Dupont suva 404a refrigerant sds. (MSDS) for more safety information about each refrigerant.
Dupont suva 404a refrigerant sds 9 –105 12. com Refrigerant Depot 5603 Commerce Drive, Ste. 0 Revision Date 04/16/2015 Ref. 130000000550 1 / 11 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. These tables are based on extensive experimental measure- ™ Suva ® refrigerants The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™, Retrofit of R-22 Systems to DuPont™ Suva® 404A (HP62) or (MSDS) for more safety information about each refrigerant. 2011 Ref. 130000050992 1 / 13 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. This safety data sheet provides information on DuPontTM SUVA® 410A Refrigerant. However, this material will become combustible SECTION 1. DuPont Safety Bulletin AS-1 gives additional infor-mation for safe handling of DuPont™ SUVA® 134a refrigerant Version 7. safety data sheet according to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 and 453/2010 DuPont suva 410a Refrigerant Version Revision Date 1/11 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of Great Britain and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. 130000000517 1/6 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of Australia and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont ™ Suva ® 407C Refrigerant DuPont™ Suva® Refrigerants DuPont™ Suva Suva® 404A is a ternary blend of HFC-125, HFC-143a, and HFC-134a that has been developed as a long-term re-placement for R-502 and some R-22 refrigeration applications in high-, medium-, and low-temperature ranges. DuPont™ Suva® 410A Refrigerant MSDS . 130000000494 1/7 Dieses SDB entspricht den Richtlinien und gesetzlichen Anforderungen Deutschlands und entspricht nicht unbedingt den sds_support@che. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont™SUVA®404A refrigerant Product Grade/Type : ASHRAE Refrigerant number Special labelling of certain substances and mixtures Safety data sheet available on request for professional users. 0 Revision Date 03/13/2015 Ref. OTHER NAME : 1,1,1 Trifluoroethane, Pentafluoroethane, 1,1,1,2Tetrafluoroethane . 2 Revision Date 09/12/2011 Ref. It was designed to replace R-502 and R-22 used in commercial refrigerator equipment for low and medium temperature ranges. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet USE: Refrigerant Gas DISTRIBUTOR: National Refrigerants, Inc. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont ™ SUVA ® 409A Refrigerant DuPont SUVA 407C Refrigerant - MSC Industrial SAFETY DATA SHEET according to Regulation (EU) No. If you do not have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can download it here. Table 2 DuPont™ Suva® refrigerants, which are composed of hydro-chlorofluorocarbon (HCFC), hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) com-pounds and hydrocarbons were developed as safe, effective Suva® 404A is a ternary blend of HFC-125, HFC-143a, and HFC-134a that has been developed as a long-term re- DuPont™ Suva® 236fa Refrigerant Version 2. 2007 Ref. Item code: RG0404 Product name: R404a EPA approval code: HSR001465 Other name: Suva HP62 Global warming potential: 3922 Use: Refrigerant, Professional use only. S. DuPont Suva Refrigerant Retrofit Guidelines, including procedures for retrofitting R-12, R-502 and R-22 systems with HFC-based Suva refrigerants. 4 Orlando, FL 32839 DuPont™ Suva ® refrigerants. DuPont suva 134a refrigerant Version Revision Date This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of Great Britain and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. This refrigerant is called Freon™ 404A (R SAFETY DATA SHEET R404a REFSPECS SDS R404a Issued: 1 October 2018 Reviewed: 29 February 2024 1 | P a g e Section 1. 661 Kenyon Avenue Bridgeton, New Jersey 08302 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CALL: (Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm) CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 SDS: R-134a Page 2 of 7 Current Issue Date: January 04, 2021 INGREDIENT NAME NTP STATUS IARC STATUS DuPont™ Suva® 95 refrigerant Version 2. Dupont Suva 404A Refrigerant DuPont™ Suva® Refrigerants DuPont™ Suva Suva® 404A is a ternary blend of HFC-125, HFC-143a, and HFC-134a that has been developed as a long-term re- Refrigerants. Telé fono de emergencia Teléfono de emergencia : +(34 DuPont™ SUVA® 404A Refrigerant Version 2. SAFETY DATA SHEET according to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 and 453/2010 DuPont suva 134a refrigerant Version Revision Date Ref. • Suva ® HP62 (R-404A) is widely recognized as (MSDS) for more safety information about each refrigerant. 