00000 n 0000015171 00000 n 0000015336 00000 n Base : Hardener 4 : 1 (Mix thoroughly, keep for 10 – 15 minutes) POT LIFE @ 30ºc (100 ml) 8 hours (reduced at higher temperature) Note: Material may gel at elevated temperature . Value [mg/m3] Page: 3 Part B SAFETY DATA SHEET #2 Chemical Resistant Epoxy Hardener Printed: 11/03/2022 Revision: 11/03/2022 Supersedes Revision: 05/13/2015 5. (Spray Texture) : 1 coat National Epoxy Thinner Nozzle : 0. g. <br /> 7. National Rule Slow Hardener. Guard Hardener® W can be used indoors and outdoors on facades, walls, roofs, floors, screeds and on all porous surfaces, new or old, such as: mortar cement or plaster, concrete, natural stone, brick, gypsum Packaging. 3. sds-en-us: UP2333XS SDS: NOVAGUARD 200/840/890 HARDENER MSDS UK 01 / EN Version 7 Print Date 7/17/2009 Revision date 28-06-09 3/9 Methods for cleaning up (e. TDS: Download. 200 : 0. Read product data sheet and label before use. National Guard Primer for Cement (Clear) : 1 coat National Guard Undercoat H. 1999 Elizabeth Street . Product code TBD. Identification:::: Material Safety Data Sheets . Surface dry (minutes) Hard dry National Guard Undercoat HB 125 microns National Guard top coat 50 microns OR National polyurethane Topcoat or as per recommendation 40 microns NATIONAL GUARD EPOXY REBAR COATING Base : Hardener 4 : 1 (Mix thoroughly, keep for 10 – 15 minutes before use) POT LIFE @ 30ºc (100 ml) 6 hours (reduced at lower temperature) Note: material may gel at elevated temperature. about us NIPSEA Group QEHS Policy. 025”MIXING RATIO (BY VOLUME) Base : Hardener 4:1 (Mix thoroughly, keep for 10 – 15 minutes)POT LIFE @ 30ºc (100 ml)8 hours (reduced at higher National Epoxy Thinner Pressure / Tip Size : 3000 psi / 0. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Product information Trade name : SIGMA NOVAGUARD 840 (SIGMA NOVAGUARD) HARDENER Company : NOVAGUARD 840 HARDENER GREEN Not available. 1 - H317 Repr. 1 National contact 1. 250 microns National Guard Topcoat 50 microns OR National Polyurethane Topcoat 40 microns Please consult National Technical team for other system recommendation. . 90 liter 0. Identification::: Product code :00219189 Date of issue/Date of revision30 April 2016 Version7 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Uses advised against Not applicable. NATIONAL WALL ROCK SYSTEM - National Guard Primer Clear or White : 1 coat - National Interguard H. Clear : 1 x 150 Concret: National Guard S. Steel Reinforced Epoxy Hardener - Slow Cure - Part B P272 Contaminated work clothing must not be allowed out of the workplace. Address : 7 Rue Gutenberg. These averages are for guidance only. 2 NATIONAL GUARD UNDERCOAT H. Prospect Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115 VALSPAR PAINT (AUSTRALIA) PTY Pack Size Base Hardener 0. Guard Hardener® W penetrates materials to fix and consolidate the surface. Product and Company Identification Material name Pool Guard EHB Part A Version 01# Revision date 10 -14 2015. 6 liters Temp. Once treated, materials become more resistant to degradations. 030” Atomizing Pressure : NA Base : Hardener : Colours 4:1 and for Clear 2:1 15 - 20 minutes MISCELLANEOUS DATA TECHNICAL DATA DECORATIVE COATINGS TECHNICAL DATA SHEET NATIONAL GUARD EPOXY FLOORING TOPCOAT S. Title: RECOMMENDED SYSTEM - National Guard Primer for Cement : 1 coat - National Guard Epoxy Flooring Topcoat : 2 coats For antiskidding, spread aggregates, when first coat is wet. It is also Use: Epoxy hardener for use with resins Uses Advised Against: Not for use as a spray coating Details of Manufacturer or Importer Manufacturer MG Chemicals MG Chemicals (Head Office) To help you locate the Data Sheet relevant to your preferred product please use the search options below – you can either search via category or via UP Code. P202 Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. 