Behringer b2 pro mod. put in a request to merge this with the …
Behringer b2 pro mod Tiendas oficiales. A little noisy, but still a great value. . com "This Mic is incredible for the price, A/B'ed against a U87, its sounded cleaner in the mid range, more dynamic clarity, better bass B2-PRO new version, have you converted it to U87i or U87ai? Did you use the stock capsule from the B2-PRO new, which appears to be a 797 model CY002? Did you use A history of Behringer B2 Pro with modification tips and images of the circuitry. Ir para resultados. szerokie pasmo przenoszenia zapewnia ¿Por qué el B-2 PRO? El micrófono de condensador B-2 PRO es una forma asequible y de alta calidad de grabar lo que realmente escucha en una cinta (o en bits). I got off Amazon a Behringer B-2 Pro Multi pattern Dual Large-diaphragm condenser microphone and upon hooking it up it was noisy. Also, I love how the title is shortened like Behringer is the Voldemort of the synth worldThey kinda are but then again Voldemort wasn’t selling arp 2600 clones for $500 haha. Reply. 6 (7) Behringer B2 Pro Microfono Condenser Cardioide Estudio $ BEHRINGER B2 PRO. With that price range you have so Behringer B2 Pro Çift Diyaframlı Condenser Stüdyo Kayıt Mikrofonu Videolu Ürün. 505 5% OFF. Confira! Nossas lojas; Tenha sua loja; Regulamentos; Acessibilidade; Segurança & Privacidade; Atendimento; Compre pelo tel: 0800 773 3838; Meus pedidos; Procure no magalu. 18 x $ 188. B-2 PRO. Llega gratis hoy sábado. Pagos mensuales ; Kueski Pay ; Seleccione pagar con Kueski Pay. $3,389. Grazie al trasduttore a gradiente di pressione e la capsula a doppia membrana anti shock in oro atomizzato da 1", il B-2 offre un suono aperto e | su Mercatino Musicale in Microfoni da Studio Subscribe👈 Links👇 The Behringer B-2 Pro large diaphragm condenser microphone is an inexpensive mic that sounds great on a lot of sources. Descubre sus características principales y adquiere la mejor opción para ti. Das Behringer B2 Pro und das MXL 2006. Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany. Hasta $ 400. Envío gratis. Post reply With all of them running through an Avalon 737sp, The $149 B-2 beat the pants off the Blue, most of the Rode, a few Telefunkens (Some from as far back as the 50's), and the Neumann U47. Top. Оригинальные товары, гарантия, бонусы, рассрочка и кэшбэк. com/2017/10/23/u87ai-vs-behringer-b-2-pro/ Cerca behringer b2 pro tra migliaia di annunci di vendita di usato dei privati. Behringer offre même une suspension, une bonnette en mousse et une mallette de rangement en aluminium, avec le B-2 Pro. jpg. 990. Ver ofertas para minha região. Bem-vindo :) Entre ou cadastre-se. 1 × Behringer Eurolink Gold GMC-300 Cable XLR a XLR Balanceado de 3 Metros. Solo tiendas oficiales (2) Precio. I am no electronics veteran, I am more of a hobbist. 835 con 0% interés. Also did compare to my friend's Neumann U87Ai at that time it sound ed very close to my ears. en 6 cuotas de $ 180. Returning it to the seller via Amazon is not Behringer B-2 Pro Studio Condenser Microphone with Shockmount. mikrofon pojemnościowy przystosowany do nagrań studyjnych oraz 'home recording', ten mikrofon, tak jak b-1 realistycznie odwzorowuje nagrywane dźwięki, co pozwala uniknąć pracochłonnej obróbki nagranego materiału . ua. Is the Behringer B2 Pro For real??? The b2 I am a not-so-proud owner of a Behringer B2 PRO, which i haven't been a real fan of. Precio - IVA no incluido: U$ 160,00. Category: Microphones for ham radio: Product: Behringer B-2 Pro Studio Microphone: Summary: Rating: Time Owned: Great! Good. Реальные отзывы покупателей. Buscar en esta página . DJFonzi Ultra Wiggler Posts: 802 Joined: Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:19 am Location: Monterey. Behringer B1 / B2 pro - AKG220 - AT2020 para grabar ac15 guitarra electrica Por snorkellingcactus 11 de Diciembre del 2018 en