Interactive filter reference servicenow. The filter does not apply to any other targets you set.
Interactive filter reference servicenow We're trying to use PA Interactive Filters to search for any Incidents, etc. Getting Started with Application Development Transform your workflows and your business with App Engine. When I tried with another filter, I got to see a list of customers in the dashboard. (Some of the reports as lists, time series, etc). However, this field is a list collector lookup (so I am able to select multiple users). Please mark as correct answer if this solves your A custom interactive filter can be used to filter multiple Reports using different tables. The first one (in green) points at Business Applications [cmdb_ci_business_app]. For this, I am fetching a list of managers from sys_user table. - On the Add Widget Select Interactive Filters - Select Type Choice - Add to your dashboard. Please keep Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. Servicenow comes up with many filter types but sometimes it requires applying a filter based on the catalog item/requested item variables and available int Getting Started with Application Development Transform your workflows and your business with App Engine. I ensure the Interactive Filter is set to target the tables that I am reporting/have reports for on that dashboard. How can I create a Reference Interactive filter to be able to select the "Company" of SLA tasks? The requirement is to add an interactive filter in a Dashboard with reports based on Task_sla table. How to create and add an interactive filter widget to a responsive dashboard? You must have edit access to the dashboard if you want to add the widget. I want to be able to filter processors one at a time. caller_location, Assigned_to_location. Hi everyone, i'm trying du build a interactive filter for Cases. English (US) English (UK) German; Spanish; French; Italian Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. Help. publishFilter(). However, there are some workarounds I will introduce in this article. Breakdown can be a reference field or a Choice list. How to resolve the custom interactive filter is null in dashboard in Platform Analytics forum 3 weeks ago; Create a date range interactive filter for dashboard in Platform Analytics forum 3 weeks ago; How to set the default value at run time on an interactive filter of reference type? in Platform Analytics forum 02-04-2025 I have a table named parent. Referenced post However, in the same filter, I need to show some selected fields i. Click on Add, notice that new reference type interactive filter is added on left side. As we have SLAs for Cases and the Company is an Hi @Paul H2 , . // transform HTML selectbox to When I try to add an interactive filter using a reference, the filter does nothing. Only reference fields that point to that table and field can work as additional targets. Example, Filter cab be Checklist, Boolean, Date range, Reference. 3. The filter is already set as "act as interactive filter" and the list on the report is already set to "follow interactive filter". I want the interactive filter to apply to all 3 reports, but am only able to add int We have multiple options to add Interactive filter of Type. If 'Is CompanyA' is selected, it should filter the reports to only show records for CompanyA. So here I don´t know what information use to apply correctly the interactive filter. If my response helped please mark it correct and close the thread so that it benefits future readers. On a dashboard where you are using PA and normal reports, your breakdown can act as interactive filter. It didn't filter records according to the filter. I am one step closer 🙂 I was able to create two 'Interactive Filter Reference' that point at the two tables I am using across the dashboard. Select '#New Reference' from Reference list . The widget is set to "Act as interactive filter". This means that when you select a value in the first filter, it will dynamically update the change the display name of reference interactive filter in Developer forum Tuesday; Mastering Playbook Variants in ServiceNow Yokohama in Developer Advocate Blog a week ago; Interactive Filter - Date bettwen in Developer forum a week ago; The Power of ServiceNow Reporting: How to Make Data-Driven Decisions in Developer articles 02-10-2025 When I try to add an interactive filter using a reference, the filter does nothing. We have 4 hierarchy of managers. I am trying to make an interactive filter for a field that references the user table. I the list of tickets are getting derived from the task table in which core_company is a column in that table. reference field = Sys ID. How to resolve the custom interactive filter is null in dashboard in Platform Analytics forum 3 weeks ago; Create a date range interactive filter for dashboard in Platform Analytics forum 3 weeks ago; How to set the default value at run time on an interactive filter of reference type? in Platform Analytics forum 02-04-2025 This reference field is also avaible in my dashboard as a interactive filter. , "Change Assignment Group" filter -> filter on the sys_user_group). I believe you will just have to create a separate Interactive ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. i added this interactive filter to my dashboard. I have a reference interactive filter that is on the Product table. An Example of a Custom Interactive Filter for Dashboards - On the Add Widget Select Interactive Filters - Select Type Choice - Add to your dashboard. I was able to create an interactive filter (Reference) to the pm_project table and have a nice list of project names listed within the drop-down, but setting up an interactive filter reference on the Project Solved: We're trying to create an Interactive Filter on the Cost Center table that displays the Code field instead of the default Name field but I would like to add an Interactive Filter to a Dashboard that allows the user to filter the reports based on if the record's Company field is CompanyA, or, not CompanyA. This requires scripting and modifying the behavior of the filter: Use the Interactive Filter Conditions to apply a LIKE query on the freeform string field. I ensure the Reports are set to "Follow Interactive Filters". Thank you for your response @Tsura Andreeva,. Thank you. "If you found my answer helpful, please give it a like and mark it as the accepted solution. Filter 1 - Reference filter (getting value based in configuration in script include) Filter 2 - list filter (Values are coming based on another script include) But our requirement is Filter 2 should be visible only if user select ABC in Filter 1. During the creation of the filter however, it showed the values I wanted to see. I couldn't find a way in the documentation or interactive filter setup to simply limit the options available to the five users I want as the only options. In a dashboard I have a bar chart with number of completed tasks per month per processor (reference field using sys_user able). g. manager which is the level most of our VPs are at with I´ve this 3 interactive filters . Further in the Interactive Filter definition, I have tried Interactive Filter References for combinations of the various fields (all on the same table) to drive counts for each status value (accepted I've created a reference interactive filter with reference table = sys_user_group. Create a reference field interactive filter . 2021-03-09, by Niklas Engren. Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. Hello, I have requirement of creating an interactive filter where in the incidents should be filtered based on the country field. . The interactive filter's reference table is the same one, [sys_user_group]; however, when trying to insert an interactive filter reference, we are not able to select the field "name", as it displays the following: Reference field "name" is not of type . You need not to add the interactive filter of your repots tab. We've setup the Breakdown with an Interactive filter to show the names and was able to setup the Interactive Filter References to look for assignment_group. Because they are referencing different tables, you won't be able to create the interactive filter on these tables. ; App Engine Studio Low-code apps bring new enterprise experiences to market in half the time and one-third the cost. I have created a reference interactive filter and added to dashboard but it is coming as a check box but not as reference and also only limited locations are displaying. Impact Accelerate ROI and amplify your expertise. Afterwards you will have to create the interactive filter reference in the related list, where you map uo the sc_req_item table and the "requested for". Also, interactive filters must be based on the same tables as the reports Hi @yoli1 . Opened, Closed, and Created. I expected to see Variables[+] in the sc_req_item table and then dot walk but Variables[+] are not on the list. Although not standard, you might configure the interactive filter to allow contains or wildcard searches. I'm trying the use an interactive filter based on a question_choice from a requested item variable. I have a custom interactive filter that gives the count of incidents based on partial service name using the script below. If 'Is Not CompanyA' is selected, For reporting purposes, therefore, many users would like to have at least interactive filters on a dashboard that can be used to reduce a list based on the selected elements. I would like to create a custom interactive filter where I choose an Assignment Group from a reference field, and it searches the Value field on my db view for those values. The Reference field in the Interactive Filter Reference is a new customize column that having Reference type . Use the reference type in the filter based on. ; Citizen Development Center Quickly build low-code apps with more creators and less risk. javascript: gs Hi @Michael Nemecek,. Learning Build skills with instructor-led and online training. Hello Experts! I had a requirement to create a date range interactive filter. But when I put some information in the reference filter, it change the contracts that shows me. ; Creator Studio Convert business expertise into workflows with no code. As we have SLAs for Cases and the Company is an Breakdown is the concept that is used in PA only. If it s a string field, then you have to create a Content block to filter the contents based on the value you add. Store Download certified apps and integrations that complement ServiceNow. ; Store Download certified apps and integrations that complement ServiceNow. Hello @Naga jyothi sri ,. I've tried sc_item_option and sc_item_option_mtom but can't find the correct reference. Admin Experience Resources Achieve business outcomes based on recommended solutions with streamlined setup experiences, and a centralized hub for admin tasks. I have created a custom table and we have two custom reference fields so How to create custom interactive filter for reference fields. 3- Priority Interactive Filter - For the Priority just add the single: And there is how it 2. And in the Interactive filter reference i am selecting change task table and. After creating interactive filter, scroll down to related lists. org","@type":"TechArticle","headline":"Custom interactive filter example - Multiple Getting Started with Application Development Transform your workflows and your business with App Engine. - check this link. The second one (in red) points at Mapped Application Service [cmdb_ci_service_discovered]. two fields are there. publishMessage(). Interactive filters? Interactive Filters allow you to filter report widgets directly from a homepage or dashboard without modifying the reports. ; Agent Chat, Routing, and Sidebar Advanced agent chat with smart routing and incident management. ; Partner Grow your business with promotions, news, and marketing tools for partners. If a table but no field is specified as the filter source, that table or a reference field pointing to that table is selected automatically as a target. ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. ; Creator Studio Convert business expertise into I'm getting the values I'd like to filter on. 3- Priority Interactive Filter - For the Priority just add the single: And there is how it <script custom-tag="" type="application/ld+json">{"@context":"https://schema. But in my table I could see that the country field is made as string , Hence when I search the country field in the interactive field references , I cannot find the country field as it is not a reference field and it is a string field. // transform HTML selectbox to Hello everyone! I have a reference interactive filter that is on the Product table. that follow under our VPs. I'm able to build interactive filters for question choices from a requested item variable by identifying the question in the condition for reference filters no problem, but I can't for boolean filters. its possible. manager. Right now the way There are two different APIs to publish an interactive filter for a single table or\n multiple tables. I was able to create a chart that visualizes this data (the report itself is coming from a database view that joins incident, task_sla, and task_cmdb_ci_service tables), but it does not seem to work as an interactive filter with the other visualizations on this dashboard. A new interactive filter form will open . The last thing I thought I had to do was get the reference table (sc_req_item) and then select the reference field Solved: Hi, I'm trying to use interactive filters to allow users to filter by the Value field stored in a metric_instance record. I created the filter as a reference style and was able to add the five users I want listed, but that simply adds them as pre-selected, with the whole list of users available. When I create the interactive filter and have to select the reference, it does not let me select the field? Is there a way to create this filter if the field is a list Solved: Hello, I am trying to create an interactive filter for assignment groups so that the dashboard only shows case records based on the. e. I want the filter also to give results for reports on the same I put a Reference Interactive Filter on the page that filters associates from our sys_user table assigned to the teams handling these records. i created custom reference interactive filter with interactive filter references for that two columns. I have done below for the dahboard: 1. ; Creator Studio Convert business expertise into How can I create a Reference Interactive filter to be able to select the "Company" of SLA tasks? The requirement is to add an interactive filter in a Dashboard with reports based on Task_sla table. The Top task field on the [pm_project_task] references the Planned task [planned_task] table whereas your interactive filter is referencing the Project [pm_project] table. Use Case: I have a dashboard with an Interactive Filter, Reports and Content Block in one tab, the content block is not following the interactive filter. ; Impact Drive a faster ROI and amplify your expertise with ServiceNow Impact. in Developer forum Tuesday Hello All, We have a requirement where, on the catalog form, if the Line of Business field value is selected, the SVP/VP reference field should filter and display the relevant names based on the selected value, allowing the user to choose from the options. ServiceNow Community servicenow community. Support Manage your instances, After you create you interactive filter as I suggested there is a tab at the bottom called Interactive Filter Reference. I took the reference from one of the posts that exist here in the community and also worked for me. In the interactive filter, click on the gear icon (edit widget), and make sure the interactive check box is checked. 4. I have the dashboard in the workspace and the users can go into it and select the filter them selfs, but the need now is so that they can go directly from the record to the dashboard with the filter applied directly based on the ref field on the record they came from. Here we will make use of the Reference Interactive Filter. How to add reference table to the interactive filter when the You can create Interactive Filters for multiple field types such as Choice list, Reference, Date, Cascading filter, etc. Below image shows 2 records one without dot walk and one with dot walk . Is there any way I can get the interactive filter value to a widget? For reference the Interactive Filter ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. 2. OOTB ServiceNow does not offer interactive filters for list type fields. This table should include columns representing each level of the cascading filter, arranged in a parent-child relationship (e. So by chosing the table sn_customerservice_case as interactive filter reference its not possible to selest the state. Click on plus icon, select interactive filters and select Reference. I tri It should be allowed for an Interactive Filter - for anything that's a choice or reference (that exists on the correct table) Try this: And save, then in Interactive Filter References at the bottom, create a new one for the Incident table (or whichever table you want to filter) by pointing it to the table name and the field that will hold the user: I added the filter to the dashboard but it is not filtering the list of tickets based on this filter? It is support to filter the list based based on what companies have the requires clearance table has true or false. and created 'interactive filter references' with reference table 'pa_dashboards' for reference field 'owner. To discover the group field on a table, you can use an OOB interactive filter as a reference (e. However, I get the error I want to create an Interactive Filter that will allow me to pull data by an Agent's name. If the new field you created is a Reference field, Choice list or Date field, then you can create an interactive filter directly. change the display name of reference interactive filter in Developer forum Tuesday Establish Reliability with ServiceNow API Integrations Using the Circuit Breaker Pattern in Developer forum Tuesday Filtering Request Items Based on Catalog Item, ITIL Role . The filter is placed on a dashboard with 3 reports with source tables of: sys_group_has_role, sys_user_grmember, and sys_user_group. I also pointed the reference table to the task table so it works great however the problem is if I add my Cascading Interactive Filter to a dashboard. I add my Cascading Interactive Filter to a dashboard. Impact Drive a faster ROI and amplify your expertise with ServiceNow Impact. this filter is working like caller_location AND Assigned_to <script custom-tag="" type="application/ld+json">{"@context":"https://schema. Support Manage your instances, Portfolios and I have been able to add in the Interactive Filter References