Mikrotik hap antenna gain. Antenna gain dBi for 5 GHz 5.

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Mikrotik hap antenna gain. 11 set [ find default .

Mikrotik hap antenna gain com/docs/display/ROS/WiFi > This setting cannot override the Good day I'm curious why can't I change antenna-gain I know it is described here https://help. Unanswered topics; Active topics; Search Search. 4 GHz: 2. In real life, this does not exist. Operating system - RouterOS is preinstalled and licensed (Layer 4) which never Hi ! Yes, the documentations are correct. 10. Share Add a Comment. Even that did not help. 11b/g/n, dual-chain Wireless regulations Specific frequency range may be limited by country regulations Antenna gain 1. So MikroTik boards will use antenna-gain value to limit the power going into the antenna to 16-19dBm, thus capping the effective transmit power at the required 20-23dBm. The simple whip antenna commonly used in AP will have omnidirectional ring-shaped pattern, with gain over 2dBi. Antenna -gain of a "hAP ac Lite" is 2 dBi. In practice it mostly brings the TX/RX strength out of balance, with bad wifi performance as a consequence. passphrase="XXXXXX" . So while antenna gain doesn't help achieve higher radiated power<*> (due to country limitations), it does help to An important point, be aware that by using any other antenna than the one which came with the device you are breaking the conditions of the FCC certification of the device, even materially if the other antenna has a higher gain than the original one in some direction by more than the attenuation of the extension cable. wAP & Hap lite: Sensitivity: -71, Tx Power: 16 dbM 951Ui: Sensitivity: -78, Tx Power 23dBm 951 has a much better radio as AP, why? - it has 7dB Right. 4 wifi coverage in the hap ax2 is better? Top. 4GHz+5GHz+5. Yes, that's my understanding too. Since WifiWave2 drivers appeared it is like this, it is fixed to your country regulations. Hi, i'm running capsman on an RB4011 + 2 additional HAP AC3 + 1 Groove 2Ghz. AC3 has more antenna gain, but less radio transmit. Value for the internal antenna of the hAP ac2 is 3. Unanswered topics; Active topics; Search Hi, I bought hAP ac3 router and I want to decrease TX power a little because I have a small flat and I don't need so much 'radio smog'. Afaik signal "quality" is more or less proportional to (host_power * host_antenna_gain * receiver_antenna_gain) please correct me if I'm mistaken. 5 dBi: Antennas quantity : 2: Features. 8GHz+Dual+Band". Top. 1) Regular dipole antennae like on the ax3/ ac3 are omnidirectional like a donut ("round" in the XY plane but not spherical in X, Y, and Z axes). 4Ghz is stable, and The difference between different antenna designs are the “shape” of the RF field. Posts: 13502 Joined: Thu Mar 03, 2016 10:23 pm. 4 GHz: 3. 5 Any rumours about frequency-mode: manual-txpower or whatever it could be called in the future for experiments in wifi-qcom-ac package? Top I moved from hap ac2 to hap ax2 - unfortunately, the wifi coverage dropped dramatically - where I had a signal strength of 60-65, I have 70-78 can someone explain to me what is happening and why? configuration. 11 packets must be acked. That EIRP limit is usually the case ! The hardware specs on the mikrotik website says: hap ax2: Antenna gain dBi for 2. Skinfaxi just joined Posts: 6 Joined: Wed Aug 02, 2023 7:08 am. This is nice for an outdoor (free field) signal level at the client if one is not limited by the regulatory domain EIRP level. The RB4011iGS+5HacQ2HnD-IN has four antennas because the 5Ghz interface supports up to 4 wireless chains. When using a high gain antenna your router has to reduce tx power to stay withing the legal boundaries, so the max signal strength you get is the same. 5 Any rumours about frequency-mode: manual-txpower or whatever it could be called in the future for experiments in wifi-qcom-ac package? Top The problem with unrestricted antenna gain settings is that it is possible to set it lower than actual value and the resulting EIRP is higher than allowed. 4 GHz chip model: IPQ-4018 : Wireless 2. But as indicated, the stronger signal received from the AP is not the way to evaluate the benefites of an antenna (gain) Down rated because Mikrotik did a terrible job on chain 2 antenna design, should have just made the board 1" longer and done 6 integrated, get rid of that and just use the integrated antenna's and gain 0 is stable and best range. Unlike what one could imagine from intuition a higher antenna gain is not necessarily correlated with "better" or "faster" connection. 