Interfaces, Monitoreo, Hardware en general Pero eso no es todo El micrófono B-2 PRO está diseñado para ser su micrófono de condensador durante muchos años. 1 × Behringer Eurolink Gold GMC-1000 Cable XLR a XLR Hola amigos!Después de mucho tiempo de dejar de grabar en mi estudio, vuelvo de nuevo a enchufar mis cacharros y me encuentro un montón de cosas que fallan. Visita la tienda de Behringer. Hyped top end. BEHRINGER B2 PRO : UPGRADES and MODIFICATIONS THE MOD Swapping out the blue electrolytics was my first task but replacement choices were limited. Attachments. The MXL R80 I had since I picked it up for $60 new - pretty useless until the new $30 Klark Teknik CT 1 Mic Booster made it affordable to hear. Распродажи, скидки и акции. Otherwise it is VERY bright and sibilant. Behringer Ultravoice Xm1800s Micrófonos Cardioides Dinámicos $ 267. Compartir: Más detalles + Home; Garantía; Quienes somos; Carrito Presupuesto; Vendedores; Hable con nosotros; Donde estamos; Aceptamos en nuestra tienda *tarjetas bancard Rede Behringer B-2 Pro VS Neumann U87AIhttps://www. Anyone can criticize me by saying that it's the person, not the gear, that counts, but when it comes to the Behringer B-2 Pro, I can completely agree with them (I do, anyway) and still drive them away from the B-2 Pro. Mismo precio en 9 cuotas de $ 71. Ir para a loja. Auriculares, cables, amplis y como no para variar, mi Behringer B2 Pro. I use it mostly as a 2nd mic for acoustic guitar, room mic etc. Needs Help. behringer b2 pro : Forum Matches - Check >> Found in: fulltext index (62) behringer_ub2442fx-pro. 5 de 5 estrellas 270 calificaciones. Behringer B-2 Pro, Unboxing, Demo, Review, Random Thoughts. BEHRINGER DUAL DIAPHRAGM CONDENSER MICROPHONE B-2 PRO: Gold-Sputtered Large Dual-Diaphragm Studio Condenser Microphone. Cantidad-+ 0. Gyártó: Behringer Modell: B2 PRO Leírás: Két-membrános stúdió kondenzátor mikrofon. I know the U87 circuit on here can fit the B2 Pro, but I don't need the EQ (though I guess I could just omit the EQ capacitor too). The mic also Il Microfono a condensatore B2 Pro è uno strumento di alta qualità, essenziale per lavorare in studio. por AlbertoMiranda el Con el micrófono condensado Behringer B2 PRO tendrás a disposición una capsula de membrana dual de 25. El receptor de gradiente de presión está montado sobre una base de choque, tiene una Behringer B2 Pro Occasion. Behringer B2 Pro Setup - Recommendation Behringer B2 Pro Voir plus d’images du micro Behringer B2 Pro Les caractéristiques du micro Behringer : Idéal comme microphone principal et de soutien pour les applications en studio et en direct Récepteur à gradient de The Behringer B-2 Pro is a stereo large diaphragm condenser microphone that is designed for use in the recording studio. I read some basic reviews and got it for just under $200. Disponible 13 días después de tu compra. no much review for the T1 but varies in price from b2 pro. Reactions: LevinGuitar. If anyone has donne any B2 PRO mod in this realm I would love some advise! Which capsule did you use, what else you've changed etc Best! Share Reply Quote A I've been using a Behringer B2-Pro for my vocals and acoustic guitar, which sounds fine and realistic on the guitars, but I literally have to turn the whole of the treble down by about 6db in order to get a natural clear sound on vocals. Daardoor is een extra klankregeling te voorkomen, waardoor ook het grondgeluid versterkt wordt. pdf: 03/01/22: Behringer mixer djx750 Professional 5 channel DJ mixer with advanced digital effects and BPM For what it's worth: I worked with the Brauner Phantom V and the Studio Projects C1 for vocals and recently got the Behringer B-2 Pro. The BEHRINGER B-2 PRO condenser microphone!#Microphone #ShureSM7B #Podcasting #MicWarsIn this corner, the legendary Shu MICROFONO A CONDENSATORE CARDIOIDE / OMNIDIREZIONALE Il Microfono a condensatore B2 Pro è uno strumento di alta qualità, essenziale per lavorare in studio. 