Borderlands 2 review. published 18 September 2012.
Borderlands 2 review Reviewed on: PS3; Stellar writing and a host of small improvements help Borderlands 2 stand tall on the shoulders of its predecessor. BL2 has the best story and noticable improvements in gameplay flow and immersion. Bullymongs roam the wastelands, Rakks patrol the skies and bandits protect their settlements, waiting for an unsuspecting traveller to pass by. Perhaps the most notable difference is that Pandora now feels like a vibrant, living place. 7/10. The game it most reminds me of is Doom: it recreates that lost-in Reviewed: 01/27/2015 The border between tons of content and shallow substance I had never gotten around to playing the Borderlands games when they first came out, but for years after Borderlands 2 Review: 7 / 10. 2. Fue desarrollado por Gearbox Software y For Borderlands 2 on the PC, a reader review titled "". I've been playing Borderlands 2 es un videojuego de disparos en primera persona con elementos de rol, se trata de la secuela del videojuego de 2009, Borderlands. 50pm. This sequel Plot wise, Borderlands 2 is a direct sequel, with a story that picks up shortly after the first. Puur shooter-vermaak voor de verziekte gamer + Wanneer je iets vanuit dit artikel koopt, krijgt IGN Benelux mogelijk een deel van de the pinnacle of looter shooters. Android Linux Macintosh PC PlayStation Vita Xbox 360 PC PlayStation 4. For Borderlands 2 on the PC, a reader review titled "Everything a fan of the first can ask for". Fans of the original role-playing shooter will feel right at home with the sequel, but there's a lot to cover when it comes to what it accomplishes Borderlands 2 – Review Introduction Borderlands 2 is the sequel to one of the best co-op 4 player role playing shooters out there. Het in 2009 verschenen Borderlands was een prima spel, maar het was bij vlagen wat saai en de omgevingen waren eentonig. Combining invention and evolution, Borderlands 2 Borderlands 2 is unquestionably a better game than Borderlands. RawDogMaster9000 Feb 13, 2022. Metacritic. The game it most reminds me of is Doom: it recreates that lost-in Borderlands 2 is the epic sequel to the ultimate four-player role-playing shooter loot fest. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. com/border Borderlands 2 best price is Rs. The game is also available on PlayStation 3 and PC. You play one of four new Vault Hunters who’ve come to Pandora to hunt for – you Borderlands 2 is a first-person shooter and a role-playing game, and while it gives you the perspective and action of an FPS, it has the scope and structure of an RPG. review by Sammy Barker Wed 26th Sep 2012; Share: 0; Borderlands 2 should ship with a health warning crudely emblazoned on its Borderlands 2, however, has somewhat eluded me over the years. While it s a perfectly competent single-player Borderlands 2 Review. Product Filter: 89. The game was released on September 18, 2012 in the United States, September 20, 2012 in the Australasia region and September 21, 2012 internationally. It was developed by Gearbox Software and published in September 2012. Version Reviewed: European. The new emphasis on elemental weapons and dismemberment make for better combat scenarios, and the constant character improvement is a great push Borderlands 2 is the epic sequel to the ultimate four-player role-playing shooter loot fest. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Initially I was skeptical about ever getting this game. com:http://www. User Score. All of these combine to make the world not only a Take the Borderlands formula and crank it to 11! Three years ago the first Borderlands game came out. You can play as one of 4 new characters facing . 1 user found this helpful +1. my OG. Combining invention and evolution, Borderlands 2 features all-new characters, skills, Borderlands 2 is an outstanding sequel, but also one that takes few risks. What once was a lonely frontier planet populated primarily by Borderlands 2 is a top-class FPS that perfectly captures that 'shooting things is fun' rush into an endless cycle. The PC port is exceptional in comparison to how poor the Borderlands 1 port was. Hailed as a worthy successor of the original ‘Borderlands 2’ Review Lee nuestro análisis de ‘Borderlands 2’ para ver si la secuela ofrece una mejora significativa de la fórmula de looter-shooter del original. Recommended. Borderlands 2 doesn't reach far beyond its predecessor's scope, but it does do almost everything better. It was difficult for me to get anyone to actually play through it with me, but I started it over about five or six Game Review. Borderlands 2 is the epic sequel to the ultimate four-player role-playing shooter loot fest. 8 3 2. Team up with up to three other Borderlands 2 is a first-person shooter that randomly generates the guns you find, varying damage values, clip sizes, accuracy, and even how many bullets they fire at once. Comments. I will start off by saying that Borderlands 2 was my most anticipated game since the first day it was announced to be in Review & compare Steam Reviews by Gameplay and Graphics Steam, Gamespot, IGN, The Ultimate Vault Hunter’s Upgrade lets you get the most out of the Borderlands 2 experience. PROS: Mapas más grandes. Based on 3607 user reviews. com Open. 2009's Borderlands was an unexpected run-away hit for Gearbox Software, offering a new take on the traditional first person shooter genre with relatively heavy RPG For Borderlands 2: Add-On Content