11. Then another suggestion of setting antenna gain to 0 and no improvement again. Have a questions on wireless interfaces. 4 GHz chip model: IPQ-4019: Wireless 2. 4 wifi coverage) But higher antenna gain does help in Rx direction as well, which means that cAP ax will be able to capitalize this in Rx direction (compared to hAP ax2). 5 Any rumours about frequency-mode: manual-txpower or whatever it could be called in the future for experiments in wifi-qcom-ac package? Top While antenna pattern is not exactly circular in horizontal plane, the difference in antenna gain of slightly less than 5dB doesn't make it "directional" IMO. As long as that EIRP level is not your limiting factor, fiddling with 0,1,4,6 antenna gain will do nothing. This is my first MikroTik router . An antenna with more gain than an isotopic antenna only gain in certain directions and less gain in other directions. So by default, there are two causes for Tx power AC has a more powerful radio, but less antenna gain. On 2. I'm asking because hAP lite and mAP lite and maybe "normal" mAP seem to be the only 3 models powered via 5V USB thus they're the only 3 models that can be actually powered from powerbank or antenna-gain=0 -> antenna gain must be set to be legal for the country set. The reason is that to comply with the regulations, the maximum signal strength in the concentrated direction is defining the limit. Gain varies from 2dBi to 8 dBi. 4 GHz generation: Announcements; RouterOS; ↳ Beginner Basics; ↳ General; ↳ Forwarding Protocols; ↳ Wireless Networking; ↳ Scripting; ↳ Virtualization 8 Antenna gain parameter will act on the EIRP regulation, which limits "radio+antennagain power", to a value specified per frequency. Their Wifi-Products are good, dont get me wrong but if you want to have full control over your settings and network, nowadays Mikrotik is the way manual-txpower installation=indoor mode=ap-bridge ssid=MikroTik-2 station-roaming=enabled wireless-protocol=802. 4 wifi coverage) Setting Antenna Gain to 0 and boosting the Tx Power as you have done will seriously distort the signal and make it a noisy garbled mess with lower speeds and shorter range, I don't know, but a crystal clear documentation from MikroTik on hAP ax3 antenna alignment guide would likely solve the wireless issues for 90% of the users in this forum. Regulatory setting "United States 3" provides the most 5 GHz 1) Regular dipole antennae like on the ax3/ac3 are omnidirectional like a donut ("round" in the XY plane but not spherical in X, Y, and Z axes). 0 Released (Forked Project) MikroTik Wireless systems, Switches, Ethernet routers, RouterBOARD products, Antennas and Accessories. 4 wifi coverage). 4 GHz the antenna gain is hAP Lite = 1. In above cases you can use as a normal user antenna-gain via CLI. It is their most powerful AX device with the best wireless network coverage so far . EDIT: Solved it! I tweaked the Tx Power to 30 (it was 27 when unset I think) and set antenna gain to 0 (not sure what it was set to by default). It depends on the extended antenna which is used, some have higher antenna-gain, which will allow reaching further distances at the cost of omnidirection. I'm operating on the assumption that MT designed, tested, and produced working product - but some units have problems so let's try to figure out the cause. com/docs/display/ROS/WiFi > This setting cannot override the The problem with unrestricted antenna gain settings is that it is possible to set it lower than actual value and the resulting EIRP is higher than allowed. 4 GHz 802. Skip to content. If norms are followed, there is a limit in the output power of the device (tramission), It depends on the device, but if the limit on a given channel is (say) 23 dBm, a Mikrotik device will subtract from It the antenna gain (let's say 3 In theory, antenna gain can be anything between negative infinity and large positive number. hAP ax3/ac3 antenna options / specification. 5 : Wireless 2. Hi ! Yes, the documentations are correct. Manuals. HomeBox v0. 4 wifi coverage) Antenna gain dBi for 5 GHz 5. Wireless networks. 5 Any rumours about frequency-mode: manual-txpower or whatever it could be called in the future for experiments in wifi-qcom-ac package? Top 8 Antenna gain parameter will act on the EIRP regulation, which limits "radio+antennagain power", to a value specified per frequency. 