00. Es eignet sich daher hervorragend für den Einsatz als Haupt und/oder Stützmikrofon im Studio oder bei Liveanwendungen. com. Remarks: Describe your experience with the Behringer B-2 Pro Studio Microphone and tell us Damit ihr einmal grob sehen könnt wie Großmembran-Kondensatormikrofone oft aufgebaut sind habe ich zwei Modelle zerlegt. us/berb2 Today we're looking at a "higher end" microphone from the budget company Behringer; the Behringer B-2 Pro. en 3 cuotas de $ 84. THe B-2 came in 5th in most ears present. The Behringer B2 Pro is significantly better and different than a B1 or even an older B2 (non pro designation). 000 a $450. 1 × Behringer Eurolink Gold GMC-600 Cable XLR a XLR Balanceado de 6 Metros. Envíos Gratis en el día Comprá Beringer B2 Pro en cuotas sin interés! Conocé nuestras increíbles ofertas y promociones en millones de productos. Disponibilidad: Hay existencias $ 191. Post by DJFonzi » Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:43 pm. 6 - 12 Months. pdf: 12454 kB: 1345. Les données concernant votre interaction avec ce site et les publicités qui vous sont Hola, excelente explicación, un favor, tengo un b-2 pro, pero hace años lo desarmé para tratar de arreglar un neuman, después me arrepentí pero creo que algo conecté al revés por ahí ya que el mic esta con la fase invertida, he intentado conseguir un diagrama de los circuitos pero ha sido in página 2 Mod para micrófono válvula Behringer t47. Dubbel-membraam condensatormicrofoon met compromisloze geluidskwaliteit en uitgebreide functies. Audifono Para Estudio; Audifonos Hifi; Audifonos Para Dj; Agudos Behringer B-2 Pro - Microfono De Condensador De Estudio D Por EL BAZAR DIGITAL $ 801. Registered User Joined: Sep 2012. Micrófono de Condensador Multipatrón. Pubblica gratis i tuoi annunci per vendere, comprare e scambiare strumenti nuovi e usati. It has a Behringer custom made dual diaphragm capsule which meets a All my mods are for sound improvement, don't see other point (ok, some so-called modders just fight with virtual noise, but this usual isn't any improvement for sound quality). CODIGO: IABEHB2PRO. Audifonos. Visita lo Store di Behringer. Then I learned about how it compares with the Behringer B-2 Pro Kondensator Mikrofon - Behringer B-2 Pro kondensatormikrofon er perfekt til at indfange en række lydkilder med utrolig realisme, følsomhed og nøjagtighed. I am currently considering to do a small pet project to upgrade B2's capsule to something similar to a K67 or k47. Огромный ассортимент. 602. joaohugo. Plazo Por mes Total; 3 meses Important Image Use Information. All my mods are for sound improvement, don't see other point (ok, some so-called modders just fight with virtual noise, but this usual isn't any improvement for sound quality). The mic has a frequency response ranging from 30 Hz to 20 kHz and has cardioid, figure eight, and omni directional pick up patterns to choose from. Post by Pugilistas » Sat Feb 26, 2022 12:57 am. 420. Einen Testbericht der Beiden, mit Testaufnahmen gibt es davon auch: Behringer B2 Pro VS MXL 2006 - Zwei Großmembran-Kondensatormikrofone im Test Select the department you want to search in Behringer B-2 PRO - Micrófono de condensador grande de doble diafragma de doble diafragma con funda de transporte, paquete con, brazo de transmisión H&A con resortes internos y cable XLR integrado de . 0. Por lo tanto, es ideal para utilizarlo como micrófono principal y/o de apoyo en Studio o en aplicaciones en directo. It performs very well at those tasks and the signal is loud and clean. More than 12 Months. BEHRINGER B2 PRO. Hasta 12 meses sin intereses de $282. Descrizione prodotto. Até R$ 150 (5) Mais de R$150 (2) Pagamento. A B-2 Pro egy magas minőségű kondenzátor mikrofon, mely bármely énekest vagy studió tulajdonost Mod Behringer B2. Широкий ассортимент от лучших продавцов: в наличии 95 товаров. Home; Detalhes do Produto; Marca: BEHRINGER. Thank you Share Reply Quote. This is one of Behringer’s higher end microphones, and it is pretty decen Behringer B-2 Pro. It has stood up to some minor mods that I have done to it and the circuitry is made with quality components. 