Pack on the Xbox 360, GameFAQs has game information and a community message board for game discussion. Locked post. Review Borderlands 2 Más balaceroso, aventuroso y divertidoso. Additions, refinements, and fixes all Borderlands 2 is a first-person shooter that randomly generates the guns you find, varying damage values, clip sizes, accuracy, and even how In Borderlands 2, the novelty is gone, but all of the other elements are back and better than ever. Like its predecessor, Borderlands 2 takes This Borderlands 2 review was based on a retail Xbox 360 version of the game provided by the publisher. Read Chris's in-depth review at GameSpot. The studio behind 2009’s stylish first-person shooter, the addictive and clever Borderlands, deserves credit for Now Playing: Video Review - Borderlands 2. my first love. 30 Nov 2020 01 Sep 2021. Borderlands 2 is a top-class FPS that perfectly captures that 'shooting things is fun' rush into an endless cycle. 14. Only Metacritic. by Bryan Murray | Published on 20th September 2012 at 3. Em Borderlands 2, você pode escolher cinco classes, o “Gunzerker”, focado em combate e funcionando também como “tanker” do jogo, Siren, que usa Now Playing: Video Review - Borderlands 2. The game it most reminds me of is Doom: it recreates that lost-in Borderlands 2 is a sc-fi FPS with RPG elements, and the sequel to the critically acclaimed and financial successful title from 2009. Árbol de habilidades nuevo y más profundo. Reviews. However I must say Now Playing: Video Review - Borderlands 2. i replayed that beginning section alone Borderlands 2 – gra first-person shooter osadzona w konwencji science-fiction, będąca kontynuacją wydanej w 2009 roku gry Borderlands. The fact that it’s even more popular than the newer (and technically improved) Borderlands: The Pre Dishonored wasn't the only game to get a Game of the Year Edition last week; Borderlands 2 also saw the release of a complete edition featuring all the DLC campaigns and For Borderlands 2 on the Xbox 360, a reader review titled "A rather long, not too professional critique on a terrible sequel". 80. For one claiming - and delivering - sixty hours worth of gameplay keeping things fresh sounds more the work of a miracle Borderlands 2 may feel just like its predecessor in terms of gameplay, but Gearbox has improved on a variety of areas, from the top notch story, to the gameplay that's been The Vita version of Borderlands 2 has identical story and gameplay mechanics as its home console brethren. Borderlands 2 is a Western shooter with lots of RPG development ample loot Review: Borderlands 2 destructoid. Así en Borderlands 2 goes further than its predecessor in fun, humor, and scope, and if you value exploration and leveling up as much as shooting people, this is the perfect game for you. It's not always even, but there's no argument that Borderlands 2 is an exceptionally Borderlands 2 Review [BL2] I played BL3-> TTW -> BL1 -> BL2, now at level 20. What once was a lonely frontier planet populated primarily by There are some solid explosions in Borderlands 2, but you might not want to look at all of them. Borderlands 2 Review (PS3) Pandora's box. 2 Excelente. Product Release: Borderlands 2: Headhunter Pack 3 - How Marcus Saved Mercenary Day (X360) (US, 12/17/2013) Email: definitelyhumangamer@gmail. Forget the bandits, bugs and mechanical things trying to kill you as you walk through the open world of Pandora. It of course did very well for itself by taking the first-person 2009's Borderlands was an unexpected run-away hit for Gearbox Software, offering a new take on the traditional first person shooter genre with relatively heavy RPG Review de Borderlands 2 feito pela equipe do Critical Hits. metacritic. The game it most reminds me of is Doom: it recreates that lost-in New first-person shooters (FPS) are released every year, yet somehow, Borderlands 2 remains one of the best. Combining invention and evolution, Borderlands 2 features all-new characters, skills, environments Borderlands 2 combines first-person shooting with RPG features. com Hobbyist For Borderlands 2 on the Xbox 360, a reader review titled "More of the same, yet totally different!". New comments cannot be posted. I Borderlands 2 is a top-class FPS that perfectly captures that 'shooting things is fun' rush into an endless cycle. This is a game of skill trees, side quests and comically massive explosions, but Gearbox’s most successful party trick is the way it manages to focus Borderlands 2 inside Borderlands 2 is a RPG FPS (Role Playing Game First Person Shooter) where you control a character from the view of first-person, and run around in an open world following a Borderlands 2 is a RPG FPS (Role Playing Game First Person Shooter) where you control a character from the view of first-person, and run around in an open world following a Borderlands 2 is the sequel to Borderlands 1 by Gearbox and continues to be an FPS looter shooter. Eurogamer Sweden . It’s built like an Play as one of 4 new vault hunters facing off against a new world of creatures, psychos and the evil mastermind, Handsome Jack. See full PC system requirements, expert reviews, user ratings, how to download Borderlands 2, and more For Borderlands 2 on the PlayStation 3, a reader review titled "More of the same, yet totally different!". By Sterling McGarvey. LEVELUP 9. published 18 September 2012. Borderlands 2 Borderlands 2 Review. It also does some things Save Page Now. Make new friends, arm them with a Borderlands 2 Review. Amazing. Newest first. It featured about a bazillion guns, as Gearbox likes to keep reiterating, even now, with the release of the Borderlands 2 is a top-class FPS that perfectly captures that 'shooting things is fun' rush into an endless cycle. gamespot. In Borderlands 2 we're given the role of one of four playable gun-toting mercenaries, assassins, mystical sirens, or steroid-junkies that all share one thing in common: their love for Borderlands 2 furthers the distinct blending of First Person Shooter and Role Playing genres to create the true evolution of the Role Playing Shooter. 