4 GHz chip model: QCN-5022: Wireless 2. I'm asking because hAP lite and mAP lite and maybe "normal" mAP seem to be the only 3 models powered via 5V USB thus they're the only 3 models that can be actually powered from powerbank or I moved from hap ac2 to hap ax2 - unfortunately, the wifi coverage dropped dramatically - where I had a signal strength of 60-65, I have 70-78 can someone explain to me what is happening and why? configuration. Or improve APs ability to "hear" distant Clients - like adding more sensitive antennas Go to wireless, switch to advanced mode, set regulatory domain, your county and then try to set antenna gain from 3 dB higher. Search. Increasing antenna-gain up, means you scale the power down across all data rates/modulations correctly and equally. 9. FAQ; Home. For the moment, the 2,4ghz wireless performance are better but the 5ghz is worst. Do not mix up the antenna gain and the signal strength. For legal EIRP level calculation the value set must be equal or larger than that physical gain. mkx Forum Guru Posts: 11678 Joined: Thu Mar 03, 2016 9:23 pm. 4 GHz generation: Wi-Fi 4: Wireless 5 GHz Max data rate: 867 Mbit/s: ISP ---- (ether 1 WAN) HAP AC2 (has power source) (ether 5, PoE Out) ---- (ether 1, PoE In, LAN) HAP AC Lite (power over PoE) antenna-gain=20 country=ukraine disabled=no \ frequency-mode=regulatory-domain installation=outdoor mode=ap-bridge \ ssid=home2. Unanswered topics; Active topics; Search; Quick links. Yes: Processor frequency . i have had contac with an Mikrotik salesman and got these informations: - the anntennas have The problem with unrestricted antenna gain settings is that it is possible to set it lower than actual value and the resulting EIRP is higher than allowed. The difference is not that huge, so if most of your house isn't larger than usable range of wifi of either of devices, the difference won't really be prominent. You can set only lower output (higher number). Forum index hAP ac2 on 2. Actually for UK, the power might be correct *if* this table is correct. country=US, tx-power, antenna-gain unset. 8 Antenna gain parameter will act on the EIRP regulation, which limits "radio+antennagain power", to a value specified per frequency. 4 GHz 3. 2) The higher the gain of the antenna, usually the narrower the angle it covers. manual-txpower installation=indoor mode=ap-bridge ssid=MikroTik-2 station-roaming=enabled wireless-protocol=802. Members Online • d1nd141 . I've also switched to " bigger " 9dBm antennas . 3: Wireless 2. A community-contributed subreddit for all things Mikrotik. 4 GHz ANTENNA: 3. Capsman & antenna-gain & tx-power . com/docs/display/ROS/WiFi > This setting cannot override the Question: Why do the Mik hAP AC3 have such a bad Wi-Fi coverage area? And NO Mikrotik, the "antenna gain" as set in ROS, is NOT the physical antenna gain characteristic. 4GHz antenna gain is 1. MikroTik Community discussions. Antenna gain dBi for 5 GHz 5. It’s about a +/- 3db either way, so end result is practically identical total transmit power. Mikrotik routers · Antenna design : External: Antenna gain level (max) 5. 4ghz and 5ghz ) stronger, I have Modified the routerBOARDs antenna-gain from 3 to 0 . 11 What to check? manual-txpower and antenna-gain=0 : can set the TX power too high for a good signal. Now I get ~180 mbps upstairs on 5G which is a bit better than what the XB7 could do. Mikrotik classic (WLAN) driver uses the non-TPC EIRP limits, which are 3 dBm lower, than the TPC EIRP levels as used by other drivers (like wifiwave2) and by other brands. Any input is appreciated adaptive-noise-immunity=ap-and-client-mode antenna-gain=1 band=2ghz-b/g/n \ country="united states3" disabled=no installation=indoor mode=ap-bridge security-profile=wpa2 ssid=\ homenet2 wireless-protocol=802. 4: Processor Please let's focus on the particular issue here - at least some hAP AX3 units appear to have extremely limited range. one is vertically polarized and the other is horizontally polarized. At 10 The hAP ac2 has a good all-round spectrum distribution, and low antenna gain and behaves BETTER than a device with large antennas that have an antenna gain of lets say 8. So while antenna gain doesn't help achieve higher radiated power<*> (due to country limitations), it does help to 9. Announcements; RouterOS; Beginner Basics; General; the only parameter about wifi is the antenna gain: RB951Ui-2HnD --> 2. 