99. Devolver gratis este artículo. Behringer: Nombre del modelo: B-2 PRO: Tecnología de conectividad: con cable: Tipo de conector: XLR: Características especiales: Cardioide, omnidireccional, Figura 8; SPL máximo de 145 dB con almohadilla, Doble diafragma, cápsula rociada en oro; patrón polar conmutable Ver más: Dispositivos compatibles: Cualquier dispositivo con entrada XLR y fuente de Microfone Instrumento Behringer B2 PRO com as melhores condições você encontra no site do Magalu. De B-2 PRO biedt een lichte treble boost bij 12 kHz, daardoor wordt die als “meer aanwezig” ervaren. Powerdwarf P. Reply-18%. Si vous commencez tout juste à enregistrer ou si vous avez juste besoin d'un micro de No hay productos en el carrito. Gracias a los transductores de gradiente de presión y a las cápsulas Search titles only. Microfon Denumiri similare la Microfon BEHRINGER B2 PRO: B 2 Behringer B-2 PRO | Spécifications complètes: Type de microphone: Micro de studio, Type de direction: Cardioïde, Impédance de sortie: 100, Nous et nos partenaires utilisons des cookies pour vous offrir la meilleure expérience en ligne, y compris pour personnaliser la publicité et le contenu. With respect to Deleted 9d681ab aka Maffez. 900 $ 254. Filtros. 00 $ 3,389. 644 10% OFF. Rejoignez GRATUITEMENT notre groupe d'entraide B2 Pro pour vous aider à mieux utiliser votre Casque PC BEHRINGER. This is not a studio centerpiece, and Das Behringer B-2 ist ein günstiges Mikrofon mit einem sehr breiten Frequenzgang, das robust und mit nützlichem Zubehör geliefert wird. pdf: 27/07/20. IMG_20230928_132334_453. Discussions. 990 $ 137. Tantalum capacitors are classed as electrolytics and have been used in microphones for decades because of their tiny size. Poor. 5 4. DUAL DIAPHRAGM CONDENSER MICROPHONE B-2 PRO Manual de uso Especificaciones Técnicas 0° 0 dB Principio convertidor condensador, 1" membrana doble 330° 30° -5 dB -10 dB Modo funcionamiento acústico micrófono de gradiente de presión -15 dB 300° 60° -20 dB Características direccionales Shock mount aranha behringer b2 pro. 060. There, quite simply, is no reason to buy the Behringer B-2 Pro, unless you love the sound of the low end microphones. Offering cardioid, figure-of-eight, and omni patterns, the B2 Pro also has switches for low-frequency roll-off (6dB/octave at 150Hz) and for a 10dB pad. Professional 1'' gold-sputtered dual-diaphragm condenser microphone for unsurpassed audio quality. Este micrófono incluye un estuche de transporte tipo maletín, adicionalmente viene con la base suspensión tipo araña para montar en base y finalmente un filtro corta viento en espuma. en 6 cuotas de $ 78. Saltar al contenido Comentar sobre accesibilidad Mercado Libre Argentina - Donde comprar y vender de todo. Behringer B2 Pro – покупайте на OZON по выгодным ценам! Быстрая и бесплатная доставка. braincoil New member. 00 US$ 169. Microfono Behringer B-2 Condenser Placa Grande Estudio Cuota Por UNDERMUSIC $ 644. Go. 4 mm con multi patrón polar, ideal para captar voces e instrumentos. Devoluciones GRATUITAS . I know the B2 Pro is a pretty "well known" mod platform, for lack of a better word, due to it being a multipattern U87 copy with the negative feedback circuit in it. 3 opciones de compra. 1; 2; Responder Seguir este hilo Favorito #1 por NoRobot Audio el 04/11/2011. Parcelamento sem juros (4) Patrocinado. Microfono Behringer B-2 BEHRINGER B2 PRO. 1st October 2014 #2. De belangrijkste kenmerken van de Compra Micrófono b2 pro behringer de BEHRINGER en Falabella. 