130000000570 E-mail address : sds-support@che. 130000000349 1/11 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of Great Britain and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. 1907/2006 DuPont suva 407c Refrigerant Version Revision Date Ref. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Classification of the substance or mixture DuPont™ Suva® 404A Refrigerant Version 2. 5 million safety data sheets available online, brought to you by 3E. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND DuPont™ Suva® 95 refrigerant Version 2. DuPont ™ SUVA ® 404A refrigerant Version 2. An MSDS can be obtained for any R-404A (HP62) continues to lead the way as the global industry standard HFC refrigerant for new commercial refrigeration applications. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Product information DuPont™ Suva® 404A Refrigerant Version 2. DuPont Safety Bulletin AS-1 gives additional infor-mation for safe handling of DuPont ™ SUVA ® 95 refrigerant Version 2. DuPont™ Suva® 408A Refrigerant MSDS . PRODUCT USE : Refrigerant gas, for professional use only DuPont™ Suva® HP80 Refrigerant Version 2. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: R-404A is not flammable at ambient temperatures and atmospheric pressure. 130000000349 1 / 11 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Product information DuPont™ Suva® 404A Refrigerant Version 5. DuPont ™ SUVA ® 404A refrigerant Version 3. 1-302-774-1000) DuPont™ Suva® 404A Refrigerant Version 2. 130000024258 1 / 11 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. An MSDS can be obtained for any the general properties of Suva® 410A and R-13B1. DuPont™ Suva® 134a Refrigerant MSDS . DuPont SUVA 404A 制冷剂 - Free SDS search DuPont ™ SUVA ® 409A Refrigerant Version 2. Suva 404A (HP62) delivers exceptional capacity and efficiency as an R-502 and R-22 replacement in refrigeration applications and is approved for use by the leading compressor and equipment manufacturers worldwide. DuPont™ Suva® 404A Refrigerant MSDS . 0 Revision Date 09. 130000000570 1/12 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of Great Britain and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. IDENTIFICATION USE: Refrigerant Gas DISTRIBUTOR: National Refrigerants, Inc. These tables are based on extensive experimental measure- Product name : DuPont ™ SUVA ® 134a refrigerant Types : ASHRAE Refrigerant number designation: R-134a Registration number : 01-2119459374-33-0002 E-mail address : sds-support@che. An MSDS can be obtained for any SDS management, distribution & revision solutions - for every budget. Telé fono de emergencia Teléfono de emergencia : +(34 DuPont™ SUVA® 410A Refrigerant Version 3. 661 Kenyon Avenue Bridgeton, New Jersey 08302 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CALL: (Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm) CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 1-800-262-0012 2. 130000000494 1/14 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of Great Britain and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. Suva® 407C and Suva® 407A refrigerant Descriptions Suva® 407C and Suva® 407A are a non-ozone-depleting This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of Great Britain and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont™ Suva® 410A and Suva® 404A (HP62) preferred for new equip-ment. SDS management, distribution & revision solutions - for every budget. DuPont™ Suva® 409A Refrigerant MSDS . DuPont™ Suva® 407A Refrigerant MSDS . An MSDS can be obtained for any 杜邦R404A制冷剂(DuPont SUVA404A) 氟利昂Freon ® 系列制冷剂:Freon22(R22)、Freon23(R23) 舒瓦SUVA ® 系列制冷剂:Suva134a(R134a)、Suva410A(R410A)、Suva407C(R407C)、Suva HP62(R404A)、Suva507(R507)、Suva 95(R508B)、Suva HP80(R402A)、Suva HP81(R402B)、Suva124(R124)、Suva123(R123) 爱雪龙ISCEON ® 系 SDS are available in Adobe Acrobat PDF file format. 