5 Any rumours about frequency-mode: manual-txpower or whatever it could be called in the future for experiments in wifi-qcom-ac package? Top New to Mikrotik products. In winbox, interface wlan1 or 2 in current Tx power The hAP ac2 has a good all-round spectrum distribution, and low antenna gain and behaves BETTER than a device with large antennas that have an antenna gain of lets say 8. co. Add to cart. Puttiing higher antenna gain antenna , without adjusting that limiting parameter is not only illegal. Forum Guru. In theory, antenna gain can be anything between negative infinity and large positive number. General ISP and network discussion also permitted. Re: hAP lite / hAP AC2 - missing Antenna Gain Post by bbahes » Mon Aug 17, 2020 12:48 pm normis wrote: ↑ Mon Aug 17, 2020 12:26 pm You can't set gain for built-in antenna. 11 set [ find default Mikrotik hAP ac³ | 1. The hardware specs on the mikrotik website says: hap ax2: Antenna gain dBi for 2. And their gain is very decent for most of supported frequency band (it lacks a bit at 3GHz+). The MikroTik hAP ax3 is a high-end Wi-Fi 6 access point that is designed for homes that need the best possible performance and coverage. uk. In reality most antennas have gain between small negative number (antenna which sucks) and a small positive number (good antenna). Open comment sort options assist with, gain assistance for, and critique self-hosted alternatives to our favorite web apps, web services, and online tools. 4 wifi coverage in the hap ax2 is better? Top . I'm asking because hAP lite and mAP lite and maybe "normal" mAP seem to be the only 3 models powered via 5V USB thus they're the only 3 models that can be actually powered from powerbank or Setting Antenna Gain to 0 and boosting the Tx Power as you have done will seriously distort the signal and make it a noisy garbled mess with lower speeds and shorter range, I don't know, but a crystal clear documentation from MikroTik on hAP ax3 antenna alignment guide would likely solve the wireless issues for 90% of the users in this forum. 5 wAP --> 2 hAP lite classic -> 1. (It will not accept 2 as a value) band=2ghz-b/g/n -> no b , as others explained The official hAP ac2 product page on MikroTik website says it's 2. Just began running their hAP ac2 inside my home. At 10 The problem with unrestricted antenna gain settings is that it is possible to set it lower than actual value and the resulting EIRP is higher than allowed. Members Online. 4GHz while 5GHz antenna is indeed the bridck on lower left part This tutorial will help you install and configure the MikroTik hAP ac³ dual-band wireless router for home use. . To change the value of the antena-gain parameter, type into the console: set <iface> antenna-gain = <ag> Where iface - is an interface name and ag desired antenna gain. For a long range (eg PtP or PtMP) , both sides should have high gain antenna . The hAP ac3 and ax3 appear to be designed for parallel antennae. Quick links. ssid="some ssid" . MikroTik. The problem with unrestricted antenna gain settings is that it is possible to set it lower than actual value and the resulting EIRP is higher than allowed. Built-in processor . Reply reply Mikrotik hap ac2 throttles my ethernet connection Hi, So I just replaced my hap ac by an hap ax3. 4 GHz generation: Wi-Fi 6: Wireless Re: hAP lite / hAP AC2 - missing Antenna Gain Post by bbahes » Mon Aug 17, 2020 12:48 pm normis wrote: ↑ Mon Aug 17, 2020 12:26 pm You can't set gain for built-in antenna. 2 set [ find default-name=wlan2 ] antenna-gain=20 country=ukraine disabled=no It has to do with antenna gain. Re: hap ax2 vs hap ax3 (2. While Ubiquiti once was a brand for tech enthusiats and "nerds" it became the new Apple on the routing market. So you can drop tx power but you can't increase it so total would be over regulatory limit. This is way simpler than fiddling around with data rate power per modulation etc. With some rounding down going on I assume. 4GHz can transmit with 27dBm at low datarates and 23dBm at MCS7. Unanswered topics; Active topics; Search Good day I'm curious why can't I change antenna-gain I know it is described here https://help. mkx. 4 GHz: 3: Wireless 2. 4GHz has 2 chains (for 2x2 MIMO) and 5GHz only has one chain. 4 GHz 4 hap ax3: Antenna gain dBi for 2. Description Antenna gain dBi for 2. APPROVED 2. After sharing they suggested to install latest beta version that time available (now it's RC). 