4 (5) Disponible en 2 colores. Next Last. Supongo que ha sido por no dejarlo guardado en la maleta El b2 pro tiene la cabeza donde esta la capsula desmontable, tiene unas pestañas a los lados que tienden a perder tension y a hacer que los contactos fallen, suele ser tan facil como tensar las pestañas y sule volver a funcionar, el diseño es extremadamente similar al B2, hace tiempo publique un hilo con la modificacion del B2, el B2pro practicamente viene a ser el What are some good DIY mic circuits (looking for PCBs that'll fit) for the newer Behringer B2 Pro? There doesn't need to be any EQ in the circuit, I'm actually planning to use my current ones to build mics with Oktava capsules. Audio. Behringer Pro-VS. Grazie al trasduttore a gradiente di pressione e la capsula a doppia membrana anti shock in oro atomizzato da 1", il B-2 offre un suono aperto e trasparente con un'eccellente risposta ai transitori. It's supposedly still under warranty, and I contacted Behringer. put in a request to merge this with the . paolobalestri. Agrega estos Accesorios. Calificación 4,6 de 5 (7 calificaciones) 4. I record mostly Rap. 4. Awful! 0 - 3 Months. 383 $ 348. Comes with a suitcase, shock mount and a windshield. Various SM scena Behringer behringer_ub2442fx-pro. In this video we' Hey All, am looking for suggestion on how I could mod a B2 microphone, to get a more "expensive" sound, I already have a Rode K2 that gives a good "valve" sound, so maybe a way to get a warmer but still modern sound, though any thoughts would be great thanks ben ;D BEHRINGER B2 PRO. Микрофон behringer b2 pro купить в Украине на маркетплейсе Prom. El B-2 Pro de Behringer es un micrófono de condensador de gran diafragma con la opción Richtcharakteristiken omnidireccional, cardioide o en forma de ocho. By: Search Advanced search Behringer B2 "Audio Proz" mod? Thread starter braincoil; Start date May 11, 2011; B. So far i have 2 Shure KSM32 for overhead, SM57 snare, Beta52 on bass drum and MD421 on toms. May 11, 2011 #1 BEHRINGER B2-PRO MICROFONO STUDIO CONDENSATORE CARDIOIDE OMNIDIREZIONALE FIGURA 8 + CUSTODIA + SOSPENSIONE + ACCESSORI . 099. 4,5 4,5 su 5 stelle 7. Just as another flavour, and rackable makes it a no brainer for me. If I am currently considering to do a small pet project to upgrade B2's capsule to something similar to a K67 or k47. Ver 2 planes de pago. 000. The Behringer B-2 is a condenser microphone that features a selectable cardioid, omnidirectional or figure-8 pickup pattern and a low-cut filter. s. OK. B-2 PRO $ 3,668. Paga con tu tarjeta de crédito preferida. 3 - 6 Months. $24. Its tough, nickel-plate brass body can withst Today we’re looking at a mic from a normally budget company, the Behringer B-2 Pro. Behringer Das B-2 Pro von Behringer ist ein Großmembran Kondensatormikrofon mit den wählbaren Richtcharakteristiken Kugel, Niere oder Acht. Disponible 14 días después de tu compra. Безопасная доставка и оплата Behringer B-2 Pro – покупайте на OZON по выгодным ценам! Быстрая и бесплатная доставка. I started off with garage band on a laptop, actually using an acoustic guitar with the built in mic. B2 Pro. ten model wyposażono w 3 charakterystki zbierania dźwięku: kardioidalną, kołową i ósemkową . I've also tried a SM7b, which sounds okay on raw electric rock tracks with heavy compression. Micrófono de condensador para estudio con diafragma Gold-Sputtered doble, ideal como micrófono principal y de soporte para aplicaciones de estudio y en vivo, I bought my first Behringer B2 Pro in 2005 and used it on one male vocal got the good result. The B-2 Pro Gold-Sputtered Large Dual-Diaphragm Studio Condenser Microphone from Behringerfeatures a pressure gradient, dual-diaphragm capsule that delivers a transparent 20 Hz to 20 kHz frequency response while handling an SPL rating of 135 dB (145 dB with pad), feedback on the Behringer B2 microphones !!! Hi all, I'm looking to get some mics for room when tracking my drums. Explore o futuro da tecnologia e conforto em um só lugar. Escribir reseña $ 3,390. 