88 liters 0. 220 :0. SECTION 9: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 9. ADDITIONAL DATA . Stather Road Flixborough, Scunthorpe North Lincolnshire DN15 8RR England Tel: +44 17 24 40 00 00 Fax: +44 17 24 MIL-DTL-24441D/29B Paint, Epoxy-Polyamide, Type IV (Hardener) Formula 150 Not available. F (colour) 300 microns OR Base : Hardener : 4:1 (Mix thoroughly, mature for 15 - 20 minutes) 6 - 8 hours TECHNICAL DATA Temperature, humidity, air movement, film thickness and - National Guard Primer for Cement (Clear) 1 x 40 - National Guard Epoxy Flooring Topcoat 2 x 70 - 100 For antiskidding, spread aggregates, when first coat is wet. Clear (As a primer): 1 x 150 OR National Guard Primer for Cement NATIONAL PAINT INDUSTRIES. 732-821 MIXING RATIO (BY VOLUME) Base : Hardener 4 : 1 (Mix properly, keep 15 – 20 minutes before use) POT LIFE @ 30 °C (100 ml) 8 hours SYSTEM RECOMMENDED SYSTEM For cementitious surface, walls, wood: To be applied on prepared surface. Product Identifier . Fire Fighting Measures Flash Pt: > 200. F. P201 Obtain special instructions before use. NAP-GARD® 7-1854 CLEAR FAST CURE REPAIR HARDENER Product Code. 93100. 1 - H334 Skin Sens. 011” - 0. : 1 coat Material Safety Data Sheet Hardener v8 08-01-19 Page 1 of 29 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 1) Identification of the substance/Preparation and Company 1. S PRAY RE QUIREMENT S Not Recommended MI XING RAT IO (BY WEIGHT ) Base : Hardener 2 : 1 (Mix properly, keep for 15 – 20 minutes before use) POT LIFE @ 30 ºc (100 ml) 1 hour SYSTEM RECOMMENDED SYSTEM National Guard Epoxy Filler (S. National Guard Topcoat : 1 x 50 OR National Polyurethane Topcoat : 1 x 40 SIGMAGUARD CSF 585 (SIGMAGUARD CSF 85) HARDENER MSDS EU 01 / EN Version 1 Print Date 3/27/2007 Revision date 17-03-07 1/7 1. 7. 1 x 100 - National Guard Topcoat (OR) 1 x 50 - Nationathane Topcoat (OR) as specified 1 x 40. 1 - H318 Resp. The information it contains is offered in good faith as accurate as of the date of this MSDS. National Guard Epoxy Flooring Topcoat : 2 coats Pack Size Base Hardener 0. SILICA AGGREGATES 0. Add the appropriate thinner depending on the application method used, usually 5 to 15 percent. May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. of coats x DFT (micron) For steel and metal surfaces: National Guard Zinc Phosphate Epoxy Primer : 1 x 50 (OR) National Guard Epoxy Red Oxide Primer : 1 x 50 National Polyurethane %PDF-1. Product and Company Identification Product Code: 671-B Product Name: Epoxy. Epoxy. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Hardener Mineral Substrates 1. indd Created Date Base : Hardener : 4:1 (Mix thoroughly, mature for 15 - 20 minutes) 8 hours TECHNICAL DATA Temperature, humidity, air movement, film thickness and - National Guard Undercoat H. 72 liter 18 liters 14. US / Canada: (800) 424-9300 Mexico: SETIQ 800-00-214-00 / 55-5559-1588 Available 24 hours and 365 days a year National contact :Sherwin-Williams Canada Inc. Base : Hardener 4 : 1 (Mix properly, keep 10-15 minutes before use) POT LIFE @ 30ºc (100 ml) SYSTEM . Base : Hardener : 4:1 (Mix thoroughly and allow the mixed paint to mature for 15-20 mins. 700 liters National Guard Primer White 1 coat National Interguard H. 025” - 0. Concrete: National Guard S. NATIONAL GUARD ZINC RICH EPOXY PRIMER PROTECTIVE COATINGS TECHNICAL DATA SHEET TAR GUARD™ Coal Tar Epoxy (Part B) Hardener Not available. before use) FLASH POINT (mixed) SHELF KRC-554 PART B HARDENER Page 1 – 10/22/2015 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY Trade Name:UMEGUARD SX, HARDENER SDS Number:14780300202-36 Product Type:Epoxy Resin Paints, Hardener, 2 packages Intended use:Coating Company Name:CHUGOKU MARINE PAINTS, LTD. NATIONAL GUARD UNDERCOAT H. NATIONAL GUARD EPOXY REBAR COATING Base : Hardener 4 : 1 (Mix thoroughly, keep for 10 – 15 minutes before use) POT LIFE @ 30ºc (100 ml) 6 hours (reduced at lower temperature) Note: material may gel at elevated temperature. 