related tab records for risk, Display interactive filer based on another filter in Servicenow Dashboard in Developer forum a month ago; Display Specific Field Value in Chart Based on Filter in UI Builder in Developer forum 01-28-2025; Interactive Filter to cmdb_ci_server table - "IP Address" Display name not available ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. ServiceNow Community; Products; Now Platform; I have a dashboard that shows different aspects of services, incidents, releases, changes and outages. Support Manage your instances, access self-help, and get technical support. We have 2 interactive filter. , Category → Subcategory → Item). Learning Build your skills with instructor-led and online training. Tomas Thank you, Jagjeet. I have a requirement to create an interactive filter on a dashboard and this interactive filter of "Reference" type, When i select a value for this filter, it should FILTER OUT the selected value from the report Hi, I have created a Business Service - reference interactive filter. If you create a two interactive filter references both to the problem table where one is problem coordinator and the other one is assigned to, the when you utilize this interactive filter, it will only show show values when problem coordinator and assigned to Use the "Contains" Condition in a Dashboard Interactive Filter. For incident table f. For the filter I use "Customer_account" as reference table. You can then build the reference there. Hello, we have a report from the source table [sys_user_group] which we will like to filter by name using an interactive filter. The trouble comes when I need to map it in the Interactive Filter References. It helps others find the solution more easily and supports the community!" I have requirement on Custom Interactive Filters, in my custom table. Partner Grow your business with promotions, news, and marketing tools. Partner Grow your business with promotions, news, and marketing tools for partners. 5. manager'. 2 - Groups Interactive Filter - In your interactive filter tab select Reference - The select for assignment group, if you need want a single or multiple choice. The question is a boolean variable. As table reference, i´m using the ast_contract, that shows me all the contracts that we have. OR Display nothing in Filter 2 if user select ABC in Filter 1. I want the filter also to give results for reports on the same table because it does not allow me because there is no filed of type Product in the table. ' link. Based upon the manager selected from the interactive filter, the report should display the list of dashboards created by subordinates. However, the next step is to create a Interactive Filter Reference (see sceenshot) I click new . Create interactive filter which references the company table . SS: And in report, click on the gear icon (edit widget), and in interactivity, make sure both checkboxes are checked. It shows: "Related list is empty". Yes, in ServiceNow dashboards, you can set up interactive filters to follow one another, creating a cascading or chained filter effect. I need the filter to look at Assigned to OR Closed by OR Opened by. ; App Engine Low-code apps bring new enterprise experiences to market in half the time and one-third the cost. Reference filters in Platform Documentation Find detailed information about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. 2020-06-09, by ServiceNow Support. Where is my mistake? Thanks for helping and good day ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. ServiceNow Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, Create a reference filter, choose the sys_user_group table and on the filter select: Sys ID is. Navigate to Interactive filter module, create a record and add the mapping. A custom interactive filter can be used to filter multiple Reports using different tables. I now make a selection from each of the 3 drop downs on my Cascading Filter, and click "Apply". Custom interactive filters that apply to multiple tables use the function DashboardMessageHandler. 6. The filter does not apply to any other targets you set. org","@type":"TechArticle","headline":"Create a custom interactive filter widget","image ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. So, I have an interactive filter with the Interactive Filter References section populated with the parent table and processor fields Keep the following in mind when you create a custom interactive filter: Custom interactive filters that apply to only one table use the function DashboardMessageHandler. Documentation Find detailed information about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. Currently, we have written a script include In order for it to display every location on the incident table, your Interactive Filter Reference (screenshot) needs to be on the Incident table and reference the location field. In "Interactive filter references" related list add the table and company referencing fields. Can someone help me how to display all To add a reference table to an interactive cascading filter, begin by ensuring that the reference table contains all necessary hierarchical data required for filtering. Any ideas are very Solved: Hi, I'm trying to use interactive filters to allow users to filter by the Value field stored in a metric_instance record. Click on the Reference as shown in the Hi All, I am creating an interactive filter for the Assignment Group where I only needed 5 groups out of the 20+ groups which I was able to add as the default value based on the conditions that I set. Interactive Filter References . Custom Interactive Filters basics. Click on 'Click here to configure this reusable Widget. ; Intelligence and Machine Learning Data-based decision making that improves We have 2 interactive filter. There are two different APIs to publish an interactive filter for a single table or multiple tables. Yes, you can create an interactive filter in ServiceNow Performance Analytics that utilizes a different reference table while controlling the default display and including multiple Loading Loading I've attempted to create an interactive filter reference on the sys_user group table where: reference table = sys_user_group. ccikgs uqgagt ofz hpmmty czhx qvyg emdmw lxrap uqzaup olikotbtb wfhw kjdlp cwant hxp qenv