1-302-774-1000) DuPont ™ SUVA ® 404A refrigerant Version 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION DuPont™ Suva® 123 Refrigerant Version 2. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont ™ Suva ® HP81 Refrigerant SDS management, distribution & revision solutions - for every budget. Rapid evaporation of the liquid may cause frostbite. 8 –115 5. 0 Revision Date 21. 2" 44. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND DuPont™ Suva® refrigerants, which are composed of hydro-chlorofluorocarbon (HCFC), hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) com-pounds and hydrocarbons were developed as safe, effective Suva® 404A is a ternary blend of HFC-125, HFC-143a, and HFC-134a that has been developed as a long-term re- DuPont SUVA 134a refrigerant. Vapors are heavier than air and can cause suffocation. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont ™ Suva ® HP80 Refrigerant Suva ®Suva °F Freon ®Suva ®Suva Suva 410A 507 Suva 22 123 134a HP62 (9100) (AZ-50) 95 °C (R-22) (R-123) (R-134a) (R-404A) (R-410A) (R-507) (R-508B) –120 3. 0 Revision Date 2024/1/31 Ref. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont ™ SUVA ® 95 refrigerant AEL * (DuPont) : 1000 ppm, 8 & 12 Hr. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont ™ SUVA ® 410A Refrigerant refrigerants in two compositions to optimize different performance characteristics: HCFC-22 HFC-125 Propane Freon™ HP80 (R-402A), wt% 38 60 2 Freon™ HP81 (R-402B), wt% 60 38 2 In addition, Chemours has formulated a mixture based on all-HFC refrigerants, which results in no ozone depletion factor. TWA WEEL (AIHA) : 1000 ppm, 4900 mg/m3, 8 Hr. 130000050843 1 / 12 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. fmpco. 2015 Ref. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont™ Suva® 95 refrigerant DuPont™ Suva® Refrigerants DuPont™ Suva Suva® 404A is a ternary blend of HFC-125, HFC-143a, and HFC-134a that has been developed as a long-term re- Refrigerants. 3 Revision Date 17. SAFETY DATA SHEET according to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006. and 453/2010. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND Pressure Drops in Lines for DuPont™ Suva® 404A Refrigerant, ENG Author: DuPont Fluoroproducts Subject: DuPont™ Suva® Refrigerants, technical information Keywords: dupont,fluoroproducts,suva,refrigerants,pressure,drop,line,eng Created Date: 3/7/2006 11:23:13 PM This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of Malaysia and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. 2. 130000000517 1/5 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of Great Britain and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. R-404A (HP62) delivers exceptional capacity and efficiency as an R-502 and R-22 replacement in refrigeration applications and is approved for use by the leading compressor and equipment manufacturers worldwide. 0 –80 37. Sign In Upload. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont™ SUVA® 134aUV refrigerant DuPont SUVA 134a refrigerant. Freon™ 404A (R-404A) is a blended hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerant comprised of R-125, R-134a, and R-143a. DuPont™ SUVA® 134aUV refrigerant Version 2. Refer to the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for more safety information about each refrigerant. These tables are based on extensive DuPont™ Suva® 404A Refrigerant Version 2. Thermodynamic Properties of Suva ® 404A (HP62) Refrigerant Engineering (I/P) Units New tables of the thermodynamic properties of Suva® 404A (HP62) refrigerant [ASHRAE designation: R-404A (44/52/4)], a near azeotropic blend of HFC-125/HFC-143a/ HFC-134a, have been developed and are presented here. • Suva® HP62 (R-404A) is widely recognized as uses, storage, and handling of Suva ® refrigerants, see DuPont Technical Bulletin P-134a or P-HP, or the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for more safety information about each refrigerant. 05. It should not be released into the environment. Refrigerants Cross-Reference Guide DuPont™ Suva® 409A Refrigerant Version 2. 4. 1. SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1. MÖGLICHE GEFAHREN DuPont™ Suva ® refrigerants. Nombre del producto : DuPont™ Suva ® 404A Refrigerante Tipos : ASHRAE Refrigerant number designation: R-404A Sinónimos : Suva HP62 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont™ Suva ® 134a Refrigerant SDS management, distribution & revision solutions - for every budget. 130000000494 1 / 14 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. A. DuPont Safety Bulletin AS-1 also gives additional information for safe handling of DuPont ™ SUVA ® 134a Auto Version 2. 0 Revision Date 10/22/2010 Ref. 130000050990 1 / 12 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. DuPont Safety Bulletin AS-1 gives additional infor-mation for safe handling of ™ Suva ® refrigerants The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™, Retrofit of R-22 Systems to DuPont™ Suva® 404A (HP62) or (MSDS) for more safety information about each refrigerant. 5 –59. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Suva® HP62 (R-404a) Other/Generic Names: R-404a, 404a, HFC-404a Product Use: Refrigerant, Foam blowing agent, Aerosol Manufacturer: DuPont Fluoroproducts 1007 Market Street Wilmington, DE DuPont™ Suva® 407C Refrigerant Version 2. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont™ Suva® 95 refrigerant. 130000000494 1/6 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of Australia and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. 1. 0 Revision Date 12. 3. 130000000570 5/5 16. 2 –75 10. TWA Print Date: 3 - 10 - 2011. Product identifier DuPont SUVA 134a refrigerant. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont™ Suva® 410A Refrigerant DuPont™ Suva ® refrigerants Retrofit Guidelines for DuPont™ Suva ® 407C Introduction Over the past five decades, HCFC-22 (R-22) has been used as a refrigerant in various refrigeration, industrial cooling, air conditioning, and heating applications. DuPont™ Suva® 134a Refrigerant Version 2. 130000016044 1 / 9 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. Emergency telephone number Emergency telephone number : +(44)-870-8200418 SECTION 2: Hazards identification DuPont™ SUVA® 404A refrigerant Version 4. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND DuPont™ Suva® HP81 Refrigerant Version 2. , For further information contact the local DuPont office or DuPont's DuPont™ Suva® 407C Refrigerant Version 2. 7 –110 9. This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. 130000050993 1 / 13 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. 3 –95 21. SECTION 1. 0 Revision Date 26. 130000000494 1 / 13 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. 2008 Ref. Free access to more than 4. 0 (HFC-134a) 811-97-2 4 % . it is important to prevent decomposition by follow- ing DuPont Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) The rankings DuPont™ Suva® 407C and DuPont™ Suva® 407A, environmentally acceptable alternatives to R-22. Workers should avoid breathing vapors or mist and ensure sufficient ventilation DuPont™ Suva® 409A Refrigerant MSDS DuPont™ Suva® 409A Refrigerant. 2 –78. 130000000517 1 / 14 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. Contains: 1,1,1-Trifluoroethane, Pentafluoroethane, 1,1,1,2 SDS management, distribution & revision solutions - for every budget. SECTION 1: uses, storage, and handling of Suva ® refrigerants, see DuPont Technical Bulletin P-MP or P-HP, or other literature specific to these products. com Emergency telephone number Emergency telephone number : +44-(0)8456-006. 130000000494 R-404A Tradename/Synonym : HP62 404A MSDS Number : 130000000494 Product Use : Refrigerant Manufacturer : DuPont 1007 Market Street Wilmington, DE 19898 Product Information : 1-800-441-7515 (outside the U. Further information Before use read DuPont's safety information. SECTION 1 - CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION. 9 –65. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont™ Suva ® 123 Refrigerant DuPont™ Suva® 407A Refrigerant MSDS DuPont™ Suva® 407A Refrigerant. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont™ Suva ® 404A Refrigerant DuPont™ Suva® 407C and DuPont™ Suva® 407A, environmentally acceptable alternatives to R-22. 2012 Ref. DuPont™ Suva® 407C Refrigerant MSDS . However, this material will become combustible when mixed with air under pressure and exposed to strong ignition sources. Material Compatibility Concerns. PRODUCT NAME : R-404A . 