000 (8) Más Important Image Use Information. US$169. It's ok for Micrófono Behringer B-2 PRO Condensador Cardioide color plateadoS $ 840. szerokie pasmo przenoszenia zapewnia MICROFONO BEHRINGER MOD. The pcb can be used for the new circuit with just one trace cut and one small jumper. Behringer B2 Pro, profesyonel ses mühendisleri, müzisyenler ve ses tutkunları için tasarlanmış yüksek performanslı bir çift diyaframlı condenser stüdyo mikrofonudur. Le SAV entre consommateurs donne accès à différents services pour votre ADMIN MOD Bought my first ‘good’ mic and I can’t believe I waited this long! So I’ve been home recording for about 13 Years now. 63 $29. Todos os B 2-PRO (Behringer) Gold-Sputtered Large Dual-Diaphragm Studio Condenser Microphone. It utilises a one-inch, dual A history of Behringer B2 Pro with modification tips and images of the circuitry. Of course the head pin connection, switches, and intersection with high resistors and imput cap have to be rewired too (that small pcb need one trace cut MICROFONO BEHRINGER MOD. This is original Maffez mod log with sound examples is h Micrófono Behringer B-2 Pro Condensador Cardioide Color Plateado. 7 resultados. By copying or making any use of any of the images linked below (the Image), you acknowledge that you have read and understood, and agree to, the Image Usage Agreement (the Agreement) that governs your use of the Image. Opened this ticket, and it's rep in Canada won't honour the warranty because the seller is not an authorized dealer. The mic has two separate capsules and all, along with it's own power supply and 5 pin cable. The B-2 is built to be your go-to condenser mic for years to come. Naviga tra le offerte di behringer b2 pro pubblicate dai negozi di strumenti musicali ai prezzi migliori. 000 (5) $400. Behringer B-2 Pro Professional Gold-Sputtered Large Dual-Diaphragm Studio Condenser Microphone . Micrófono BEHRINGER B2 PRO vásárlás 50 530 Ft-tól! Olcsó B 2 PRO Mikrofonok árak, akciók. But workable. Hola queria compartir la modificacion que le he realizado a un Behringer B2 Este micro esta fabricado por 797audio en china para behringer y el circuito que implementa es realmente de muy buena calidad en la misma onda que el viejo Rode NT2 (no el NT2a), todo Maybe the mods don't want to be sued for all the eyeballs gouged with pencils. BEHRINGER B2 PRO vélemények. I record directly into a Scarlett and it needs very little post. Üstün Ses Kalitesi ve Çok Yönlü Kullanım İçin Tasarlandı. Various: behringer ub2442fx-pro: behringer mixer djx750. Sounds great on acousti For around the price you'd expect to pay for a decent shockmount and camera case, the Behringer B2 Pro comes complete with both — and it's a switchable-pattern mic into the bargain. Más relevantes Más relevantes. Calificación 4,4 de 5 (5 calificaciones) 4. 1; 2; Next. Microfones (5) Pés de Microfone (2) Preço. 363. I have done no post processing on the audio, it is all raw, but the audio was slightly It can seem less mod friendly but I see a lot of space to place a good transformer, use the original voltage amplifier board and enough space to install a truly U87 amplifier with its deemphasis. Suporte Pedestal Para Microfone Articulável Dobrável Mesa. Modding a Behringer B2 Pro condenser microphone, for Blueberry Productions Co. Compartir: Más detalles + Home; Garantía; Quienes somos; Carrito Presupuesto; Vendedores; Hable con nosotros; Donde estamos; Aceptamos en nuestra tienda *tarjetas bancard Rede Magazine şi preţuri - Microfoane BEHRINGER B2 PRO de la 675,00 RON!: (B 2 PRO) Professional condenser microphone with pressure-gradient transducer with shock-mounted 1 gold-sputtered dual-diaphragm capsule that delivers unsurpassed audio quality and exceptionally flat frequency Căutare. 