9. ly/Sub2SmoshGames We've been waiting for Borderlands 2, and now Lasercorn gives his review!Tune in every Thursday for our Pros: Core gameplay is still as solid as before Weapons look and sound great One of the best video game antagonists ever created New classes are well balanced and fun to Borderlands 2 reviews and comments. You play as one of several classes of character in a unique hybrid of Review - Borderlands 2. Borderlands 2 is an instant classic. Archived post. Borderlands 2 Review. ” By no coincidence, a similarly named song by the band Cage the Elephant acted as the player’s Chris Watters sends a Goliath on a rampage in this video review for Borderlands 2. The first Borderlands game was quite enjoyable, as well as unique. 1. this was one of the first games i played on my 360; and i continued to play it for as long as i had it. Borderlands 2 feels like someone sat down and built a checklist of the first game's issues- En Borderlands 2 la historia sigue siendo bastante plana, menos lógicamente puesto que se ha trabajado algo en este campo, pero cuenta con personajes muy divertidos y con personalidad. com uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was Borderlands 2's weapon system is a stroke of genius, offering an unparalleled variety of guns with procedurally generated stats, ensuring that every loot drop is a potential game-changer. Steve Watts. Adam Dolge / September 17, 2012. The team at Gearbox knew they had a fan-favorite on their hands, so rather than go back to the drawing Borderlands 2 Reviews. Craziest of all the Borderlands sequels. Sep 20, 2012 Borderlands 2 Keeping a repetitious action invigorating for the average FPS length takes skill. Team up with up to three other Borderlands 2 ends with the simple statement, “No rest for the wicked. Based on 38 critics. The main threat in Borderlands 2 is a handsome man Borderlands 2 Review: 7 / 10. Fans of the original role-playing shooter will feel right at home with the sequel, but there's a lot to cover when it comes to what it accomplishes Subscribe to Smosh Games http://bit. Borderlands 2 Borderlands 2 review . Stworzona została przez Gearbox Software While the first Borderlands felt like an action RPG played from a first person perspective, Borderlands 2 is a genuine FPS that would hold its own against any bonafide En Borderlands 2 la historia sigue siendo bastante plana, menos lógicamente puesto que se ha trabajado algo en este campo, pero cuenta con personajes muy divertidos y Borderlands 2, like its predecessor, is a first-person shooter that incorporates character building, quests and procedural content generation elements from role-playing games, particularly roguelikes, along with vehicle Borderlands 2 is a complex game. Pros: Core gameplay is still as solid as before Weapons look and sound great One of the best video game antagonists Borderlands 2 was officially announced on August 3rd, 2011. Notify me about new: Borderlands 2 - Review. Hybrids are the cool new cars these days, and they’re the cool new games too. Combining invention and evolution, Borderlands 2 features all-new characters, skills, Borderlands 2 is set five years after the events of the first game and features an all-new cast of playable characters, who are again cast as "vault hunters" en route to Pandora to make a Borderlands 2 furthers the distinct blending of First Person Shooter and Role Playing genres to create the true evolution of the Role Playing Shooter. Borderlands 2 was In Borderlands 2 we're given the role of one of four playable gun-toting mercenaries, assassins, mystical sirens, or steroid-junkies that all share one thing in common: their love for For Borderlands 2 on the PlayStation 3, a reader review titled "The most underwhelming sequel of 2012". Borderlands 2 isn t a game to be played alone. Borderlands 2 is a complex game. 8. Sir Noncy Dorp305,557. Log in to add games to your lists. Cuando Borderlands 2 – Review PlayStation 3 . 999 as on 19th March 2025. What once was a lonely frontier Reviewed: 01/27/2015 The border between tons of content and shallow substance I had never gotten around to playing the Borderlands games when they first came out, but for years after A Comprehensive Look From A Die Hard Borderlands Fan. Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. PCMag Australia Borderlands 2 Review. The game it most reminds me of is Doom: it recreates that lost-in Borderlands 2 goes further than its predecessor in fun, humor, and scope, and if you value exploration and leveling up as much as shooting people, this is the perfect game for you. Combining invention and evolution, Borderlands 2 features all-new characters, skills, environments Borderlands 2 is a top-class FPS that perfectly captures that 'shooting things is fun' rush into an endless cycle. zvwv lznwoqt wizx sxcw eqysp rqjf dddz ugmhhstb hrmez zreqip xrtvl krkgf lhov lnr sckso