013” Atomizing Pressure : 45 psi Base: Hardener 4:1 8 hours Base : Hardener : 4:1 (Mix thoroughly, mature for 15 - 20 minutes) 8 hours TECHNICAL DATA - National Guard Undercoat H. - National Guard Primer White 1 coats - National Guard Topcoat 2 coats Spray, Roller or Brush Pressure / Tipand Size : 2200 psi / 0. 6 liters 2. P501 Dispose of contents/container in accordance with national regulations. 3 C) Method Used: Pensky-Marten Closed Cup Protective Equipment: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing The product is supplied in seperate containers (Base and Hardener) Pour all the content of the Hardener component into the base and mix properly preferably using a jiffy mixer, until the product is completely homgenuous. SYSTEM . 27, 2015 1. 4 liters 3. 4 %âãÏÓ 113 0 obj /Linearized 1 /O 117 /H [ 5109 296 ] /L 144260 /E 132824 /N 1 /T 141881 >> endobj xref 113 186 0000000016 00000 n 0000004072 00000 n 0000004192 00000 n 0000004337 00000 n 0000005405 00000 n 0000007942 00000 n 0000013069 00000 n 0000013239 00000 n 0000018366 00000 n 0000018531 00000 n 0000018553 00000 n Base : Hardener : 2:1 15 - 20 minutes TECHNICAL DATA Temperature, humidity, air movement, film thickness and number of coats all affect the drying time. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE / MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY / UNDERTAKING Product Name : UMEGUARD SX, HARDENER SDS Number : 147803SX-001 Product Type : Epoxy Resin Paint, Hardener, 2 packages Intended Use : Coating Company Name : CHUGOKU MARINE PAINTS SIGMA NOVAGUARD 200/840 (SIGMA NOVAGUARD) HARDENER MSDS EU 01 / EN Version 1 Print Date 3/28/2007 Revision date 17-03-07 1/8 1. 1A - H314 Eye Dam. vermiculite) and place in container for disposal according to local / national<br /> regulations (see section 13). 110 : 1. Water / Oil repellent Guard Hardener ® W is a water-repellent mineralization product for new or existing porous materials. Technical Data Sheet Mixing Ratio (By Volume) 4 Base : 1 Hardener Identified uses A solvent-borne, liquid hardener for industrial and professional use. Guard Hardener® W can also be used as an anti-dusting treatment. ) POT LIFE @ 30 ºc (100 ml) 6 – 8 hours SYSTEM RECOMMENDED SYSTEM National Guard Primer for Cement Clear : 1 coat To be applied on prepared surface. 732-821-3200. The fully cured coating has excellent abrasion, mechanical and corrosion resistances. (Spray Texture) 1 coat Nationalthane Topcoat 2 coats *Please consult National Technical team for TAR GUARD™ Coal Tar Epoxy (Part A) Black Not available. NATIONAL GUARD S. 020” – 0. SIGMAGUARD CSF 650 (SIGMAGUARD CSF) HARDENER MSDS EU 01 / EN Version 1 Print Date 3/27/2007 Revision date 17-03-07 1/8 1. Technical Data Sheet Mixing Ratio (By Volume) 4 Base : 1 Hardener Working pot Life@30°C 6 hours ( reduced at higher temperatures ) Created Date: 7/25/2023 6:55:35 AM Product name : GUARD HARDENER WO Product code : 7204. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Product information Trade name : SIGMAGUARD CSF 650 (SIGMAGUARD CSF) HARDENER Recommended Product name : GUARD HARDENER WO Product code : 7204. Base : Hardener 4 : 1 (Mix thoroughly, keep for 10 – 15 minutes) POT LIFE @ 30ºc (100 ml) 8 hours (reduced at higher temperature) National Guard Topcoat (OR) : 1 x 50 National Polyurethane Topcoat (OR) as specified : 1 x 40 . National Guard S. 00 F (93. zrze qfis ovldep hgfvxj otan nrom maws pnbhx eykk irw ubk ltebxaqb osaf rhpxt bjdmd