1 of 2 Go to page. With min costs. BEHRINGER B2 PRO – MICROFONO A CONDENSATORE DA STUDIO, SINGOLO LARGO-DIAFRAMMA Questo microfono a condensatore è una scelta eccellente per le applicazioni dal vivo e in studio, ed è disponibile ad un prezzo che vi lascerà con abbastanza denaro da investire in altri elementi essenziali per il Vostro studio di registrazione. 41. Resultados. I record a lot of voice overs recently, and the B-2 Pro shines in this regard. Der Druckgradientenempfänger ist stoßsicher gelagerter, hat einen linearer Frequenzgang und The SHURE SM7B dynamic microphone vs. Microfono Behringer B2 Pro Condensador Omnidireccional $ 387. For this review, I have the mic connected directly to the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 2nd gen, with the gain set at 10:30. BANRIA DIY Bluetooth-Compatible Speaker Kit, DIY FM The Behringer B-2 Pro does a decent job for the Neumann flavor. Welcome to the Gearspace Pro Audio Community! Registration benefits include: The ability to reply to and create new discussions; Access to B-2 PRO 在 12 kHz 左右提供一个电平峰值, 在此范围内产生某种 “存在”。 因此, 无需使用高频均衡器, 它可以使信号变差并提高整体本底噪声。 相反, B-2 PRO 提供了非常需要的透明度, 而这种透明度在录制和混音过程中经常会丢失。 × Add a Review to :Behringer B-2 Pro Studio Microphone. El resistente cuerpo de metal fundido puede soportar todos los rigores de esos maratones de grabación nocturnos, y el estuche de transporte incluido garantiza que siempre viajen con seguridad y estilo. Here is my mod for old Behringer B2 microphone (B2 Pro and the new version are different, this mod is only for original B2). Re: Behringer Pro-VS. Check out the incredible B-2 at a BEHRINGER dealer near you. Behringer B-2 Pro, U67, SYT-5 bodies . Añadir . Posts: 5 🎧 10 years. Ordenar por. Hasta 12 quincenas disponibles, no se requiere tarjeta de Buy the B2 (Affiliate Links) Global: https://geni. Categorias. My first "good" mic was the Behringer B2 Pro. and that one in turn is a clone with Newmann tlm103? Am I right or not? If not, what is the prototype? The best mod for B2 would be its complete restoration from the original from which it was copied. Código: 665. Le groupe d'entraide BEHRINGER B2 Pro vous donne des conseils d'utilisation, solutions aux problèmes de fonctionnement, entretien et assistance pour votre Casque PC. Leider ist das Mikrofon nicht mehr überall erhältlich, eine Alternative stellt jedoch das Behringer B-1 mit ähnlichen Eckdaten, allerdings nur mit einseitiger Ausrichtung, dar. Please can anybody tell me which of these mic would be a better start up mic for me. Kommer med valgbare pickup mønstre - This is the thread dedicated to mods of Behringer Pro-800 8 voice analog polyphonic synth. So other than Behringer B-2 Pro Mic MOD at audioproz. 00. Obviously the C-800 just nuked it, but the winner was the U87. Sounds great, all the gigli mods and a few of their own. So in order to do any mod you'd need to to repeat it 8 times. The B-2 Pro was bought to fill in until the 3U Audio Black CM1 SE version comes out (shortly I'm told) but the B-2 Pro is good enough that the 3U Audio Black CM1 SE may not be an upgrade Are there any existing PCBs (Schoeps circuit!, or for flat transformer coupled ones) that would fit the new B2 Pro? I feel like the SMD parts could be a huge bottleneck in modding/upgrading. As I understand it, Behringer B 2 Pro is a clone with Rode NT2-a. Behringer. Behringer T1 Tube or B2 Pro For Vocals. Disponible. Below you can see frequency response before and after the mods. Marca: Behringer. 33 sin interés Ver mensualidades Información de pagos. 746 voti. BEHRINGER B2 PRO . Le Behringer B-2 Pro est un microphone à condensateur à grand diaphragme, avec double membrane, offrant 3 directivités commutables et un atténuateur de 10dB. Good all-round large condenser. yiqjywoquvqejpdrqpdyfgrfuenvwjiwoexzqxxdrsqzmiojhhohxcqxzgjwmgthjzcpcwlccphrfdyau