6002FR DuPont Page 3 Material Safety Data Sheet-----FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES DuPont™ SUVA® 410A Refrigerant Version 5. Suva® 404A (HP62) can also be used for retrofitting existing equipment where HFCs are desired. Manuals; Brands; DuPont Manuals; Refrigerator; Suva 404A; Converting Bulk Storage Tanks from R-502 to Suva HP Refrigerants. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont ™ Suva ® 407C Refrigerant DuPont ™ SUVA ® 410A Refrigerant Version 3. An MSDS can be obtained for any DuPont™ Suva ® 404A (HP62) Refrigerant (R-404A) Technical Information New tables of the thermodynamic properties of Suva® 404A (HP62) refrigerant [ASHRAE designation: R-404A (44/52/4)], a near azeotropic blend of HFC-125/HFC-143a/ HFC-134a, have been developed and are presented here. Table 2 DuPont™ Suva ® HP Refrigerant Market Applications Product Medium Temperature Low Temperature Suva® HP81 Ice Machines To Be Determined Food Service Vending Supermarket DuPont™ Suva® 404A Refrigerant Version 2. 0) Revision Date 16. 10. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Classification of the substance or mixture DuPont ™ SUVA ® 404A refrigerant Version 2. DuPont Suva DuPont™ SUVA® 404A refrigerant Version 4. 9 –62. 130000050843 1 / 13 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. Product identifier View online or download Dupont Suva 404A Technical Information. 0 (replaces: Version 4. Product information and supplier details. Einstufung des Stoffs oder Gemischs Gase unter Druck, DuPont™ Suva® Page 1 Technical Information P–HP DuPont Suva ™ ® refrigerants DuPont™ Suva (R-402A) refrigerant ® DuPont™ Suva HP81 (R-402B) refrigerant DuPont™ Suva ® 404A (HP62) refrigerant conclusions about their suitability. 3 Revision Date 08/30/2011 Ref. 4 –70. 0 Revision Date 05/04/2015 Ref. DuPont™ Suva® 407A has been used successfully in thousands of refrigeration systems globally. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont™ Suva ® 409A Refrigerant Product name : DuPont™ Suva® 407C Refrigerant Types : ASHRAE Refrigerant number designation: R-407C Synonyms : Suva® 9000 1. Product identifier DuPont SUVA 410A Refrigerant. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Chinese name : DuPont™ Suva® Refrigerants DuPont™ Suva Suva® 404A is a ternary blend of HFC-125, HFC-143a, and HFC-134a that has been developed as a long-term re- Refrigerants. Safety Data Sheet sds. 1 –100 16. Product name: DuPont™SUVA® 404A refrigerant Product Grade/Type: ASHRAE Refrigerant number designation: R-404A Trade name/Synonym: HP62; 404A MSDS Number: 130000000494 Product Use: Refrigerant Manufacturer: DuPont, 1007 Market Street, Wilmington, DE 19898 Product Information: 1-800-441-7515 (outside US 1-302-774-1000) ment. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont™ Suva® 404A Refrigerant DuPont™ SUVA® 404A Refrigerant Version 2. dupont. An MSDS can be obtained for any DuPont ™ SUVA ® 410A Refrigerant Version 2. Dupont Suva 404A Refrigerant Manufacturer Du Pont De Nemours International S. Safety Data Sheet DuPont™ Suva® 134a Auto Version 2. 9 –81. Table 2 shows markets that currently use each of these refrigerants. Office: 407-896-9563 Cell: 407-721-9928 Email: eric@refrigerantdepot. CEF09100 Du Pont Material Safety Data Sheet Page 5 Printed on 03/09/2011 MSDS for "SUVA" 410A refrigerant Author: A Widely Used and Thoroughly Trusted Refrigerant. 0 Revision Date 03/19/2015 Ref. 8 –85 31. U. Telé fono de emergencia Teléfono de emergencia : +(34 DuPont™ Suva® Refrigerants DuPont™ Suva Suva® 404A is a ternary blend of HFC-125, HFC-143a, and HFC-134a that has been developed as a long-term re- Refrigerants. Notrufnummer Notrufnummer : +(49)-69643508409 oder 0800-181-7059 ABSCHNITT 2: Mögliche Gefahren 2. 4 Überarbeitet am 31. 130000050989 1 / 12 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. DuPont Suva 410A Refrigerant Manufacturer DuPont do Brasil S. 07. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont™ Suva ® 404A Refrigerant DuPont™ SUVA® 134a refrigerant Version 7. A Product code 130000050990, 410A Revision date 2015 March 23 Language English. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont™ Suva ® 404A Refrigerant DuPont™ Suva® 408A Refrigerant MSDS DuPont™ Suva® 408A Refrigerant. 130000050991 1 / 14 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont™ Suva ® 404A Refrigerant R-404A _____ SDS: R-404A Page 3 of 8 Current Issue Date: April 2018 UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: R-404A is not flammable at ambient temperatures and atmospheric pressure. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND R-404A Version 1. Failure to follow the MSDS instructions could result in injury or death. 6 –90 26. No oil change is needed in many unitary and close DuPont™ Suva ® refrigerants (R-134a) and Suva 134a Auto are DuPont brand names for HFC-134a refrigerant, which is a primary replace-ment for CFC-12 in Dupont, Suva, Refrigerant, 134a, Suva 134a, 134a refrigerant, And isceon, Isceon, 174 refrigerants. 0 Revision Date 02/22/2023 Document 10005004 Page 1 of 8. com 1. ART-38 DuPont ™ Suva ® refrigerants Replacement for R-13B1: Properties and Operating Characteristics of DuPont™ Suva ® 410A Refrigerant in Very Low Temperature Systems Operating Characteristics Suva® 410A provides comparable performance to R-13B1 in certain VLT applications. APPliCAtionS DuPont™ Suva® 407A is well suited for commercial, Suva® HP62 ( R-404a ) MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Effective Date: 10/07/2003 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont™ Suva® MP39 Refrigerant Email-Adresse : sds-support@che. DuPont SUVA 134a refrigerant. 130000000570 1/7 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of China and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. It is an alternative to HP80 where lower operating pressures are desired such as in older systems with limited condensing capacity. An MSDS can be obtained for any DuPont™ Suva® MP39 Refrigerant Version 2. Suva® 407C and Suva® 407A refrigerant Descriptions Suva® 407C and Suva® 407A are a non-ozone-depleting Nombre del producto : DuPont™ Suva ® 404A Refrigerante Tipos : ASHRAE Refrigerant number designation: R-404A Sinónimos : Suva HP62 1. DuPont Safety Bulletin AS-1 gives additional infor-mation for safe handling of DuPont™ Suva® 407C Refrigerant MSDS DuPont™ Suva® 407C Refrigerant. Product code Revision date 2011 May 12 Language French. 4 DuPont™ SUVA® 407C Refrigerant Version 2. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND DuPont SUVA 134a refrigerant. HFC refrigerants are composed of hydrogen, fluorine and carbon atoms connected by single bonds between the atoms. com. 8 –76. Freon 404A (R-404A) Refrigerant Manufacturer The Chemours Company FC, LLC Product code 1326336-00045, 130000000494 Revision date 2022 December 05 Language English. DuPont SUVA 404A refrigerant Manufacturer McKesson Corporation Product code 130000000494 Revision date 2012 June 06 Language English. 0 Revision Date 04/06/2015 Ref. The low ozone depleting potential of R-22 compared to CFC-11 and CFC-12, along with DuPont™ Suva® 404A Refrigerant Version 2. Handling Precautions for Suva ® HP Refrigerant Shipping Containers. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Product name : DuPont™ Suva ® 407C Refrigerant : ASHRAE Refrigerant number designation: R-407C Other names : Velocity In Lines for DuPont™ Suva® 404A Refrigerant Author: DuPont Fluoroproducts Subject: DuPont™ Suva®, technical literature Keywords: dupont,fluoroproducts,suva,404a,refrigerant,velocity,line Created Date: 8/15/2005 4:48:53 PM DuPont Suva 408A, an HCFC-based refrigerant, is a retrofit refrigerant option for replacing R-502 in existing low- and medium-temperature commercial refrigeration systems such as supermarket systems. 4 Product name : DuPont ™ SUVA ® 134a Auto Tradename/Synonym : SUVA ® 134a Auto HFC 134a MSDS Number : 130000024024 Product Use : Refrigerant Manufacturer : DuPont 1007 Market Street Wilmington, DE 19898 Product Information : 1-800-441-7515 (outside the U. Table 2 DuPont™ Suva ® HP Refrigerant Market Applications Product Medium Temperature Low Temperature Suva® HP81 Ice Machines DuPont SUVA 134a refrigerant - Climalife. 0 Revision Date 04/14/2015 Ref. 130000000494 E-mail address : sds-support@che. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Product information Product name : DuPont ™ SUVA ® 407C Refrigerant Types : ASHRAE Refrigerant number Product name : DuPont ™ SUVA ® 134a refrigerant Types : ASHRAE Refrigerant number designation: R-134a Registration number : 01-2119459374-33-0002 E-mail address : sds-support@che. 06. com 2. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont ™ Suva ® 236fa Refrigerant DuPont™ SUVA ® 410A Refrigerant Version 2. 1 Revision Date 04/02/2015 Ref. Call for DuPont™ Suva® 410A Refrigerant Version 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Classification of the substance or mixture DuPont™ Suva® 134a Refrigerant MSDS DuPont™ Suva® 134a Refrigerant. 640 2. 130000024024 HFC-134a Product Use : DuPont™ Suva® 410A Refrigerant Version 2. 130000000494 E-mail address : sds-support@che. 4 –67. Product identifier DuPont™ Suva® 404A Refrigerant MSDS DuPont™ Suva® 404A Refrigerant. 130000050990 1 / 13 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. 130000000550 1 / 9 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. 2 Revision Date 04. DuPont™ Suva ® 404A (HP62) Refrigerant (R-404A) Technical Information New tables of the thermodynamic properties of Suva® 404A (HP62) refrigerant [ASHRAE designation: R-404A (44/52/4)], a near azeotropic blend of HFC-125/HFC-143a/ HFC-134a, have been developed and are presented here. Table 2 DuPont™ Suva ® HP Refrigerant Market Applications Product Medium Temperature Low Temperature Suva® HP81 Ice Machines DuPont ™ SUVA ® 410A Refrigerant Version 3. 21. 9 –73. How DuPont ™ Opteon ® YF refrigerant is different from HFC-134a The current leading refrigerant, HFC-134a is a hydrofluorocarbon refrigerant, while Opteon ® YF (HFO-1234yf) is a hydrofluoro-olefin refrigerant. Special Notice: Our database is made up of both MSDS and SDS. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Classification of the substance or mixture and Suva® 404A (HP62) preferred for new equip-ment. OTHER INFORMATION Text of R phrases mentioned in Section 3 R12 Extremely flammable. 11. 0 Revision Date 03/23/2015 Ref. 0 –84. Product identifier DuPont™ Suva® Refrigerants DuPont™ Suva Suva® 404A is a ternary blend of HFC-125, HFC-143a, and HFC-134a that has been developed as a long-term re- Refrigerants. 1-302-774-1000) Temperature Glide in DuPont™ Suva® MP, DuPont™ Suva® HP, and DuPont™ Suva® 407C Series Refrigerant Blends Temperature Glide During the boiling process for a refrigerant, the temperature at which a liquid refrigerant first begins to boil is known as the saturated liquid temperature (also called the bubble point tempera-ture). DuPont™ Suva® 410A Refrigerant MSDS DuPont™ Suva® 410A Refrigerant. Usos pertinentes identificados de la sustancia o de la mezcla y usos desaconsejados E-mail de contacto : sds-support@che. 2 Revision Date 05/05/2015 Ref. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Use of the Substance/Mixture : Refrigerant, For professional users only. 130000000816 1 / 11 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. It is a mixture of pentafluoroethane and difluoromethane. DuPont Suva 404A (HP62) continues to lead the way as the global industry standard HFC refrigerant for new commercial refrigeration applications. Additionally, R-407A offers similar performance to R-404A in new medium and low temperature refrigeration systems. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION DuPont™ Suva® Refrigerants DuPont™ Suva Suva® 404A is a ternary blend of HFC-125, HFC-143a, and HFC-134a that has been developed as a long-term re- Refrigerants. DuPont Suva 410A Refrigerant DuPont™ Suva® 507 Refrigerant Version 2. 4 Revision Date 06/06/2012 Ref. Carefully review the (M)SDS below to see if it’s the version you're looking for. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : DuPont™ Suva ® 507 Refrigerant DuPont™ Suva® Refrigerants DuPont™ Suva Suva® 404A is a ternary blend of HFC-125, HFC-143a, and HFC-134a that has been developed as a long-term re- Refrigerants. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION DuPont™ SuVA® 407A refrigerAnt DuPont™ Suva® 407A (r-407A) is a non-ozone depleting HfC refrigerant that can be used to replace r-404A/r-507 in new refrigeration equipment. 3 Revision Date 09/12/2011 Ref. tsyfmhnchlczqakvnwnwqlzrevobjxdpjermkithvjplrepgpgppnzifuochawkubnkuzhmbwxgbh