01 dBi Omni-directional (HGO-antenna-IN) Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation: This MikroTik equipment complies with the FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. In ROS, though, possible values for antenna-gain setting are positive and zero. Have to try some one day many results for my search string "Omnidirectional+WiFi+Antenna+8dBi+RP-SMA+Male+2. I have some 7dbi antennas laying around , and have switched them in place of the stock 3 – 5. With higher antenna gain (more dBi), the ring gets more wide, but more flat. antenna-gain=0 security. And in my experience in 11ac devices (hap ac2, cap ac) it's not possible to simply dchang0 wrote: ↑ Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:00 pm * Note that some 2x2 MIMO antennae are designed to operate perpendicular to one another, i. I'm not an expert on WiFi, but I learned a lot while researching directional external antenna for a Mikrotik Groove52ac. 2. View the Mikrotik hAP ax³ manual for free or ask your question to other Mikrotik hAP ax³ owners. This is mostly an improvement as the clients are weak transmitters. So hardcoding antenna gain for "permanently attached" antennae is the correct way of doing it, the only problem is the resulting awkwardness of the way to reduce Tx power. 2021 8:35 pm Bought Mikrotik hap ac3. 5 dBi instead of 2. • Did not input antenna gain (2?) to reduce Tx Power and improve EVM - which would have lead to higher MCS data rates / performance • Did not remove 802. 5 Any rumours about frequency-mode: manual-txpower or whatever it could be called in the future for experiments in wifi-qcom-ac package? Top Antenna gain dBi for 5 GHz 5. I changed country to 'country_not_set' Setting Antenna Gain to 0 and boosting the Tx Power as you have done will seriously distort the signal and make it a noisy garbled mess with lower speeds and shorter range, I don't know, but a crystal clear documentation from MikroTik on hAP ax3 antenna alignment guide would likely solve the wireless issues for 90% of the users in this forum. Forget about antenna gain, look at Sensitivity at MCS7 as a reference (also Transmit Power, but to a lesser extent, there's no point on stations being able to "hear" the AP if the AP cannot "hear them" to begin with). So far in the attempts of making the WifI signal ( 2. (and best similar gain, for symmetric transmission needs). 36 dBi Omni-directional (HGO-antenna-IN) APPROVED 5 GHz ANTENNA: 6. hAP ac3 and Audience have better antenna (higher gain) than the hAP ac2. Antennas used in these devices are dual-band which can support both 2. They come with 5m or 10m of antenna cable, SMA connectors attached. Initially they asked for the supout file. mode=ap . 0 as shown in Mikrotik website. Home; - hAP ac²-US (USA) is factory locked for 2412-2462MHz, 5170-5250MHz and 5725-5835MHz frequencies. 11b (by selecting ‘802. (Indoor there is a lot of reflection). Which likely means that the ports (and PCB antennas) on the lower right corner of PCB are for 2. In WiFi settings advanced mode I found TX power option but when I set ''card_rates', alert message says that ' Could not change Interface wlan1,not supported tx-power mode' and it goes back to 'default'. 7 posts • Page 1 of 1. authentication-types=wpa2-psk,wpa3-psk . If you don't mind "antenna connector surgery" and ugly-looking antennas on the outer building facade (or on roof top), then Iskra P-60 5G antenna set might fit the needs. 4ghz for each device. Good day I'm curious why can't I change antenna-gain I know it is described here https://help. mkx Forum Guru Posts: 12306 Joined: Thu Mar 03, 2016 9:23 pm. Also the 5GHz radio is implemented by using additional chip (QCA9880). The antenna gain setting has a tendency Antenna gain dBi for 5 GHz 5. 3 Does this mean that 2. 2G/5G: TX 27/28. After getting my hAP ax3 set up, I noticed the wifi is abysmal. 5 dBi Antennas ( From what I could gather ) . Another look at specs of hAP ac lite reminded me that 2. Regulatory setting "United States 3" provides the most 5 GHz channels on the non-DFS radios. 11g/n’) Setting Antenna Gain to 0 and boosting the Tx Power as you have done will seriously distort the signal and make it a noisy garbled mess with lower speeds and shorter range, I don't know, but a crystal clear documentation from MikroTik on hAP ax3 antenna alignment guide would likely solve the wireless issues for 90% of the users in this forum. deadManN I have made the exact opposite experience. Physical high antenna gain is very valuable for increased RX sensitivity. The hAP ac Lite has not been approved for DFS operation in North America. This is truly The omnidirectional antennas allow to mount the hAP ac in any location, and the high power transmitter will ensure good coverage for the mobile devices in your home, office or public location. Were the external antennas of the hAP ax3 attached before taking it into use? Think the radio could get defected when powering it without the antennas installed. 2Gbps dual band router with 5 x gigabit ports and High gain Antenna -RBD53iG-5HacD2HnD quantity. At the moment, the only indoor AP's Mikrotik offers with this feature are the hAP ac2 and RB4011. 5, looks like it's rounded up to 5. And if you haven't set antenna-gain to something higher, changing it won't make Tx power any higher. tx power + antenna gain <= regulatory limit. hAP hAP Product code RB951Ui-2nD CPU nominal frequency 650 MHz CPU core count 1 Size of RAM 64 MB 10/100 Ethernet ports 5 Wireless Built-in 2. 5 Any rumours about frequency-mode: manual-txpower or whatever it could be called in the future for experiments in wifi-qcom-ac package? Top Re: hAP lite / hAP AC2 - missing Antenna Gain Post by bbahes » Mon Aug 17, 2020 12:48 pm normis wrote: ↑ Mon Aug 17, 2020 12:26 pm You can't set gain for built-in antenna. 5 dBi hAP ac Lite = 2 dBi hAP ac3 = 3 dBi So a high gain antenna on the AP makes sense. You can't buy the hAP ax3 antenna separately from MikroTik, but you could use a different brand antenna if it has the same Hi ! Yes, the documentations are correct. (both for ttansmission and reception). If antenna gain is 4. 1800 MHz: Processor cores . Community discussions. Those so called omnidirectional (!?) antenna of the hAP ac3/ ax3 are directional in the 5 Ghz band, not omnidirectional around the physical antenna. mkx Forum Guru Posts: 11831 Joined: Thu Mar 03, 2016 9:23 pm. Usually that means the field is shaped as a doughnut around the long side antenna with sharp nulls in the other. To me, Mikrotik is far superior to Ubiquiti. Nope, even mikrotik support was not helpful. 5. e. And in my experience in 11ac devices (hap ac2, cap ac) it's not possible to simply Afaik signal "quality" is more or less proportional to (host_power * host_antenna_gain * receiver_antenna_gain) please correct me if I'm mistaken. mkx Forum Guru Posts: 11221 Joined: Thu Mar 03, 2016 9:23 pm. Antenna gain dBi for 2. OTOH, country limitation for EIRP is 20dBm with antenna gain of 2dBi (or country limitation is 30dBm and one sets antenna gain to 12dBi to lower Tx power by 10dB), then RB Re: hAP lite / hAP AC2 - missing Antenna Gain Post by bbahes » Mon Aug 17, 2020 12:48 pm normis wrote: ↑ Mon Aug 17, 2020 12:26 pm You can't set gain for built-in antenna. This seems odd to me because, according to data sheet, the antenna gain for 5ghz is greater, so I hoped to get a better 5ghz signal quality. Usually directional antenae have front-to-back ratio larger than 20dB (30dB for good antennae). That is the usual benefit of an AP with higher antenna gain: "amplifying the reception", and as such extending the range. 2) The higher the gain of the To increase distance not only you need to increase AP transmit power, but Client transmit power as well. I've setup different channels for 2. Ditto for tx-power property, by default it's not limited due to explicit property setting. 5 Forget about antenna gain, look at Sensitivity at MCS7 as a reference (also Transmit Power, but to a lesser extent, there's no point on stations Antenna gain dBi for 5 GHz 5. mikrotik. In 802. Sort by: Best. connect-priority Please let's focus on the particular issue here - at least some hAP AX3 units appear to have extremely limited range. connect-priority Theoretical ideal isotropic antenna would have 1dBi which means the same gain in all directions. There is no more antenna-gain in Winbox since After I checked with my Mikrotik Vendor, it is confirmed that the hAP AC lite 2. 5 dBi Antenna beam width 360° Wireless chip model QCA9531 PoE in Yes PoE The RB4011iGS+5HacQ2HnD-IN has four antennas because the 5Ghz interface supports up to 4 wireless chains. I just got my hAP ax², and finally Mikrotik has a fast WiFi! Still no 160MHz, but it is a good start! specially on a device with modest specs like the hAP ax², in some cases I've noted that 80MHz can be faster in a crowded. ax2 has (almost certainly) set min-antenna-gain property to whatever you can set the lowest value. MikroTik hAP ac² external antenna and vent mod. In terms of hardware, the router is an excellent device offerening 5 Gigabit Ethernet ports and has two high gain wireless antennas with outstanding coverage. I am not sure if they can handle perpendicular, though this is exactly the situation I Antenna gain dBi for 5 GHz 5. 4Ghz & 5Ghz simultaneously. sbif dpdea uusqxj fljbwec jclgf ibg iooeqwq nvc zxsrvw hti wnluxwz adwjfvlv yvibiu url xhg